Having something be part of your automatic routine is definitely the way to go! My three days a week would all too frequently turn into two or one or none.
You are not someone I associate with bad social skills!
Rah! Go you! And 7km pace isn't really all that slow - I was slower than that when I started, and only got to that pace for most of my runs after my second marathon. It's best to train much more slowly than one can run in races, for injury prevention and to allow more volume of running.
I ran the one club event I attended at a little under 6 minute kms, but definitely feel like my usual pace has slowed to a crawl. If I'm not feeling very lively I go even slower than 7 min kms. Still, crawlng is comparatively comfortable and better than not doing it at all!
Very sorry to hear about the injury - that must be awful!
This was a fascinating read (as someone also dedicated to fitness). I have learned over the last year, like you, that exercising ~3 times a week doesn't work/has no impact. By exercising every day, my weight dropped away and I have never been so fit.
When I first ran a half marathon in 2006, I followed a very basic Runner's World 3-days-a-week plan that got me probably fitter than I've ever been since, but I didn't stick with it once the event was over. If I could rely on myself to consistently run 3 times a week I'd stay with that, but my track record in doing so is poor!
I've only lost a tiny bit of weight, which doesn't thrill me because presumably it means that if I wasn't running, I'd be gaining weight rather than staying the same, and if I stop, I'll have a problem! However, it was the bit that's the difference between between being able to wear most of my clothes and not, so that part's good.
I'll be doing a modified to-suit-my-fitness version of whatever one of the serious runners posts as their interval sessions during the week :-)
The other thing I'll be doing this year is taking the first couple of weeks of Couch to 5km and doing it as run/jog instead of jog/walk.
I'm a great big lazy cheat when it comes to developing running plans and can't really manage my speed the way the better runners can. My only plan with the intervals is to use them to get faster.
Comments 9
Great to see you on the weekend! I realized belatedly that after talking heavily myself I never asked yu a thing about NZ! Bad me social skills!
You are not someone I associate with bad social skills!
(I'm injured and not running. Waah.)
Very sorry to hear about the injury - that must be awful!
(I need to buy a whole new wardrobe!)
I've only lost a tiny bit of weight, which doesn't thrill me because presumably it means that if I wasn't running, I'd be gaining weight rather than staying the same, and if I stop, I'll have a problem! However, it was the bit that's the difference between between being able to wear most of my clothes and not, so that part's good.
* Wednesday night Kings Park slow run with Rach and Di
* Friday morning pre-work intervals
* Sunday morning O
But the Friday one is always the one to go...
The other thing I'll be doing this year is taking the first couple of weeks of Couch to 5km and doing it as run/jog instead of jog/walk.
I'm a great big lazy cheat when it comes to developing running plans and can't really manage my speed the way the better runners can. My only plan with the intervals is to use them to get faster.
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