FIC: Kidding (HP; H/Hr)

Feb 04, 2009 21:52

Title: Kidding
Author: Zelda Ophelia (zeldaophelia)
Fandom/Character: Harry Potter; Harry/Hermione
General info: Not mine; K+
Summary: She worked her mouth noiseless, trying to come up with a suitable argument. Without getting distracted by that get up he was wearing. For ohownovel's fandom_stocking.

You're kidding, right? )

fic: harry potter, fic, book: harry potter, fic challenge: fandom stocking

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Comments 2

madderbrad February 15 2009, 00:58:51 UTC
(Hard to work out how to do a reply with this LJ layout. I almost gave up before I found the (tiny) icon.)

Nice little drabble! A good mixture of the practicality we all know and expect from Hermione Granger ... together with the more surprising and playful lasciviousness that ended the story with a laugh. Good one!


leonhart_17 February 15 2009, 13:22:56 UTC
aww this is adorable! i love playful Hermione!

great job!


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