
Apr 01, 2010 12:24

Old part-time job is finished except for a possible one-day handover later in the month. New part-time job is many, many less hours, at least until the second half of the year, plus their office is still shut due to storm damage, so I can't go in until after Easter or even do any work from home since something has gone horribly wrong with their ( Read more... )

accounting, update, hoofcare, photos

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Comments 10

malnpudl April 1 2010, 04:26:26 UTC
OMG, that cake is PORNOGRAPHIC. *whimpers and drools*


zebra363 April 1 2010, 06:58:04 UTC
I looked up some of the photos of this cake on the internet and I think hers turned out even better!


victorian_tweed April 1 2010, 04:34:56 UTC
Thank you for this update, Zebra. I had been wondering how things were going for you with regards to the job.

I understand about the unemployment/under-employment guilt. It is a shame that it mars the aspect of having wonderful free time.

OK, have just put on 5 kgs by LOOKING at that cake photo! By crikey it looks yummy.


zebra363 April 1 2010, 07:03:29 UTC
I can't tell how much is worry about money and how much is some kind of puritanical guilt about not working much. Either way, it's covered by a definite layer of concern about the effect my huge rift with ex-boss is going to have on my ability to get future accounting work in Perth! But never mind, a forced career change might be good for me and an honest rift is better than dishonest getting along!

I should have put a warning on the cake photo, then! We've decided we're going to try some new, exciting recipe for every birthday from now on.


baby_elvis April 1 2010, 05:03:49 UTC
Oh my goodness! What a cake!!


zebra363 April 1 2010, 07:04:08 UTC
I thought the baked bits were better than the gooey centre, but the whole thing was spectacular.


anonymous April 1 2010, 06:33:25 UTC
Ah, but any in our vicinity you can justify with visits with us!!! Where we er..watch more tv shows...er.

No, see you have to visit more so that I get proper long walks with the dogs!

Was that cake as sweet as it looks?


sarren April 1 2010, 06:35:27 UTC
Well crap, I assumed I was logged in cos I could see your post.

I *have* only had three hours sleep, and probably shouldn't be posting from work anyway.



zebra363 April 1 2010, 07:08:40 UTC
I won't ask why you've only had three hours' sleep. You probably shouldn't be driving!

I'm pretty sure I could identify your comments whether or not you log in.

Your place is a good base/extra justification for going to some clients, but it's still a very long way from others. If I'm starting from city, it's reasonably on the way for most of the south of the river people, but if I'm starting from home it isn't really. Tomorrow I'm seeing the ones I used to combine with visits to your old house and I have no extra purpose for the trip at all!

Yep, very sweet, not your sort of cake.


sarren April 1 2010, 12:29:38 UTC
Same reason I'm missing Swancon and currently don't have any fandoms.

I had a major assignment due today.


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