Betrayed: Chapter 6

Apr 30, 2011 11:46

ZeldaQueen: In which the plot shows up, drunk out of its mind and staggering

Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...

Chapter 6

ZeldaQueen: So Zoey is grumbling about men and mixed messages and goes back to her dorm, to find Stevie Rae, the Twins, and Damien waiting for her and watching TV. While Zoey still doesn't want the Twins and Damien to know, she does want to tell Stevie Rae "every single, tiny, juicy detail about Loren-and let her help me figure out what the hell all of it meant". It means that he's a sleaze who is trying to seduce a minor, my dear. She asks to talk to Stevie Rae in private, but everyone calls her over to see the news being played. It's Fox News and anchorwoman Cher Kimiko is reporting. Zoey "automatically" comments on how Ms Kimiko is so beautiful, she ought to be a vampire.

First of all, is it just me, or does Zoey spend an awful lot of time going on about how attractive people are? Is she supposed to be a female Doby Gillis or something?

Second of all, fuck you and your "humans can't be beautiful" sentiments.

Anyway, the plot has stumbled in like Heath into last book's climax. It seems that a guy from Zoey's previous high school has been missing since yesterday and there are already search parties combing the areas nearby. For some reason, they think he's in the "Woodward Park area", even though he's never been there before and would have had no reason to be there. And yes, I know there are plenty of ways they could have known if he was last seen there. The book sees fit to give none of them.

The story's over and everyone turns to Zoey and asks if she knew the guy. She says that she didn't know him well, but ran into him a few times because he and Heath were both on the football team so he and his cousin Jon would be at a lot of the parties that she and Heath would go to. And then, for no reason at all, she says "Rumor has it they've graduated from getting trashed on cheap beer to getting trashed on cheap beer while they pass around nasty joints".

So he's a stupid jock football player who smokes marijuana.

You know, when I made that joke back in Marked about how Neferet only wanted the names of the joint-smoking football players so that she could attack them, I swear I hadn't read this far ahead.

Zoey then turns to Shaunee and says "And before you ask, yes, he is as cute in real life as he was in his picture".


She...they...a guy has just gone missing and all they can think about is how good-looking he...bzuh?

*closes mouth*

*opens it again*

*closes mouth*

I...I really hate these people.

And no, this stupid joke about how hot the missing teenage boy is just will not die! Shaunee says "Damn shame when something bad happens to a cute brother", to which Erin replies "Damn shame when something happens to any cute guy-no matter what color, Twin...We shouldn't discriminate. Cuteness is cuteness".

I seriously hope that this is just another example of the Cast ladies trying and failing to be witty. Because if not, it's got to be one of the worst calls for racial equality I've ever seen in my life.

At this point, for absolutely no damned reason at all, Stevie Rae brings up the pot smoking, saying how she hates the smell, the taste, and how she smoked a joint once and it burned her throat and the weed got in her mouth, and dear GOD Cast ladies, off of the soap box, please! Shaunee and Erin instantly turn all PSA on us, going on about how disgusting pot is and how "Plus it makes you eat for no good reason. It's a shame the hottie football players are into that".

*grits teeth*

First of all, what is up with the "pot makes you overeat and get fat" thing? That's at least the second time it's brought up! Is that honestly the best reason the Cast ladies have for slamming it? Or do they honestly think that teenage girls are so shallow that that's the only reason they'd care about?

Second of all, who else gets the feeling that if the football player wasn't hot, those two dipheads wouldn't give two shits about his health or safety?

Third of all, if anyone can give a legitimate and satisfactory reason those twerps are in this story, besides fulfilling their stereotypes, soapboxing on the Suethors' behalf, kissing Zoey's ass, and representing the elements, I will publicly declare Bella Swan to be a feminist character on par with Jane Eyre.

Right. We finish that idiotic and pointless detour and Zoey announces that she has a bad feeling about the disappearance. You and Obi-Wan Kenobi, sweetheart. Everyone freaks out over this and acts like it's something they know Zoey's had before and are worried about, which makes no sense seeing as she had this feeling once before and told no one about it.

Cue a scene break, and apparently everyone is talk about the disappearance of the high school football player. Zoey takes this opportunity to forget about the pervy teacher, but to her credit she does keep in mind the disappearance, instead of filing it with the other dead herrings. Her Deus Ex Machina Feeling - as I shall be calling it from now on - tells her that the guy is dead, but she doesn't want to believe it.

We're told about everyone else's theories, which generally revolve around the kid having run away under his own power. Now I realize that when people are worried about something, it's very common to try to dismiss it as not being as bad as it appears. In most other circumstances, I'd figure that everyone was trying not to think of the fact that an innocent kid could be dead or hurt. But when the theories are worded thusly...

"which ranged from the Twins' insistence that "the hottie probably had a fight with his parental units and he's off drinking cheap beer somewhere" to Damien's firm belief that he might have discovered homosexual tendencies and had taken off for New York City to fulfill his dream of being a gay model"

ZeldaQueen: You'll forgive me for finding it hard to see them as being serious.

Amazingly, Zoey manages to keep up with the plot and continues to have her Deus Ex Machina Feeling, which gives her a terrible stomach ache. While at lunch, Aphrodite shows up. I'm instantly relieved because try as the Cast ladies do to make her Scary, she's the most interesting person in this story thus far. It turns out that Aphrodite found that earring that Zoey dropped earlier when she was eavesdropping, and is returning it. Aphrodite is amazingly subdued this entire time, and that only adds to how much more pleasant she is to read about than the "good guys". Zoey thanks her for returning the earring and Aphrodite says "Guess you're not the only one who has feelings about things". Oh look, a clear clue that she knows that Zoey has her Deus Ex Machina Feeling over the disappearance and knows something about it, or at least has a similar Deux Ex Machina Feeling! Surely Zoey will pick up on this to some degree, or at least take note of how oddly quiet Aphrodite is...

Instead, we get it hammered in how Aphrodite's former friends won't say two words to her, and how she eats her meals alone, in courtyard. Zoey's friends note how weird Aphrodite was, and Erin says "Yeah, weird as in psycho bitch from hell". In no way was Aphrodite "psycho". In fact, she was the very opposite of psycho. There really is no way for her to win, is there? Even when she's nice and calm, they think she's insanely evil!

Zoey actually takes note of how lonely and ostracized Aphrodite is, and everyone goes all dramma-llama because OH MY GOD APHRODITE IS EEEEEEEVILLLLL and there must be a reason for the Wonderful and Pure Zoey to feel pity for her, because it's not like someone could sympathize with a plight like that just because. Stevie Rae actually tells Zoey to "Stop feeling sorry for her!", and I really hate that girl.

Their conversation is interrupted when Neferet steps in and asks if Zoey would like to have dinner with her. Zoey is worried about this because she remembers how Neferet was treating Aphrodite before, and I do have to give props for that actually staying in her mind. Right now Neferet is all smiles and kindness, so Zoey agrees. She starts getting all nervous and babbling, and hopes she can shut herself up because, "Kinda like how you can't have diarrhea forever-it eventually has to stop".

I have to ask, what is the Cast ladies' obession with diarrhea? They spent way too much of the last book bringing it up, and now this. Is that like their joke disease? Like ha-ha, you poop a whole lot? It's disgusting and stupid and really does little to make Zoey look mature. Zoey goes off with Neferet and notes how her Deux Ex Machina Feeling senses are tingling, but oh there ought to be no reason because Neferet is just so sweet and kind and what do you know, Aphrodite is watching and seems to have a look of pity on her face and whyever could that be?

God, this chick is stupid

Onward to: Chapter 7

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book 2, suethor: kristin cast, fic: betrayed, series: house of night, suethor: pc cast, chapter 6

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