Film Rec: Touching the Void (2003)

Nov 20, 2006 11:37

Touching the VoidThis documentary-style story of a climbing expedition gone wrong must be one of the world's greatest tales of survival. I was stomach-clenchingly afraid at times, totally unable to see how the man could possibly get himself out of his terrible situation, and reassured only by the fact that he obviously had, since he was there on ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

victorian_tweed November 20 2006, 03:54:15 UTC
Oh gosh, yes great documentary!! When I was watching it, I kept thinking I would have rather been Joe than his partner! (Only because I suspect I could tolerate excruciating physical pain more than excruciating guilt.)

(On a lighter note, every time I hear that Boney M song, I think of poor Joe!)


zebra363 November 20 2006, 03:59:16 UTC
Nope, give me the guilt!! I don't think I could live through pain (or fear) like that at all. Watching him hanging off the end of the rope, I was thinking that my course of action would be to take my clothes off so I'd freeze to death faster.


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zebra363 November 20 2006, 10:15:58 UTC
You have such excellent taste! I'm right there with you on An Evil Cradling. It's my favourite non-fiction book.

Alive, which I read when I was in school, was the book that got me started on this sort of thing. The best play I've ever seen (out of an admittedly small sample!) was verbatim reenactments of cockpit voice recorder transcripts from plane crashes. These stories are so much more powerful for being non-fiction!


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