Mar 01, 2011 08:31
So, judging by the last announcement, there is interest in a group recapping of The Mortal Instruments. So, in this post, let's figure out who gets what chapters!
There are twenty-three chapters, plus an epilogue. How many chapters everyone can have depends on how many people are interested in recapping, of course. I will put who wants what here,
Chapter 1 - erikalyndis RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 2 - parrinoyd RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 3 - szaleniec1000 RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 4 - zelda_queen RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 5 - aikaterini (will go with six, if someone wants this one) RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 6 - aikaterini (will go with five, if someone wants this one) RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 7 - overlordmikey RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 8 - zelda_queen RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 9 - erikalyndis (if no one else wants it) RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 10 - foxypope RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 11 - tsukasabuddha RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 12 - tsukasabuddha RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 13 - tsukasabuddha RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 14 - carakasla RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 15 - carakasla RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 16 - nawsome RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 17 - turtlecrackers RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 18 - darkslover
Chapter 19 - mogselof RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 20 - emmran RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 21 - parrinoyd (if no one else wants it) RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 22 - foxypope (if no one else wants it) RECAP RECEIVED
Chapter 23 - stormswift RECAP RECEIVED
Epilogue - gehayi RECAP RECEIVED
Keep in mind that this will be changed a lot, depending on who wants what.
Now, as for how this will work. Basically, everyone recaps their requested chapters, in whatever style they'd like. All I ask is that you don't actually spork the full chapters, just because this is a published work and all. Just recap, like Mervin is doing with the Twilight series.
After the recapping is done, send it to me. You can do that however you like. If you want to e-mail it to me, send it to, and be sure to PM me afterwards (the PM is because my e-mail is kind of weird about getting stuff in, and I don't want someone to slave away at a recap and then have it get lost in cyberspace and not know it). I will post the recappings here, in order.
As I said in the last announcement, if you are in need of a copy of the book City of Bones (or if you are interested in an online copy, for whatever reason), just let me know.
Deadlines: We're going to have a few weeks for people to lay claim to any chapters they want. I'm actually getting close to finishing Marked, and I'd like to tie that one up before posting a new book recapping. As for the deadlines of the recaps themselves...well, that's a little looser. Obviously the sooner you can send them over, the better. I just don't want to pressure folks who have stuff going on in their lives.
I think that's about everything. Just have fun, and may the spork be with you!
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