Vividcon 2009 vids

Aug 31, 2009 12:45

Yesterday's slash gathering was a viewing of about 75% of the Vividcon 2009 playlist at black_samvara's. These ones jumped out at me:

Red Cliff (John Woo movie) by obsessive24  Haven't seen the movie, but it looks like I should, since historical epics with swords and horses and armies and flags really do it for me. Beautiful source and clips masterfully put together to ( Read more... )

recs: vids

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Comments 7

transcendancing August 31 2009, 05:28:53 UTC
I love, love, love The West Wing :) I hope you get the chance to watch and enjoy it :)

I actually own most of it, and could lend it to you if you like? I'm gearing up for a rewatch myself - but not urgently so :)


zebra363 August 31 2009, 05:37:40 UTC
Thanks for the offer. I'll wait for my Wiseguy obsession to run its course before I dilute it with anything, but I might take you up on that later!

I'm sure I will enjoy it - it's just one of the many things I haven't got around to seeing.


black_samvara August 31 2009, 05:56:47 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad you had fun, I'm still working out which ones were my favourites.


zebra363 August 31 2009, 06:29:44 UTC
It was easy for me - it was the ones I liked enough to come home and download!

I was thinking driving home that you've hosted some of the best low-key parties I've been to: the Harry Potter reading party, the balloon pit, etc! You've got a definite flair for building a fun event around a theme. (I also went home with tool board envy.)


black_samvara September 1 2009, 00:54:25 UTC
In a sad moment of irony one of the few we didn't watch was a slashy SGA one. I also have Primeval and Leverage now that vid!love has been rekindled.

It's great to hear my attempts are successful - thankyou!


justacat August 31 2009, 09:47:18 UTC
And I am loving Six Feet Under - hope you have as good luck with West Wing (which I never watched...I'm such a pathetic excuse for a fan :sigh:). That American Tune vid is a good one, isn't it?

I actually thought this year's VVC was much heavier on slashy-vibe vids than the last two year's have been, which made me happy!

Sounds like a very fun way to spend the day...


zebra363 August 31 2009, 11:48:00 UTC
I was wondering how you were enjoying Six Feet Under! I watched it for a while (somewhere in the middle, not sure what season/s) when it was on TV and will watch the rest one of these days. I can't remember what happened that made me stop watching then - maybe a new fandom hit!

I think American Tune is a good recruiter vid, partly because of all the hugs! It looks like the show is full of interesting relationships.

Sounds like a very fun way to spend the day...

Second only to being there, I suppose!

I'm still somewhat obsessively rewatching MC 1&2, so I keep seeing AFIB in its original state over and over!


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