ZeldaQueen: In which Nora's brain continues to die and not much else happens
Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...
Chapter 17
ZeldaQueen: We're now at Saturday, and Nora is sitting by a window, drinking her hot chocolate and answering questions on Hamlet, which is apparently what she's been reading for a class. I'm not certain if this is supposed to be some sort of foreshadowing with the use of Hamlet or if Fitzpatrick just picked a play that a lot of schools teach. Either way, it doesn't come up again so I guess it doesn't matter.
Nora can't focus on the reading because, surprise surprise, she's busy thinking about Patch. Specifically, she's all curious about what their planned date could possibly be. And yes, I realize that there are plenty of non-asshole boyfriends who choose where the dates go, but all I can think is how Patch has been the one to pick the...erm dates thus far, and how Nora has had no chance to take him places she likes to go (which also doubles with the unfortunate implication that the good girl Nora is boring and doesn't know of any interesting places to go). She also muses about how Patch probably won't do something like dinner or a movie. Really, all I can think of is the part of 10 Things I Hate About You where Patrick first tries to ask Kate out by offering to take her places she's never been before, and she replies with "Like where, the 7-11 on Broadway?" And now I'm depressed, because that right there was a movie that did the bad-boy romantic lead right.
Anyway, Nora finally runs off to get ready, and there is far too much detail on what she's wearing. I suppose Fitzpatrick was trying for the idea that Nora was nervous for her big date, but it just is boring.
Oh, and guess what? She hasn't told her mother about this date! Isn't that fantastic? You see, her mother takes yoga lessons, even though she is away for work most of the time and laments not being with her daughter enough, so she's conveniently away for most of the day! And...well read it yourself
"My mom had left for yoga class almost thirty minutes ago, and while I'd practiced a few different ways of breaking the news of my date with Patch to her, in the end I'd let her walk out the door without vocalizing any of them. I told myself it was no big deal, I was sixteen and could decide when and why I left the house, but the truth was, I should have told her I was going out. Perfect. Now I was going to be carting around my guilt all night"
ZeldaQueen: *closes eyes and steeples fingers* Ms Fitzpatrick, there is a time and a place to play the "Teen drama secret dates" game. This? Is not it at all, for a number of reasons. Please, permit me to list them all
First of all, let's start with the most basic. Yes, Nora is sixteen and depending on the family rules and the upbringing, sixteen-year-olds can be considered perfectly fine for going out on their own. That being said, Nora does not give her mother any indication that she will be going out. To the extent of my knowledge, she does not leave a note explaining to her mother that she's going out. And while she does have a cell phone, one would think that Nora would remember how it suspiciously *cough* stops working whenever she's around Patch, meaning that chances are good that she couldn't call her mother or have her mother call her. In short, while the mother is neglectful and pretty irresponsible herself, that does not change the fact that Nora is skipping off and letting her mother come home to find no note, her daughter gone who-knows-where, and probably no way to contact her. Even if you argue that a sixteen-year-old is responsible enough to not need to call her mother when she goes out, she's going out with a dude she hardly knows and one who has proven to be dangerous as heck. Shouldn't she make sure her mom knows where she is and how to contact her in case, you know, she has to make a getaway? Yes, how responsible Nora is.
Second of all, if Nora is so certain that there is no way at all for her to pass of Patch as the slightest bit respectable or safe to her mother, that ought to be a hint. Keep in mind that Nora's mother married a guy she wasn't certain she loved and who had a habit of sawing down trees if his team lost a game. And Nora strongly (and justifiably) suspects that her mother won't accept her dating Patch, on the grounds that he's not a good guy to hang around with. This leads us to our third point...
I'm honestly staggered by this. She's treating this entire thing like a lighthearted Disney sitcom excursion with a guy who pinned and threatened her!!! And she keeps thinking how exciting this all is! Does Fitzpatrick think it's a good thing that this girl who, from what we can tell, has spent her life being respectable and safe has been driven by her boyfriend to do reckless things like this? There's a difference between defrosting an ice queen or getting a boring person to loosen up and having them be driven to the point of self-endangerment!
Oh, but wait, Nora is worried about the date. Mainly, she's worried because OH HOORAY, HE MIGHT KISS HER!!! Or, you know, possibly rape or attack her like he made a veiled threat to back in the previous chapter. But no, Nora never considers that. Well, she gives brief thought of Vee's weak arguments that Patch isn't safe and she shouldn't hang around him. No need to listen to that though, right?
Just as Nora's about ready, there's a knock at the door and those two police officers come in again. They come right on in, and Nora goes on about how they're acting vaguely threatening and frightening. Officer Basso (you know, the one who looks a bit like Patch?) does most of the talking, and asks where Nora's mother is. I have to ask, did those two ever actually meet with her about her daughter's call to them earlier? Because there's no mention of it, Nora's mother doesn't act like she knows her daughter's room was potentially broken into, and there's no mention of Nora telling her anything. I'm going to pretend that that's one of the reasons why they're so serious with Nora - she just ignored their request to get her mother in touch with them, so they're trying to impress upon her the severity of what's going on so she won't just ignore this as well.
Anyway, the officers ask Nora what happened between herself and Marcie Millar on Wednesday, which in other words is the events of last chapter. Nora instantly is all worried and asks if Marcie is alright. This causes the officers to raise their eyebrows and ask why in the world she would think something bad had happened to Marcie. Jesus, all I can picture is these guys dressed like they're in a 1950s noir film, with Nora as the femme fatale grieving widow and the entire thing shot in black and white.
Things go on like this for some time, with the officers alluding to some ill luck befalling Marcie after she and Nora argued, and I do think that Fitzpatrick has nary a clue as to how police investigations with minors work. Granted, I've never been visited by the police, but it seems rather...unprofessional of them to come into her living room and act like they're from a mob.
They ask Nora what she said to Marcie and who can vouch for her whereabouts. She says that Patch can (she refers to him as her biology partner and not by name), and adds that he gave her a ride home from the library. And then we get this
"I had a shoulder propped against one side of the French doors leading into the room, and Detective Basso walked over and took up a post on the opposite side, across from me. 'Let's hear about this biology partner.'
'What kind of question is that?'
He spread his hands. 'It's a pretty basic question. But if you want me to get more specific, I can. When I was in high school, I only offered rides to girls I was interested in. Let's carry that a step further. What's your relationship with your bio partner ... outside the classroom?'
'You're joking, right?'
One side of Detective Basso's mouth hitched up. 'That's what I thought. Did you have your boyfriend beat up Marcie Millar?'
'Marcie was beat up?'
He pushed up from the doorway and positioned himself directly in front of me, sharp eyes boring into me. "Did you want to show her what happens when girls like her don't keep their mouths shut? Did you think she deserved to get a little roughed up? I knew girls like Marcie when I went to school. They ask for it, don't they? Was Marcie asking for it, Nora? Someone beat her up pretty bad Wednesday night, and I think you know more than you're saying.'
I was working hard to suppress my thoughts, afraid they might somehow show on my face. Maybe it was a coincidence that on the same night I complained to Patch about Marcie, she took a beating. Then again, maybe it wasn't."
ZeldaQueen: Okay, where do we begin?
Let's start with Nora. First of all, I'm not sure at all what her thought process on what happened to Marcie is. One minute, she jumps to the conclusion that something has happened to her, and then after she's questioned and it's made clear that it wasn't just a bad accident, she's surprised at the idea that Marcie was attacked. Darling, what do you think happened to her that would have the police over? Second of all sweetie, why is it such a shock that they ask you that very first question, for details on Patch? What do you mean, "what kind of a question is that"? It's a question that they can use to figure out that your biology partner is real and you aren't lying to get rid of them!
And that moves nicely to our part in regards to the officers. Once again, we see that this is some bizarre, parallel universe that is driven by Fate to put Nora and Patch together. That's the only reason I can think of as to why everyone, from teachers to friends and now to visiting police officers, are trying to push the two into a relationship. Guys only give rides to girls they're romantically interested in? My ass! If that's the case, damn I must have gotten around in high school! Here I thought I was just carpooling with the various dudes I was partnered with for assignments, but I guess Fitzpatrick showed me. And for that matter, what part of "You're joking, right?" says "Yes, that's correct"? The only justification I can see for that is the vague hint that Detective Basso Knows More Than He Lets On, but even that doesn't adequately explain him making assumptions like that.
Third of all, Nora strongly suspects that Patch attacked Marcie. In other words, she thinks the guy she's pursuing is the sort who might beat up anyone who insults his girlfriend (and no, tittering fangirls, that is not an attractive quality in anyone). And yet she still is perfectly fine around him. Let's add this little revelation to the list, along with his stalking and harassment and that time in the parking garage. The list is only going to get longer, ladies and gentlemen.
Finally, a spite fic for you all. I realize it sucks, seeing as I'm writing this at one thirty in the morning, but it must be done
"He spread his hands. 'It's a pretty basic question. But if you want me to get more specific, I can. When I was in high school, I only offered rides to girls I was interested in. Let's carry that a step further. What's your relationship with your bio partner ... outside the classroom?'
I raised my eyebrows. 'You really want to know that? Get out a pencil and a notebook, this is going to take some time.'
Nearly half an hour later, it looked like everything was finally getting straightened out.
'So let me make sure I have this right,' said Detective Basso, looking over everything he had scribbled down. 'The night you argued with Marcie, he cornered you under the parking garage, chased you, pinned you to a pillar, and threatened you?'
''A guy like me could take advantage of a girl like you' were his exact words,' I replied.
'And you believe he stalked you to the library.'
'Twice, yes. And to the amusement park and the ladies' room of a restaurant...'
Detective Basso rubbed his forehead. 'Have you spoken to anyone else about this? Your mother, you teacher, anyone?'
'I told my biology teacher,' I said. 'He didn't listen at all. In fact, he ordered me to spend time outside of class tutoring Patch.' I scratched my nose as I tried to get my thoughts together. It was now or never to say what I knew. 'There's something else. A few weeks ago, my friend Vee was brutally attacked by a masked person. She believes that this person had the same height and build as Patch.'
'I see,' said Detective Basso. He flipped the notebook closed. 'Nora,' he said, 'I want you to understand that you were very brave to tell us this. This boy - Patch - he is not safe at all. The farther away from him you stay, the better off you'll be.'
I stared at the ground. 'That's what Miss Greene said," I muttered.
'Who's Miss Greene?'
'My new therapist. She warned me that Patch was dangerous and that I shouldn't go near him.' I twisted my hair and closed my eyes. 'At the time, I resented it. But now...'
'I understand.'
'Detective Basso.' Detective Holstijic stood near the window. I had nearly forgotten about him, he had been so quiet. He must have been keeping watch. 'There's a black van pulling into the driveway.'
Detective Basso frowned. 'Nora, is that your mother's car?'
'Were you expecting visitors?'
I cringed. 'Yes. It's Patch. After he drove me home, he insisted I let him take me out. I told him I didn't want to, but he didn't listen! I'm so sorry!' Oh god, they must think I'm so stupid. I should have tried harder to refuse Patch. What the hell?
'Basso,' said Holstijic, 'he's heading up the driveway.'
'Fantastic,' said Detective Basso. 'I have a few questions for this clown. Nora, I think you'd better wait upstairs until your date goes home.'
'Right,' I said. I started for the stairs, but paused when Detective Basso called my name.
'Don't worry about it, kid,' he said. 'It's not your fault. You did your best, we'll take it from here.'"
ZeldaQueen: That was satisfying.
Of course, nothing at all like that happens. Instead, the detectives continue to refer to Patch as Nora's boyfriend and ask if he's on his way over. Nora contemplates telling them, acknowledging that it's the right thing to do...and then sins her ass off and lies that he's not. Because on second thought, nah Patch probably didn't beat down a helpless girl. "Senseless beating wasn't his style", is Nora's logic, and I suppose there's something to that. Stalking and attacking in a manner befitting a slasher villain is. It still leaves the fact that he's a suspect in a crime and Nora ought to tell the nice police about him.
No, she doesn't. Instead, she gives them Patch's name and number and send them on their way. Ten minutes later, Patch shows up in a silent and unbelievable manner that smacks of Edward Cullen. He's driving a black Jeep Commander which he claims to have won in a game of pool, and I must wonder if it's as easy to bet a frigging car like a bottle of trinkets. Wouldn't there be legal issues?
Nora gets in the car with him (a guy who has stalked her harassed her, threatened her, and who may or may not have attacked someone else, just to remind you all) and decides that this is the best possible time to ask him if he knows what happened to Marcie Miller. Yes, aspiring detectives, be sure to question your potential, very dangerous suspects while you're alone in their car. I'm sure it won't backfire in the slightest! In any case, Patch says that he doesn't know a thing about it, and Nora decides that he sounds truthful enough. Because lying isn't possible, nope. Oh, but I guess it doesn't matter either way, because Nora outright admits that she can't really tell if Patch is lying, so he could be feeding her bullshit for all she knows. And she's only figuring this out now?
Patch drives them to Bo's Arcade for their date. Hmm, a run-down bar and arcade which is decidely not safe. Sounds like a perfect place for a date! And yes, Fitzpatrick spares no expense at making sure that we know it's the seediest, worst place around. There's a huge, grumpy dude covered in tattoos who they pay admission to, and who snarls at Nora when she tries to talk to him. Patch explains that that fellow is Bo Junior, and Bo Senior was killed in the Arcade in a brawl fight. Oh, so it's an arcade and bar where people have died! That just makes it extra-classy! What's the appeal of Patch, again? He's condescending, he's rude, he's as charming as a thistle bush, he's downright frightening and dangerous and his idea for a big date is a sleazy bar that he practically lives in.
Nora is quite freaked out by now, and asks Patch if they're safe. He gives her a sideways look and is very condescending, which pisses me off because dude, just because you're a soulless monster who doesn't care that people have died there doesn't mean we all are! What the fuck, you tell Nora that there was a bar brawl that killed someone and then are annoyed when she's worried? Or is it that it pisses you off that someone doubts how big and bad you are, little angel?
They go down to the basement, which of course is full of pool and poker tables and thick with cigar smoke, and Patch fetches them both 7-Ups to drink. They then go about playing a game of pool, with Patch teaching and generally being all touch-feely with Nora. I'm sure his hands-on methods would be a lot less creepy if he didn't spend every second all but stating "I intend to chop you into bits and feed you to my dogs".
Nora bets that Patch can't make a shot, but he does so he collects on the bet by asking for her jacket. Oh, he doesn't want her jacket, he just wants it off of her. That's not at all creepy. He makes the shot and then oogles Nora when she gets her jacket off. She makes another bet that he can't hit a shot, this time betting five dollors. Patch replies that "I don't want your money" and Nora starts to blush. Given the implications of that now, that's rather sick. Given what we're going to find out in a few chapters, that's downright terrifying.
Patch doesn't say what it is he does want from Nora, and instead makes the shot. He then tells Nora "You owe me. Someday I'll come to collect".
Creeeeeeeeeepy bastard!!!!
Thank God this is interrupted by the arrival of a tall, rather unkempt Irishman with shaggy hair and a hooked nose, who heads right over and starts drinking Nora's 7-Up. No, that's not a euphemism. When Nora tries to point this out to him, he completely ignores her and tells Patch (while Nora is RIGHT THERE) "You didn't tell me she was so soft on the eyes". The guy then turns to Nora and introduces himself as Rixon. And I must admit that as filthy and ill mannered as he is, Rixon still comes across as far more charming and likable than Patch.
Rixon turns to Patch and they promptly start play fighting, which I keep picturing to end with them humping each other like dogs. Rixon conveniently gets a grab on Patch's shirt and...
"There was the sound of husky laughter, fists laying into flesh, and fabric tearing, and Patch's bare back came into view. Two thick gashes ran the length of it. They started near his kidneys and ended at his shoulder blades, widening to form an upside-down V. The gashes were so grotesque I almost gasped in horror"
ZeldaQueen: The horror! The mystery! I'd be biting my nails in suspense were it not for the anvil-sized angel-related hints and the dude with the angel wings on the front cover of this fucking book!
Patch finally forces Rixon to give him a shirt, and there's a lot of description of Patch rolling it over his abs as he pulls it on. Rixon tells Nora that "Patch" is not really Patch's name, which I'm glad to hear because I was starting to think that Patch's mother was high on painkillers when she named the kid. No, he got his nickname from his love of bare-knuckle boxing, which he was bad at and which often resulted in Rixon patching him up. Ha! Patch him up? Get it? Ha ha, that's so stupid!
"Patch caught my eye and passed me a gold-medal bar-fight grin. The grin alone was scary enough, but under the rough exterior, it held a note of desire. More than a note, actually. A whole symphony of desire"
ZeldaQueen: I realize I keep saying this, but keep it in mind for a few more chapters. It really is amazing how Fitzpatrick can take things like that and make them utterly creepy when used in regards to this clown.
Patch randomly decides that he and Nora are going to go elsewhere, so he drags her off. They leave as Rixon wishes Nora luck. I, meanwhile, am off for bed. Good night!
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