Y Tu Mama Tambien and LA Confidential

Oct 11, 2004 22:41

Rather than another lament about the election results, I thought I'd post a few thoughts about

Y Tu Mama Tambien )

recs: other, la confidential, recs: fanfic

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Comments 6

thefourthvine October 12 2004, 08:20:34 UTC
When the Best Beloved and I were watching Y Tu Mama Tambien (at home, so we were allowed to talk), I saw them kiss and said, "Well, that's it. The friendship is doomed ( ... )


zebra363 October 13 2004, 06:36:47 UTC
including a couple where the boys had been doing that kind of dance-around-the-edges sexual flirtation for a while before I came into the picture. I must say that I find this an exciting idea, in theory at least, and one that I'll refrain from asking you any more about! During the movie I wondered whether Luisa was actually more aroused/entertained by watching Tenoch and Julio together than by anything they did to her directly ( ... )


thefourthvine October 13 2004, 16:49:53 UTC
During the movie I wondered whether Luisa was actually more aroused/entertained by watching Tenoch and Julio together than by anything they did to her directly.

My impression was that, for her, it was at least as much about their interaction, both sexual and non-sexual, as it was her interaction with them. They were life; she enjoyed them because they were young and vital and excessive, and she was saying goodbye to all that.

Do you think most female friendships would survive a f/m/f threesome that ended up on the wrong side of the line?Well, again, I can only go by my personal experience. All my friendships (with males and females) survived experimental sex, including threesomes, just fine, even if a line was crossed. (And for women the line seemed vaguer and more personal; I couldn't make a list of what is on the safe side and what isn't, the way I could for men, because every female defined her line her own way. Also, the line was a lot more flexible and situational than with men.) A lot of these weren't especially close ( ... )


zebra363 October 14 2004, 04:09:40 UTC
Interesting comments!

I wouldn't...I want to deal with who I used to be in my own way and in my own time; I don't want to have to deal with it every year during the holidays.

You've explained this really well. That hadn't occurred to me, since I'm one of those boring people who's been substantially the same all my life. There are *very* few people I've ever known who I wouldn't be happy to hear from again.

Good recs today, as usual! People all over the world are going to think of you whenever they hear "Pinball Wizard" now.


You fandom slut emma_in_oz October 13 2004, 04:34:31 UTC
You certainly get about....


Re: You fandom slut zebra363 October 13 2004, 05:55:23 UTC
Do you know, I've been thinking that myself. Since June, I've been pretty seriously into Sentinel, Sports Night and LA Confidential (obviously there's less LAC fic than SN fic, and far less SN than Sentinel), plus I've kept up with the new stuff in due South, read some HP for the first time and read the odd story in fandoms as diverse as Get Real (that's sarren's fault), Ocean's 11 and Narnia (the last two thanks to thefourthvine. And I've actually been spending much LESS time on the computer lately. I feel kind of fickle and thinly spread!


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