ZeldaQueen: Hello, y'all! I'm back! Sorry for the disappearing act, I just got back from Washington D.C. Link still needs a break, but I'm joining Leah and Zyn for a few more chapters
Leah: Whatever
Zyn: Of course, you are most welcome
Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...
Chapter 25: A Sirius Situation (Part 2)
Holly frowned, not liking that all, but she did as he bade, actually brushing against him now.
Zyn: Why is she so suspicious of this man? He has done nothing to threaten her in the slightest
ZeldaQueen: It's for angst. See how she plays up how oh-so-special it is that she can touch him?
She fought the urge to flinch at the contact, memories of her recent treatment at Marge's hands floating to the forefront of her mind. Her friends and the Zabinis were one thing, a complete stranger she had known for less than a half-hour was quite another. Holly wasn't comfortable being this close to him, especially not without anyone else she trusted around.
Leah: Is this going to continue for the rest of the chapter? Because I might have to hurt something if it is
ZeldaQueen: Rest of the chapter? This has been going on for the entire goddammed fic!
Zyn: Aren't you having fun yet?
Leah: Shut up
Kingsley gave her a reassuring grin, but it didn't really work.
ZeldaQueen: Because she's an angsty little toad that's never happy
"Ready? Three… two… one…"
And suddenly, there was a jerk beneath her navel as her feet left the ground. She felt herself bump more fully into Shacklebolt, though her finger was still firmly stuck to the enlarged stone. The pair of them flew through space for several seconds before their feet were slammed onto the floor. The girl staggered somewhat, managing to keep standing partially thanks to the arm Kingsley had wrapped around her shoulders.
Zyn: I'm certain that this all warranted that bloated description. Somehow
Holly glanced around as the Auror steadied her. They appeared to actually be inside the pub, in a tea room that was currently empty of other people, but she felt the definite tingle of multiple minds in close proximity. She noted Shacklebolt step away from her side and turned to watch him walk to the nearby door. He stuck out his head into what she assumed was a hallway and called to someone, receiving a muffled response that the girl didn't quite catch.
Leah: Fuck it, are we going back into Boring Description Mode again?
ZeldaQueen: Yes, I do believe we are. How have y'all been doing?
Leah: Pretty well. How was Washington?
ZeldaQueen: Nice. Really rainy though?
Leah: Are you sure you went to the capital and not the state?
Zyn: Sporking?
ZeldaQueen: Right
Knowing she probably wasn't meant to hear and couldn't anyway, Holly turned her attention to the throbbing part of her body. Apparently, it hadn't really liked the Portkey trip, not that she could blame it. She hadn't liked the journey either.
Zyn: And I do not like you. How marvelous that we can agree!
The Slytherin cautiously lifting her arm from her chest, ghosting her fingers over the edge of her long sleeve. She hesitated easing the edge up, knowing that it would not be a good idea with the Auror so close by. It wouldn't do to let him see how badly she was really hurt.
Leah: Because then you couldn't angst and wince and make everyone feel sorry for you
"Why don't you let me take a look at that?" the bald man asked as he returned from the door, which was now firmly shut.
"No, thank you," Holly inserted quickly, not at all willing to let him inspect her. She trusted him enough to take her to the Leaky Cauldron, but that was it.
ZeldaQueen: Why? They had better explain this!
Besides, if he looked, he would be sure to see the finger-like bruises that were already purpling around it. That would lead to awkward questions, something she couldn't allow, especially not since she still needed the blood protection offered at Privet Drive.
ZeldaQueen: Oh...that's just...
Zyn: It's certainly not as if the Ministry could simply arrange for some magical means of protecting her as she lived in the house
ZeldaQueen: Wait a second...how the hell does she know about the blood protection? She shouldn't have learned about it yet! She HASN'T learned about it yet! Harry didn't learn about it until...the fifth book, wasn't it? Point is, he certainly didn't know about it now! In fact, he kept using every opportunity by now to ditch out! WHAT THE HELL, SUETHOR, CAN'T YOU KEEP YOUR OWN STORY STRAIGHT???
If only she and Blaise had been able to come up with a better option before the summer.
Zyn: If her life with her relatives has always been a living hell, why didn't they arrange for those better options?
"It's nothing," she assured him after a moment. "I simply fell and caught myself wrong. I'll be fine by morning, Auror Shacklebolt."
Leah: (Sue) "It's nothing! My author just likes me to milk injuries for sympathy, that's all!"
He didn't seem to believe her but wasn't sure what else to do.
"Call me
Leah: Crazy
ZeldaQueen: Ishmael
Zyn: There is no money in hog calling
Kingsley, and here, take this. It should help." The man reached into one of the compartments of the odd belt at his waist, pulling out a potion bottle. "Standard Auror fare," he explained at her inquiring look. "A mild Pain potion that will allow you to keep a clear head, while not letting you forget that you're hurt."
ZeldaQueen: Ignoring this incredibly stupid idea, if Holly and Riddle are so clever, why didn't they figure this one out? They can somehow remove the Trace from Holly, but can't make a potion that helps her with pain?
Holly studied him for a second, determining that he was telling the truth. She took the offered bottle, studying the soft-green substance inside. The girl downed it in one gulp. Surprisingly, it tasted faintly of mint. Better yet, the now jabbing pain dulled to a mere tingle across her skin.
ZeldaQueen: I wonder how it works on spork wounds?
"Thank you," the Slytherin said honestly.
"You're welcome. Though, I really think you should have someone look at that. There's a Healing Station on the other side of the entrance to the Alley. I could take you-"
Zyn: To the moon!
Leah: To hell!
ZeldaQueen: To Disneyland!
The rest of his sentence was cut off by the entrance of two people.
ZeldaQueen: They were Agents J and K, who quickly recognized the Sue as inhuman and dispatched of her
"Ah, Tom," Kingsley stated cheerfully before turning to the other newcomer. "Minister Fudge," he continued in a much more impartial tone.
Zyn: I do not have a good feeling about this
Holly neutrally looked at the man in the lime-green bowler hat, fighting the urge to frown as the Minister turned to her.
Leah: Yeah, me neither
"Hello, Holly," he greeted jovially before turning to the others. "See to her room, will you, Tom? That will be all, Auror Shacklebolt." Fudge dismissed them with a wave.
The barkeep beamed and went for the door, taking her trunk with him. On the other hand, Kingsley looked ready to object, looking her over once again, but Holly beat him to it.
"Thank you for everything, Mr. Shacklebolt," the girl said softly, giving him a faint smile. "Kingsley," she corrected after a beat.
ZeldaQueen: (Sue) "Aren't I just so sweet and charming?"
He continued to look at her for a minute, eyes lingering on a particular spot.
Leah: Augh! Pervert!
His unspoken message was clear: "Get that checked out."
ZeldaQueen: By a gynecologist. BURN!
And Holly nodded.
ZeldaQueen: What is this, Monty Python and the Holy Grail?
Zyn: And the Sue did command undeserved attention from all those she favored and did glare and throw tantrums at those who displeased her. And the sporkers did take up arms against her, for her obnoxious behavior did irritate them to no end
With that reassurance, the Auror finally left.
Leah: Yeah, after she clearly is injured and won't let him even look at it, let alone treat it, one head nod is just such a reassurance
ZeldaQueen: Oh fuck, everyone get ready!
Zyn: Why?
ZeldaQueen: The suethor doesn't like Fudge
Leah: Ah, 'nuff said
What followed was probably one of the most arduous half-hours of Holly Potter's short life, including Marge's recent holiday stay. After a brief introduction that the girl didn't truly need as she had seen him before, not that he knew, Fudge set about recapping everything Shacklebolt and Diggory had told with less emphasis on individual efforts and with more on the girl's foolishness for leaving. From there, he ventured to her summer plans, frowning noticeably when she mentioned the Zabinis.
ZeldaQueen: Dear God, was that bitchy! What the ever-loving hell, suethor? What is the matter with you? Why do you think this is endearing?
Leah: Alright, let's sound off! First, we have the suethor condensing canon into a brief paragraph to save herself the trouble of actually describing it
Zyn: We then have everything described in the most unsavory terms possible, making Holly appear extremely ungrateful, despite the fact that the minister was surely the one who sent the Aurors out in the first place to protect her from a deranged serial killer. She also conveniently ignores this fact, forgetting that not every character knows everything that she does. This also applies to her being arrogant and condescending over the introductions, even though she openly admits that he does not know that she already knows him
ZeldaQueen: And last but not least, we have Fudge being demonized for daring to call Holly out on being an idiot, all with a nice side of ridiculous Slytherin hatred, just to emphasize that Fudge is Bad. Why the hell would he care about the Zabinis? By this point in canon, he still is employing former Death Eaters!
Throughout it all, Holly thankfully minded her manners, no doubt doing Eren Zabini proud.
Leah: Oh, isn't it so fucking thoughtful of her to keep up with basic decency? This is just Bella Swan all over again, whining about how boring it is to be expected to hold polite conversation with one's host when one is staying at someone else's house
She properly greeted the man and listened to him with a calm if neutral face. However, inside, she was seething and occasionally shuddering.
ZeldaQueen: Because she's an angsty little toad who is a rude bitch to anyone who crosses her in the least bit
This was the same man who had dragged Hagrid off and sent him to Azkaban with little evidence and no trial, and she couldn't help but despise him for that.
Zyn: I have noticed that she can not seem to help despising a good many people
ZeldaQueen: No kidding! Apparently she forgot that Hagrid was literally the only lead they had and it was implied that he was under a load of pressure to do something. I notice, incidentally, that she doesn't despise Lucius for giving in to pressure and calling for Dumbeldore to have been sacked
Not to mention, that he had one of the slimiest minds she had ever encounter, including Lockhart.
Leah: I kind of got the feeling that Lockhart was just an idiot, personally. Much like Alice Cullen, or pre-Eclipse Rosalie
ZeldaQueen: Jesus Christ, even when Lockhart's gone the suethor can't help take swipes at him!
It was simpering and weak and altogether too easy for her to pick up on his rancid and vapid thoughts. He had no mental shielding at all, and if Holly had so desired, she could have learned his entire life story in a manner of moments.
Zyn: And I'm sure that she would feel perfectly entitled to lurking about in someone's innermost thoughts, with no regards to his privacy. After all, it would be entirely his fault, no? If he really didn't want someone searching his mind, surely he would implement extremely difficult shielding techniques
If she didn't know any better, and she was actually beginning to think that it might just be true, the Slytherin might have suspected that it was all a sham, that he really did have shielding and that it was secretly hidden under all rubbish. If that were so, then Fudge was far more devious than she gave him credit, and he warranted close watching. On the other hand, she might just be reading too much into it.
ZeldaQueen: SHUT UP!
Leah: Wow, I love how the suethor couldn't devote this much effort to the canon details about Fudge looking out for Holly's wellbeing
Regardless, of her conundrum and her dislike of his mind and the situation, Holly did manage to find out several fascinating things from Fudge. The first was that the Ministry was having no luck in hunting down Sirius; they didn't even know he was an Animagus! Second, Holly learned that Sirius had supposedly served Voldemort and that he had killed thirteen Muggles and a wizard with only one curse. Lastly, Black was supposed to be out and after her!
ZeldaQueen: *whacks head repeatedly against wall*
Zyn: Let me see, we now know that Black is an Animagus, we know that he is not going to kill Holly at first sight, and now we had it spilled that Sirius allegedly broke out to kill her. Is there any point left to this story arc at all?
Leah: I love how the only thing about this conversation that "fascinates" her comes from her poking around his head without permission. You were totally right, Zyn. And good God, this is Edward Cullen all over!
Holly hadn't received a warning on accidental magic and wasn't being punished because they were simply thankful she was alive.
The girl actually shivered when she discovered the last two parts, causing Fudge to ask if she was cold.
It just didn't make any sense.
ZeldaQueen: Yes, how dare someone want to kill Holly! It's not like she's an angsty little shit who is a bitch to everyone she hates and is fine with people she likes getting away with murder, all while keeping up the facade of being a sweet, tortured little angel. GOD, I WANT HER TO DIE!!!
Zyn: ...Do you need a break?
ZeldaQueen: No, no I'm fine. Fuck, this is why I waited for my Excedrin to kick in before starting this bit
From what she had gleaned from Sirius' mind, he hadn't wanted to harm her at all. He had actually just desired to see her. Further, if Sirius was so dangerous, why did she remember him? Why would she recall a mass murderer from her memories of being a little girl?
Leah: Well, let's start with the fact that she shouldn't remember him at all...
ZeldaQueen: I give up! This is just the last section all over! I swear to God, the suethor's strategy is to carefully ruin all of the canon mysteries and then put in half-baked ones, while Holly muses endlessly over how it doesn't make any sense, dammit!
It didn't make any sense, none at all.
All: I'LL SAY!
And Holly considered all the angles of the mind boggling mystery, even as she fingered the dog figurine in her pocket.
Leah: I don't know what's worse - that she considers this to be "mind boggling" or that she seems to be getting off on the statue of her godfather
Zyn: You have quite the dirty mind, did you know that?
Leah: It's been mentioned. You think I'm bad though, you should have seen that blind dude I sporked a Labyrinth Sue with
Zyn: I shall take your word for it
Fudge thought Sirius a Death Eater and out to kill her. Yet, the man was little more than a snivelling, self-serving politician.
...*blinks* I really need some Valium
On the other hand, Sirius was obviously an escaped criminal, but his thoughts showed that he was sincere in his desire to help her. Additionally, she knew this man; she felt connected to him. She could feel her magic, her telepathy pulling her to him, telling her reach out to him. Her abilities had never been wrong before. They had guided her to Blaise, her truest and dearest friend, and then Draco. They had led her to Luna, and they had urged her to trust Tom, even when the evidence seemed against him.
ZeldaQueen: Only because the suethor warped him way far from canon! That's why the evidence was against him!
Leah: *sighs* And it's time to watch the Sue flounder over this contradiction in the place of an actual conflict, correct?
ZeldaQueen: Yep
Leah: Shoot me
However, her internal debate was soon interrupted when Fudge glanced at the wall clock and ushered her to the door of the tea room. He turned her over to the barkeep and went on his bumbling way.
Zyn: I do believe that this suethor is even less subtle than mine was. That really is saying something
In turn, Tom the elder led Holly upstairs to what she assumed would be her room for the next few days. It was nice inside with her unopened trunk in front of a large bed, and there was an attached toilet and a few windows. Further, it was tucked in a quiet corner, far away from the noisy dining room.
Zyn: And she kindly ignores how it was Fudge who arranged for this all for her. How sweet
"Anything else you need, Miss Potter?" the innkeeper asked as she inspected her quarters, beaming as usual.
Leah: Was that Tom who was beaming, or Holly? Because somehow, I really doubt that Holly is usually smiling
Holly was about to say no, but her mind drifted to Sirius and his emaciated appearance.
"Yes, some supper, if you wouldn't mind?" the girl responded.
ZeldaQueen: *nastily* Oh, isn't she just sooooo sweet and thoughtful? Bite me, suethor! After how she's been such a bitch to everyone she doesn't like, I'm not buying it
If it was possible, and apparently it was, the toothless man's grin widened. "Sure. It'll be up in a tick."
Holly nodded and retrieved the other Tom's diary from her trunk just after the door shut.
Zyn: Ah yes. I was not missing him in the slighest
Just a few more minutes, and then, you can come out.
How's everything?
Fine. I'll explain more in a bit.
She set the diary on the bed and moved to both the wardrobe mirror and the one she had earlier glimpsed in the toilet. From past experience, she knew that mirrors could be enchanted just like portraits, and it wouldn't do for anyone, even if they weren't technically alive, to know just what company she was currently keeping. As such, the Slytherin quickly covered them by using a nifty, little spell Gavin had taught her. It completely darkened the surface, preventing anybody in the mirror from seeing or hearing what was going on around them.
Leah: The mirror was just a silly extra detail! What the hell?
ZeldaQueen: No, don't you see? Even the mirror has to be a source of angst for the Sue! No time for fun here!
There was a knock on her door directly after she had finished, and Holly barely opened it enough for the tray to levitate in.
Zyn: My word, that was fast
She thanked the innkeeper and bid him goodnight, firmly shutting the door. Her eyes flickered to tray on the desk nearby, inspecting it momentarily before returning to the diary, but not before casting a Locking charm on the door. She sank down on the bed then.
ZeldaQueen: By God, this is interesting!
You can come out now, Tom.
Leah: He's in the closet?
His only reply was a rush of magic and colour as he materialised right next to her.
"This is so much better," the other Slytherin commented as he stretched.
ZeldaQueen: Good to know
Holly merely nodded and reached into her pocket for the dog statue. She held both it and her wand out to him, and he sighed, taking only her wand and quickly casting multiple Silencing charms on the room.
Zyn: Does she not know how to do any magic when there is a man around?
ZeldaQueen: I guess if one was to be charitable, one could say that she just didn't know the spell. I'm not being charitable.
After he was finished, Tom finally spoke again. "Holly, I don't think this is a good idea. We don't even know this man."
ZeldaQueen: BAM! I called it! Of course, he's going to hem and haw and try to leave Sirius as a fucking STATUE!!!
"I know him, Tom," Holly answered sternly. "I remember him."
"Remember him? He's a criminal. You can't trust him, Holly," he stated in a heated whisper, despite the fact that no one could hear them. "He's on the run from the Ministry; the Aurors are after him for certain!"
Leah: You know, it's a little screwed up that the sociopathic murderer is making the most sense here
"The same way I can't trust you?" she questioned softly, her fingers tracing the design on the quilt, even as she gazed up at him.
Zyn: Precisely. I do believe the suethor's own characters are pointing out the plot holes now
Tom hesitated. "That's different," he bit out after a moment, feeling rather put out.
ZeldaQueen: (Tom) "The only reason you can trust me is because the author made me soppy and useless. If I was canon, I'd have sucked you dry of energy in an instant, bitch"
Holly raised an eyebrow in a gesture very reminiscent of Severus Snape.
Leah: I bet
das_mervin loved that
ZeldaQueen: Yeah, there's no way in hell this spineless, whimpering little angst-brat could even measure up to Snape's level of intimidation
"Really? How so? To me, it seems to be the same." She gazed at him thoughtfully.
Leah: Okay, this is getting surreal
Zyn: The characters...are they actually fighting to revert to canon?
ZeldaQueen: Are they actually using logic?
"It just is," he responded weakly, unable to come up with anything better.
ZeldaQueen: Oh HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Leah: Fuck me, this is Twilight all over! This is exactly Bella and her "Yes, because a vampire slumber party is the pinnacle of safety conscious behavior" when Alice goes on about how dangerous werewolves are!
"Tom, please." She shook her head, shoulders slumping with tiredness. "Please do this for me."
He exhaled slowly, knowing he had already lost both the battle and the war. "Fine." Tom took her wand. "The things I do for you," he murmured to himself, though she still heard.
ZeldaQueen: I'm sorry, but this is just pathetic. She is just a sad sack all of the time! The only time she ever gets people to do stuff is by batting her eyes and sticking out her lip! I just...gah!
The teenager flicked the wand and a flash of grey light hit the statuette; where it had been, there was now a giant and living canine in its place.
Zyn: It immediately began to take care of its business on the bed
Instantly, the dog transformed back into a man, looking all around.
"We're in a room at the Leaky Cauldron," Holly explained to stem his confusion. "There's some food over there for you."
Sirius instantly perked up, his blue eyes shining underneath his dark hair. "Thanks." He eagerly went to the tray but paused just beside it. "What about you?"
ZeldaQueen: (Sue) "Oh, I'll just go without food, so I can put on a brave face and pretend that I'm so generous and noble!"
"I've already had dinner," she responded. It was true, but that had been at the Dursleys.
ZeldaQueen: Damn it, this is predictable
Tom shot her a look but remained silent.
The man didn't say anything. He just watched her for a few more heartbeats before his hunger got the best of him. He descended on the food with glee, tearing into a roll.
Zyn: Is this nearly over? Nothing has happened!
In the meantime, Holly inspected herself, feeling tingly due to the potion but not painful. However, she knew that sooner or later it would wear off, and she would be back to square one.
"You really need to see a Healer," Tom put in, watching her.
She exhaled. "I know, and I will in the morning."
Leah : (Sue) I wanna angst about it, dammit!"
The other Slytherin frowned deeply. "No, you need to do it tonight. You can still go to the Healer Station. It's always manned."
"And I will… in the morning," Holly replied evenly, her eyebrows twitching.
Zyn: I do not understand her. She would rather spend the night with a potentially broken arm, than take a moment to have it healed?
"I can heal that for you," a croaking voice cut in, interrupting their conversation. Sirius nodded to her wrist as he put down his half-eaten roll. "I was trained as a field medic."
Leah: What the fuck?
ZeldaQueen: Okay, I could possibly believe that Sirius could heal injuries, since he and his friends were all really smart. But "field medic"??? The hell?
The girl gazed into his eyes for a minute, determinedly not looking at Tom, before quietly extending her wand to him.
"Holly," Tom warned, but it was too late.
Sirius had already left his chair and now had her wand.
Zyn: He promptly laughed and blasted her with a Killing Curse, as he instantly recognized her as the Sue she was
Holly shrugged, and she shot her friend a look that seemed to say, "Well, you did want me to have it looked at."
The Animagus smiled brilliantly at them, showing his horrible teeth, and his hand connected with the wood. Magic surged through him, and Sirius could swear he heard Phoenix Song in the distance.
ZeldaQueen: This non sequitor, brought to you by Child of Grace
He fingered the wand for a moment, feeling magic spreading through him once again.
ZeldaQueen: I really wish the suethor would find another word to use instead of "fingered"
He swished and flicked for a moment to steady the blazing stream of power, shooting red, black, and silver sparks. Finally, he turned to Holly and nodded to her resolutely.
Zyn: *bored* My word, how impressive
She held out her arm, but he didn't take it.
Leah: That kind of implies that she literally detached her arm and offered it to him
Tom sucked in a breath, and it was only her restraining mental touch that kept him from doing something resoundingly stupid, like attack an armed man.
ZeldaQueen: Well, these people are all extremely stupid
However, Sirius merely studied her for a few moments before waving her wand. Instantly, the bruising around her break lessened, and she gave an audible sigh of relief.
The man nodded to himself and tentatively inched forward. He slowly raised his free hand to inspect her arm, just to be certain that it was healed entirely. His fingers connected with her skin, and a flash of pure magic roared through both of them.
Leah: And...will this be explained at all?
ZeldaQueen: I sure as hell hope so. And there had best be a decent explanation, instead of something half-baked and stupid like that "Heir of Hufflepuff" nonsense
Sirius instantaneously stiffened. Holly gasped, causing Tom's head to snap up.
Zyn: My, my, the suethor has such a dirty mind
Leah: What does it say about you that your mind goes to that gutter?
"What is it?" the teenager demanded warily, trying to decide what to do.
ZeldaQueen: Put on a skirt and dance the hula!
"I…" Holly shook her head and gaped at the man. "You felt that?"
He looked at her with wide eyes as the magic faded. "Yeah," he replied hoarsely, touching her more firmly now. "This has happened before?"
The girl nodded. "A few times. Usually when I touch someone's bare skin for the first time."
"Oh." Sirius couldn't really think of anything else to say to that.
ZeldaQueen: GET ON WITH IT!!!
Honestly, neither could Tom. And both of them just looked at her.
Leah: Because she had a huge chunk of spinach hanging off of her tooth
Finally, after a few seconds, the Animagus turned back to the task at hand. He slowly checked her over, lightly ghosting his hands across her skin.
"Any pain? Stiffness?"
"No to the first, but it's a bit stiff," she replied. "Kingsley… er… I took a potion for it."
Sirius blinked at her, not commenting. He chewed on his lip as he rotated her hand this way and that.
Zyn: I really am astonished at how boring the suethor has made this
ZeldaQueen: Considering your canon, that's saying a lot
"Well, it seems fine now, but I'd be careful for the next few days just to be sure." He stepped back. "Is there anything else you need healed?" the man asked softly, peering at her under his matted hair.
Leah: If she says "my broke heart", I'm killing someone
The girl paused, thinking about the still lingering bruises on her forearm. However, looking at Sirius, she noticed that he seemed rather tired and like he could really do with finishing his food.
"No, I'm fine. Thank you," Holly finally whispered with very pleased green eyes.
ZeldaQueen: AUGH!!!
Zyn: I am completely unconvinced by this bout of out of character-itis
Leah: (Sue) "Oh no, I'll just bravely hold up under my extremely painful bruises so you can have a few seconds to eat, even though in canon, healing bruises would take the work of a moment. In the meantime, I'll just sneer and smirk at Lockhart and Fudge and all of the other characters I don't like and describe them in the most revolting ways possible! Aren't I a sweetie? Don't you just love me?
Sirius gave a slightly embarrassed twitch of his lips before handing her wand back and drifting over to the desk and his not forgotten meal. The three sat in relative silence as he ate, which was only interrupted by the occasionally scrape of his spoon or the clink of his glass.
Tom came over to inspect Holly's wrist, in turn, obviously though grudgingly pleased by how well it was now.
Minutes passed with Sirius slowly eating his meal, taking his time so that he wouldn't make himself sick. Still, he had only managed to eat about a quarter of what was offered, when he put down his spoon and leaned back in his chair, apparently finished.
ZeldaQueen: Okay, I'll give the suethor this much credit - if a person goes for a really long time without food, eating a big meal really can get them sick. On the other hand, you can learn that much from watching Christmas in Connecticut, so yeah...
Holly, who was lying on the bed, sat up, even as the man settled back.
"All right," she said softly, and both Sirius and Tom looked up. "I think that it's time for an explanation."
Leah: What is your name?
Zyn: What is your quest?
ZeldaQueen: What is this thing you call "canon"?
Leah: (Suethor's Sirius) "Well I don't know that! AHHHHHHH!!!!"
To everyone who reviewed: Thanks.
Chapter Twenty-Four: Semper Fidelius
Ever Hopeful,
Onward to:
Chapter 26: Semper Fidelius (Part 1) Back to:
Chapter 25: A Sirius Situation (Part 1) Return to:
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