ZeldaQueen: Hello everyone, and a very happy new year! It's a time to start new things, and that includes sporkings! Thus, we are starting on yet another piece of original fiction. This one was brought to my attention by Miss
shaolina, and boy is it a stinker. Let us begin to tear into Marked, the first novel in the House of Night series
Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...
For our wonderful agent, Meredith Bernstein, who said the three magic words: vampyre finishing school. We
heart you!
ZeldaQueen: Okay, I'll admit that if someone said "vampyre finishing school", I'd be tempted to write some sort of book about it. But damned if I know how I'd tell if they said "vampire" or "vampyre" to me
ZeldaQueen: Let's hope they don't thank Muse and their online fan clubs
I would like to thank a wonderful student of mine, John Maslin, for research help and for reading and giving feedback on many early versions of the book. His input was invaluable.
ZeldaQueen: Okay, I'm going to keep this guy in mind. If this book commits as much research fail as Meyer's series does, I will know to curse his name
A big THANKS GUYS goes out to my Creative Writing classes in the school year 2005-2006.
ZeldaQueen: And as everyone knows, a "THANKS GUYS" is more heartfelt than a regular old "thanks"
Your brainstorming was lots of help (and quite amusing).
ZeldaQueen: I know they meant the ideas were funny, but I like to imagine that their brainstorming techniques involved bizarre ritualistic things, like hanging from their desks by their ankles, sucking erotically on bananas
I also want to thank my fabulous daughter, Kristin, for making sure we sound like teenagers. I couldn't have
done it without you.
ZeldaQueen: I've got a really bad feeling about that
(She made me write that.) -PC
ZeldaQueen: I pity their poor computer, which clearly has gained sentience. I bet it tried to write "SAVE ME!!!" before they caught on and deleted it
I want to thank my lovely "mam," better known as PC,
ZeldaQueen: You call your mother "Politically Correct"?
for being such an unbelievably talented author and so easy to work with. (Okay, she made me write that.) - Kristin
ZeldaQueen: You know, that joke's wearing rather thin. Although I will say that I admire that they were able to work together to write a novel. The most I ever did with my mother was have her help me with my middle school essays, and we nearly killed each other over those
PC and Kristin would both like to thank their dad/grandpa, Dick Cast,
ZeldaQueen: The unfortunately-named bastard
for the biological hypothesis he helped create as the basis for the House of Night's vampyres. We love you Dad/G-pa!
ZeldaQueen: And if the biological explanation for the vampires - excuse me, vampyres - in this book fails as much as Meyer's does, I shall be cursing his name
From Hesiod's poem to Nyx, the Greek personification of night:
"There also stands the gloomy house of Night; ghastly clouds shroud it in darkness. Before it Atlas stands erect and on his head and unwearying arms firmly supports the broad sky, where Night and Day cross a bronze threshold and then come close and greet each other."
(Hesiod, Theogony, 744 ff. )
ZeldaQueen: To give credit, at least they didn't rip an obvious and well-known quote from some popular Shakespeare play, like Romeo and Juliet. Ten bucks says this explains little to nothing about the plot, though
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