Twins x Ratch Drabbles

May 31, 2013 20:21

Title: Twins x Ratch Drabbles
Author: zea_taylor
Series/Verse: G1
Rating:  G
Prompt: twins-x-ratch community WoI 45, prompt 2, posted by fuzipenguin
Disclaimer: Transformers, its characters and scenarios belong to Hasbro and its licensees.

Author's Note: I'm trying to write more short fiction, so thought I'd give the twinsxratch "Wrench of Inspiration" a try. Prompt was:
  "55 fiction. This is kinda like a drabble, except it has to be 55 words or less. It also contains:
    - A setting,
    - One or more characters,
    - Some conflict, and
    - A resolution. (Not limited to moral of the story)"
This turned out to be remarkably hard! But...

Protectors (55 words)

"Ratch! Get down!"

The cry rang across the battlefield. Ratchet ignored it, focused on the fluid-streaked tangle under his servos, until stronger servos forced his obedience. Red armour sheltered medic and patient both while metal shrieked. Sunstreaker shouted the all clear; Sideswipe's battle-bright optics danced.

"Until next time," he smirked, leaving Ratchet to his work.

On the way to hitting the target word count, I ended up with these two bonus 100 word drabbles:

Caught (100 words)

"Don't even think it."

Ratchet raised his helm from the desk, the glow of his steely-blue optics illuminating his dimly-lit office. Pinned, Sideswipe froze and then offered the medic his most winning smile. He brandished the klaxon-mounted booby-trap in his servos as if he could out-brazen its mute testimony.

"Just a little wake-up call, Ratch. That's all."

Ratchet let a long quarter breem pass before extending his arm. Sideswipe's expression brightened. The red-clad warrior melted into his bondmate's side, precision engine purring. Ratchet chuckled his love and forgiveness.

"If this is a dream," he whispered, "who'd want to wake up?"


Decision Made (100 words)

The dirt was pounded flat, a groove worn by Sunstreaker's pedes. Sideswipe folded his arms, leaning back against the mountainside as he watched his brother pace.

"No," Sunstreaker repeated.

"Yes." Sideswipe's voice was level, his tone as uncompromising now as it had been the first dozen times. Sunstreaker glared, ornate helm-fins framing his scowl. He glanced back towards the Ark and the medic enjoying its shade, and threw up his servos.

"Fine," he grated. "We'll ask him out. Just don't blame me if he laughs in our faces."
Sideswipe's grin outshone this world's yellow primary. Despite himself, Sunstreaker smiled back.

transformers, twins/ratch, g1, fan fiction

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