Stephenie Meyer vrs. J.K. Rowling

Aug 14, 2011 23:40

ZeldaQueen: *glances at title* Yeah, this is going to be fun.

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wanky quotes: stephenie meyer vrs. j.k. , twilight, other box, fandom: harry potter

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carakasla August 15 2011, 04:31:38 UTC
Don't for get the part where it was announced that HPDH was being split into two movies, then not long after it was announced that BD was doing the same thing! EVen though it could be easily made into one. Wonder who's idea THAT was? *whistles*


zelda_queen August 15 2011, 04:43:15 UTC
"Don't for get the part where it was announced that HPDH was being split into two movies, then not long after it was announced that BD was doing the same thing! EVen though it could be easily made into one. Wonder who's idea THAT was? *whistles*"

Well, Meyer did whine about how they simply HAD to make BD into two parts because there was far too much material in there for just one movie (*MASSIVE EYE TWITCH*), but I can't recall if that was before DH was two movies or not. Certainly is convenient timing, I must say.

Speaking of Meyer and the movies, I just noticed that not only did she get to be producer of BD, but she also is a producer for the film adaptation of "The Host" (yes, that's getting a movie). Jesus Christ, that woman just can't stand to give up any control on her works at all, can she?


yemi_hikari August 15 2011, 07:18:21 UTC
She is so full of herself. Thing is, I'm starting to see it come back and bite her in the but. She may gain a few more fans with each new release of stuff Breaking Dawn and further, she's losing far more it seems.


carakasla August 15 2011, 04:22:34 UTC
Twilight is a better movie series than HP? * glances at wikipedia* ( don't judge me)

I'm looking at Wikipedia's page of the top grossing movies of all time and you know where Twilight is in comparison to HP? (Sorry, have to use abbreviations because I'm on an iPhone right now)

HPPS - 11
HPCS - 23
HPPoA - 32 (lowest grossing of all HP movies)
HPGoF - 20
HPOotP - 14
HPHBP - 15
HPDHP1 - 13
HPDHP2 - 3 (yes, three)

Twilight on the other hand?
TW - Not top 50
NM - 44
EC - 46

All if the Transformer movies beat out Twilight. The lowest grossing HP movie still made about $90 million more than the highest grossing TW movie. So, HP isn't a blockbuster...why?


zelda_queen August 15 2011, 04:48:05 UTC
"So, HP isn't a blockbuster...why?"

Because whoever posted that was in deep denial. Or can't do basic research. Both seem equally likely.


carakasla August 15 2011, 05:18:49 UTC
...That took me ten seconds AND I'm on an iPhone, which makes all that typing quite hard for me. Sure, I used wiki but that was all up to date ( I heard the latest HP movie made top three like last week). Sure, BD isn't out yet but I don't see it overtaking HP because the last ones BARELY cracked the top 50 ( ... )


yemi_hikari August 15 2011, 07:28:57 UTC
I know of one person who watches the movies and then reads the books because she says that the books have so much depth to them and she doesn't like getting her hopes up for the movies by not having what she was expecting from the books.

I read one of the comments that says that you had to buy a new copy of one of her books before you could get the signature too. I don't know if it is true, because I haven't read the article, but good greif, that kind of actions make one wonder if her 22 milion books are really ligit. I meen, I've also heard stories about Twihards who out wore two or more copies of their books and had to buy new ones. She's just... a major fake.


gehayi August 15 2011, 04:59:04 UTC
I've NEVER heard of Rowling acting as the author of this article says. Nor have I heard of her putting down Americans. I have read some answers of hers in interviews where she explains that X would not happen because Wizarding Britain is different from America, or that British schooling traditions are not the same as America's. The Yule Ball, for example, sparked a lot of questions about whether or not it was held every year, like a prom in an American high school. Quite a lot of fans got upset when Rowling said that no, the Yule Ball was a special occasion because of the Triwizard Tournament and that Hogwarts, like most British schools, didn't HAVE proms. But there was nothing derogatory in that statement.

I don't believe I've ever heard Rowling mock another author.

As for charity--let's take a look, shall we?

One dollar from each first edition copy of Bree Tanner sold in the U.S. went to the Red Cross. Oh, and in 2009 Meyer allegedly teamed up with a skateboard company to design a skateboard for a charity auction for cancer.... )


yemi_hikari August 15 2011, 07:32:17 UTC
Someone had the audacity to complain about the fact that she wrote that book simply to be auctioned off for charity... but I don't know if they were being sarcastic or not. It was posted before it was announced that the book would be mass released for all the other fans.


overlordmikey August 15 2011, 09:40:31 UTC
WELL clearly she's into misandry too - I mean women and children issues! Clearly she hates men also! Meyer loves men; she has made it clear that she thinks men a simply better than women in every way which is clearly what us men want a women to believe. [obvious sarcasm ceases]
See I can act stupid too, not that difficult...

This person is a idiot...
Meyer is an idiot...
I propose (using questionable logic - okay downright logical fallacy) that this person IS Meyer!


sith_droideka August 18 2011, 02:39:15 UTC
I don't really understand Meyer's position on women, and I'm the same religion as her! Yeah, the church teachers motherhood and that kind of stuff- but the kinds of things that Edward does in Twilight could probably result in excommunication if he doesn't improve. Not to mention you're allowed to have things besides tending to your families, and doing whatever else Bella does ( ... )


lollapalooza108 August 15 2011, 11:08:31 UTC
*sigh* Look, I'm not a big fan of the Harry Potter series (I haven't read past the first book) but I really REALLY have to call time here and say that this article is complete and utter BOLLOCKS.

First of all, when will people stop comparing Twilight to Harry Potter? It's like comparing apples and oranges.

Second, Smeyer acts like a complete dipshit in her interviews: her mannerisms, the things she says, she sounds just like those "dumb blonde barbies" she HATES so much (You are what you hate, Smeyer...)

I suspect that the author of this amazing Pulitzer Prize winning article favors Meyer because of said dumb girl mannerisms and lame jokes she makes (my editor is a ninja, anyone?)

Lastly, nothing irks me more that NOT QUOTING YOUR SOURCES IN A ARTICLE, YOU DUMBASS. And stop using "lol" it makes you look like a wanker. :/


szaleniec1000 August 15 2011, 12:37:53 UTC
Her editor could be a ninja. They've certainly left no trace of their presence.


morri_delrae August 15 2011, 18:44:22 UTC
And you, sir, are a genius. Have an internet :D


szaleniec1000 August 15 2011, 21:56:56 UTC
Thanks! :)


erikalyndis August 15 2011, 14:25:42 UTC
I... have no words. Your commentary, however, was wonderful.

... )


APPROPRIATE IMAGE IS APPROPRIATE lollapalooza108 August 15 2011, 16:41:57 UTC
I think we definitely need Kanaya's assistance. More specifically, the assistance of her chainsaw.


Re: APPROPRIATE IMAGE IS APPROPRIATE erikalyndis August 15 2011, 17:14:02 UTC
I Am Unamused By The Opinions Put Forth In This Editorial And Would Like To Take A Moment Of Your Time To Rebuff Them


... )


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