Your weekly service announcement; Drop by the
zelda_dressing AIM chatroom: zdressing when you have time. We're always friendly and love having new people to plot with. ♥
Which brings me to my main point!
Shipping List!
Feel free to comment with more!!!
*Angst!Shipping - Melee!Link/AU!Link [Twilight Princess]
Awkward!Shipping - Viscen and OU!Zelda [Twilight Princess]
Betrayal!Shipping - Vaati/Shadow/Vio (yes, in that order >| )
~Bishounen!Shipping - FD and Raven
Bitter!Shipping - Kafei and Viscen
*Blondwich!Shipping - Melee/Sheik/AU (well, fuck me, it actually happened ._.; )
Bonehead!Shipping - Viscen and King
Brat!Shipping - Kafei and Any Link
BrokenMirror!Shipping - Shadow and Midna Vio/AU mun cries at this btw
Brother!Shipping - Vaati and Red
~Castration!Shipping - Ganon and Blue
Ceiling!Shipping - Sheik and the ceiling. The only ship that will last till the end of time >|b
~Crack!Shipping - Subrosian Dan and Fierce Deity
Creepy!Shipping - Dead!Viscen and Shadow
*Confused!Shipping - FD/MM!Link (Majora's Mask Link)
Cute!Shipping - Red Link and Saria (Like Angst!Shipping, only with cute)
Dance!Shipping - Ganon and Dark Link
DarkSword!Shipping - Violet Link (Vio)/Shadow Link (broken mirror)
*Drafted!Shipping (platonically) - Sheik and AU!Link
FalseHope!Shipping - Sheik and AU!Zelda
Father!Shipping - Ganon and Vaati
Fear!Shipping - Broken!Shadow and Saria
Flower-Chain!Shipping - Midna and Viscen (Shakespeare quotes go!)
FUCKINGTALL!Shipping ~Married?Shipping - FD and Statue!Ganon
*FreakingAdorable!Shipping - Blue/little!Zelda
God!Shipping - Vaati and FD
Hate!Shipping - FD and Sheik
Hell!Shipping - MM!Link and Melee!Link
KAWAII~Shipping - Wind Waker Link and his icons (DON'T ARGUE IT!)
Lensflare!Shipping - Midna and Statue!Ganon *glint~*
LightSword!Shipping - Blue Link and Red Link
Loyalty!Shipping - Sheik and OU!Zelda
Master-Servant!Ship - FD and Viscen
Memory!Shipping - AU!Link and all Links (chat loev his angst apparently ;-;)
Mentor!Shipping - FD and WW!Link
MistakenIdentity!Shipping - Sheik and Melee
Nameless!Shipping - FD and Drummer
Revenge!Shipping - Broken!Shadow and Catalyst!Shadow (I am going to die)
Rock!Shipping - Goron!Link and MM!Link
~Shadow!Shipping - Sheikah/Twili/Shadow+Dark asdjlfl;kajsd;flasj
Terror!Shipping - Cucco/anyone
Tough-Love!Shipping - Viscen and Ganon
Twilight!Shipping or alternatively, Jailbreak!Shipping - AU and Midna
(*) = DR canon
(~) = not serious
Please note; Shippings are character pairs. Not all of them are meant to be taken in a romantic sense.
~ Special ~
Procrastination!Shipping - Chat Regulars you know who you are
M'kay, because Sheik (
tehnrija) said it and I thought it was genius, adding an extra section. &hearts really though? Chat's been joking about it for a while
Fierce Deity = Dressing Room's Pimpdaddy. srsly
Sheik = ceiling cat Obsessive Stalker
AU!Link = Mentally Unstable aka DSM-IV (by Midna) aka the One in the Straitjacket
Viscen = Dressing Room Stress Ball (look at half his ships)
Red + WW!Link = Moe Moe
OU!Zelda = Team Mom
Feel free to add or ask to have someone removed. >> the chat's bored and procrastinating on tags. &hearts