One of the more unusual events on the Western Australian slash fan's social calendar

Jul 03, 2005 22:26

Huge thanks to dragonfly8, sarren, Jody, wobowikkles, cricketk, ascetic_hedony, juffles, chaosmanor, maharetr, hithluin, emma_in_oz and special_trille for their sterling efforts at tree planting today.

Non-native grasses were aggressively cast out (this would have been much easier if I'd read my notes more carefully about two months ago and covered the area with black plastic to kill the grass.  Sorry!  At least it was good exercise...), natural fertilisers were mixed and spread, tree guards were prepared by a very efficient team and finally tiny trees, shrubs, groundcovers, rushes & sedges were installed in the ground.  Jody appeared so promptly with a tree guard every time I planted a tree that I was surprised when once she was about four seconds late.

Plentiful food was provided by my mother and entertainment by the canine and equine contingents.  I'm sure Mom had no idea what to make of the lunchtime conversation, which included several happy shouts of "Rodney McKay!"

emma_in_oz gave me my very own copy of the Mag 7 pilot, supposedly in lieu of hard labour.  As it turned out, she provided significant hard labour after all (despite her protestations of inability.  See?  You're perfectly competent and I don't want to hear otherwise!).  On top of that she endured yet another attempted molestation by my Appaloosa gelding, who's very keen on her, though she doesn't feel quite the same about him.

THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH.  I've never been one of those people who's comfortable holding social events and expecting people to turn up (much less drive an hour and a half to get there).  It's only thanks to slash and specifically to the excellent slasher infrastructure here that a day like today has become feasible for me.  I really appreciate you all!

chaosmanor posted a number of non-identifying photos on her LJ here.  That nice sunshine is the middle of winter in Western Australia.  Though it's raining steadily here now, perfect for working all the lime and dolomite into the soil.

I'll provide a photo update of the areas we planted in due course! 

trees, friends

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