Sue Entry: Rose Potter

Dec 20, 2009 21:51

  • Name: Rose Potter
  • Aliases: Druidess Padraigin; The Girl Who Lived; Rosey; Prongs Jr.
  • Age: 11 at series beginning, sixteen by final book written thus far
  • Author: Keiran Halcyon2003
  • Origin: Author felt original series lacked "common sense".
  • Fandom: Harry Potter
  • Literary Work(s): The Girl Who Lived Septology
  • Hair Color: "[L]ong black hair that reached to [her] shoulders" (changes constantly after Metamorphmagus powers are discovered)
  • Eye Color: "[B]right, green eyes"
  • Defining Characteristics or Powers: Lightning bolt-shaped scar; has studied martial arts since age six; becomes a Druidess at the end of Year One (grants her powers as the plot generally demands); Parselmouth; "Beastspeak"; Metamorphmagus; By the beginning of Year Two, has "animal empathy down pat [...] can summon ravens about three of them [...] mastered a few vine creeper spells, and [...] can influence earth, air and fire in basic ways, but the water element is stubborn and hardly listens to [her]". Becomes an Animagi (can turn into animals), specifically a Silverback lioness, by Year Three, as well as discovered how to create a "Golden Patronus", thus granting her the power to completely destroy Dementors. By the end of Year Four, acquires a larger, better trunk than Mad-Eye Moody's, magical contacts (with all of the same abilities as Moody's eye), a Time Turner (used during the school year for the previous several years), and a wand previously used by Merlin as well as a Wand Holster. By Year Five, has mastered Occlumency and Legilimency.
  • Nonhuman Companions: Is treated with uncannonical reverence by Fawkes, centaurs, unicorns, Buckbeak, and merpeople. Claims this is because of her Druidess status.
  • Canon Character Derailment/Affiliations: Is the daughter of Lily and James Potter, the goddaughter of Sirius Black, and the girlfriend of Cedric Diggory. Claims friendship with Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Engages in Druid training with Ginny Weasley and later Luna Lovegood. "Fixes" Neville so that he is not his bumbling self. Claims to be seen by Dumbledore as a granddaughter. Is the protege of Severus Snape. Is the adopted daughter of Minerva McGonagall. Considers the Ministery of Magic and all Death Eaters to be her enemy. Is "friends" with the same characters that Canon Harry is.
  • Original Character Affiliations: Is the student of a "sensei", who is never seen and very rarely mentioned after her first year of Hogwarts. Is trained by a druidess named Cerelian. Is considered a daughter-figure by two druidesses named Leah and Shaleena. 
  • Notes: Author has a Yahoo group dedicated to his "works". Fans somehow fail to notice how Sue-ish Rose is and apparently there are those that consider her better than Cannon Harry. Field Agent is highly recommended to engage in battle, preferably to kill it with fire.
Author's Renditions:

Rose Potter

Rose Potter in Dress for Yule Ball                    Rose Potter as Mermaid after taking Gillyweed

Rose Potter as Druidess Padraigin

Rose Potter using Unknown Attack against Inferi (Scene Never Written)

Other Renditions:

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