1. The one I was composing in the car this evening about my irritation with a (non-LJ) friend on the other side of the country. However, imagining the responses some of you might give me convinced me to take a more charitable view of the situation. Thanks for your advice
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Comments 35
I like the last non-post, I think it deserves postdum :)
I just made myself go to a Christmas party full of people I didn't know (and cricketk), because I force myself to be in that sort of social situation just once a year, for practice.
I left early, and am home with a headache, comfort TV, comfort internet, and chocolate. Phew!
Congratulations on getting through your once-a-year exercise!
There's an arrogance in telling people that what they feel and believe is wrong, and that they shouldn't think or feel that way. Instead of butting heads over that, it's simple enough to say "holiday party" instead of "Christmas party" and "gift exchange" instead of "secret Santa". Lets everyone feel respected and included and free to have fun without feeling like they're betraying their own faith.
If there are devoutly religious people who can't see that, then I would suggest that they have a problem with coping with the idea that other religions/cultures exist and that wanting the majority to change their traditions because of them is the height of arrogance.
4. America is really stupid that way. Because some people of non-Christian religions get in a snit about Christmas being uninclusive, the media all toady to them and say "happy holidays" rather than "merry christmas", so it makes it seem like it matters. Vicious circle. There are a lot of yanks who are very xenophobic and uninclusive and I'm sure that's what feeds the whole mess.
4. That's the way it looks from here, anyway. I tend to find political correctness very tedious, but I'd probably feel differently if it was an issue I actually cared about!
How can you possibly have nothing to say? Those times when some people bring out boring photos of children/absent partners/dogs/whatever, you could just whip out an alpaca photo and immediately be the source of much interesting conversation.
I could discuss alpacas with someone who hadn't already heard about them, but these are work colleagues I see regularly. Topics like that get covered on ordinary work days, leaving things like Bree Maddox's attractiveness or lack thereof for social functions.
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