SPN mid-season finale

Dec 14, 2014 20:36

I gather this one wasn't especially well received, but I liked it. Six good ones in a row as far as I'm concerned!

Ten reasons I enjoyed 10x09: )


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Comments 7

killabeez December 14 2014, 14:31:15 UTC
Those are good reasons! I was disappointed in the handling of the Castiel & Claire story, as that was something I was really looking forward to. I did really like the scene between Dean and Cas at the bar, though.

That scene where Sam & Cas go out to the car without Dean just did not work. It's one of those where I can see how it made sense on paper, but the way it was filmed didn't make any sense. Also, good job bringing Claire back to the scene of the carnage, Cas.

Speaking of carnage, and Dean supposedly going darkside, Sam asked if it was him or them, and… it pretty much was, right? I mean, he gave them fair warning, and it's not like they were going to let him walk out unscathed.


galwithglasses December 14 2014, 20:02:32 UTC
Just jumping in to say that Cas bringing Claire back in was the worst part of the episode for me. Whatever she or we might have thought of Randy, he was still important to her and she didn't need to see him butchered as well as all the rest of the carnage.


zebra363 December 15 2014, 02:47:45 UTC
I agree, but I handwave that maybe Castiel didn't feel it was safe to leave her alone, or she didn't want to be left alone.


galwithglasses December 15 2014, 04:14:25 UTC
That's a really good thought and helps me make some sense out of a least a bit of the end. I figure Cas wouldn't be thinking about it at all from the perspective of a 17 year old kid either.


ash48 December 14 2014, 14:43:05 UTC
I love seeing the positives from that episode! I even agree with some of them (and grrrr, if I didn't have my old lady brain on we might have been able to discuss it in person! *still kicking myself*). Face holding always makes an episode better...:))


zebra363 December 15 2014, 02:50:58 UTC
For me, it really did leave us at a suspenseful place for the hiatus. Not an unpredictable place, admittedly, but I definitely didn't find it underwhelming.


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