Christmas Cheer Thing.

Nov 23, 2010 00:07

I will not be doing Christmas cards this year, as I'm just terrible at card sending in general. So! As I still love my flist to little tiny pieces I figure I'll do this instead:

Christmas Ficlets! Like yuletide, only less anonymous-y and more from me to anyone who wants one-y.

I'm thinking ficlets that range from 100-500 words (unless inspiration strikes, you know how that goes) for anyone who comments here and requests one - just leave me a fandom/pairing/prompt as specific or general as you want it, and you'll get one in Dec. or early Jan., if all goes well.

(After NaNo stress writing ficlets is similar to swimming across the Atlantic then doing a lap around your neighbor's backyard poor. I can do this.)

So yes. Christmas / Holiday ficlets for all, I say. \o/

Edit: This post stays open 'till the 25th, so if you haven't requested anything yet, you have time. :)

turning fishes into wishes, this is what i do for friends

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