Title: In sickness and...
Author: Zelda Ophelia
failegaiden Rating: PG
Pairing: Flack/Stella.
Summary: "Mom's special recipe. And I don't make it for just anyone."
Stella groaned at the knock on her door, sniffling into her tissue as she considered whether she really wanted to try to get off the couch. She hated having the flu. Really hated it. Granted, she hated being sick in general, but the flu was the worst.
There was another knock on the door. She groaned again, pushing up off of the sofa. "Coming."
She practically felt winded just getting to the door, and had to lean against the wall as she opened the door. "Flack, what are you doing here?"
"Chicken soup." He held up a canteen in one hand, his other held a bag from a corner bodega. "So, you gonna let me in?"
"I can't believe this," she tried to surreptitiously run her hand through her hair. "Don, I'm sick."
"I know." He lifted the canteen again. "Mom's special recipe. And I don't make it for just anyone."
"But I look awful." Regardless of her denial, she stepped back and opened the door for him.
"You're supposed to, Stel." He raised his hands in surrender at the indignant look on her face. "I mean, you're sick. Clearly you aren't at your best. Though, if you ask me, you really don't look that bad."
She glared at his back as he went into her kitchen, returning with a bowl and motioning to the table. "C'mon, Stella, sit and eat."
"Don, you don't need to do this." She protested again, finally sitting when he gave her a look that rivaled the Mother Superior's most intimidating when she was in trouble at the orphanage. "I can take care of myself."
"Yeah, you can." He placed the bowl of soup in front of her, pulling another chair around to sit beside her. Reaching out, he placed his hand along the side of her face, thumb stroking her cheek. "But I'm here right now. So why don't you let me take care of you?"
"I suppose," she said as she leaned into his touch, "but only because this soup is really good."
"Oh, I see," he laughed, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "I guess that will work for now."