Ohmiya drabbles

Apr 09, 2009 13:46

Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: from G to PG-13
AN: Unbetaed and not an english speaker.These were for the ohmiya drabbles contest. Go there if you haven't read yet the other contestant's drabbles!

Kissing under the rain
Rating: PG
Word count: 139

With a loud thunder, the skies opened and the rain began to fall upon them. They both ran seeking refuge from the unexpected summer storm. Suddenly, Ohno stopped dead in his tracks and turned around, as if he wanted to warn his friend about something. Nino, not expecting that abrupt stop, bumped into his friend and their lips collided accidentally. He immediately moved away from Ohno and bowed his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I... It... That was an accident."

At that moment, he felt a soft hand in his chin raising gently his head. And before he could register that, a pair of wet and cold lips was pressed against his own lips. He felt his head spinning and didn't notice he had grabbed his friend’s shoulders to support himself until he heard Ohno's soft whisper.

"Sorry, this wasn't."

Body swap
Rating: PG
Word count: 345
AN: Ohno is in Jun's body, Jun in Sho's, Aiba in Nino's, Sho in Aiba's and Nino in Ohno's

"The machine needs at least one hour to recharge completely. Until that moment, we can't use its reverse mode."

Though their situation was really serious, Nino's face and his voice were expressing exactly the opposite... In fact you could say he seemed almost delighted... Which was no wonder considering that it was Aiba who was actually in Nino's body and his latest experiment had proved to be a complete success... at least in his opinion.

"Well, we only need to stay here and wait without attracting too much attention."

Jun said looking distractedly at Sho's neglected hands [These hands need a good moisturizing treatment... I wonder if I put the cream into my bag this morning]

"By the way, where is Nino?" He asked frowning.

"He said he had something important to do. He would be back in one hour. And then he disappeared into that corridor"

Ohno supplied from his position near the selves, pointing vaguely toward the aforementioned corridor. He was still amazed at how many things he could reach without needing to tiptoe since he was in Jun's body.

"But that corridor only leads to the bathrooms..."

Aiba looked at Ohno with a surprised expression. It was almost comical to see Sho's trademark surprised face in Aiba's features.

"He seemed a bit strange too, like he was really happy or excited about something... Do you think he didn't feel well? Maybe I should go check how he is..."

Ohno made Jun's body turn around to look a bit worried at his band mates. The others exchanged looks. Sho sighed in Aiba's body with resignation, Sho snorted in a very Jun's way and Nino giggled crazily as Aiba always do. Ohno stared at them frowning with confusion. Sho raised his new body from his seat in the couch and walked toward Jun's body to put an arm over the other man's shoulders.

"I'm sure he's... ok. I think we can order some ramen and wait until the machine recharges. Come with me Satoshi-kun, would you like to try the super-expensive one? Nino's treat."

Biting ears
Rating: G
Word count: 304

N-chan couldn't help it.

It was almost dawn time in the pet shop. The exercise wheel was quiet (it seemed A-chan had finally decided to forget his plan of running in the wheel at dawn, trying to confirm if the light reflected in the tinfoil he had snatched from the shop's assistant a few hours ago, was enough to awake the dog at the back of the room... Or maybe S-chan and J-chan had succeeded in locking him in the wooden block passage, N-chan didn't know). The only audible sound was the dripping of the water bottle of the rabbit's cage beside their cage.

N-chan was pressed against O-chan's warm body, his head resting over his friend neck. He could felt the softness of the other hamster's brown and white skin with every slight movement of his head. And that tantalizing aroma... shampoo, sunflower seeds and O-chan's own scent. His friend's left small ear was only a few millimetres from him... and it smelled so good. He slowly moved his head till his nose was almost brushing that cute, round, pink ear. He sniffed it with delight. Unable to contain himself any longer, he bit it tenderly, careful of not hurting or awakening the other hamster. It felt like heaven. Without noticing, he bit it a bit harder. He felt O-chan's surprised shudder under him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to awake you. Did I hurt you?"

O-chan crinkled his little nose and answered drowsily.

"If it's N-chan, I don't mind" And he quickly fell asleep again.

N-chan blinked with content and nuzzled the skin of O-chan's neck with his nose. With a sight of satisfaction, he rested his head near of O-chan's lovely ear and felt asleep too.

No, he couldn't help it... and maybe tomorrow, he would try the right ear too.


And here there are two more Ohmiya failed drabbles:

Rating: PG
Words count: 918
AN: This one… I didn’t really like it XD. Moreover, it became too long. Loosely based on ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’ Tweedledum-Tweedledee pair.

Sho still wasn't sure how he had ended accompanying Nino and Ohno in a clothes shopping trip... but there he was, in a strange shop full of colorful clothes, sat in a chair waiting for any of them to exit from their respective changing rooms. Suddenly, the left door opened and Ohno appeared smiling broadly.

"Sho, what do you think about this blue and yellow stripped t-shirt? Do you like it?"

"A bit colorful but it's not that bad..."

At that moment, Nino appeared smiling too in his changing room's doorway.

"Sho, do you like this t-shirt?"

Sho looked at Nino and was a bit taken aback because he was wearing exactly the same t-shirt than Ohno.

"It's the same t-shirt that Ohno has chosen, isn't it?"

"It's not!!" Nino's smile fall, he seemed greatly offended by Sho's statement. "Mine is yellow and blue stripped, can't you see it? They're completely different!"

"But they look identical to me..." Sho grumbled a bit shocked by Nino's angry reaction. He sighed. It was obvious that accompanying these two in this clothing trip hadn't been one of his best ideas.

"Sho, Sho! Do you like these pants? I think they fit nicely with the t-shirt."

Ohno had changed his trousers while he was distracted talking with Nino... but it had been only a few seconds, right?... how could it be possible? He was beginning to feel a bit confused with the entire situation.

"Sho! My pants!" Ohno whined, clearly not pleased with being ignored for so long. "What do you think of them?"

"As you have said, at least they fit the t-shirt..." he answered hesitantly.

"And mine, what do you think of them, Sho?"

Sho turned around to look at Nino... and raised and eyebrow inquiringly. The younger man was beside him, tugging at his right sleeve like a little child begging for his father attention... and once again he was wearing exactly the same trousers that Ohno had showed him a moment ago.

"Nino, they're identical to Ohno's..." He sighed tiredly.

"That's not true! Mine have only one back pocket in the left and Oh-chan's have only one back pocket in the right!! Show him Oh-chan!"

Following Nino's commands, Ohno turned around obediently to show Sho the back of his trousers. Effectively, there was only one pocket in the right. He was about to protest because the difference was almost ridiculous, when he noticed something that made his jaw fall open in disbelief.

"Ohno! When did you change your hairstyle to be the same as Nino?”

"He looks handsome, doesn't he?" Nino asked him proudly.

Sho turned around to reply him and gasped, eyes open wide. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Ho-How is this possible? Nino, when did you grow a goatee like Riida?!?"

"With his mouth open and those bulging eyes... he resembles a fish, right Nino?"


It was obvious that the other two didn't find the situation strange at all, but Sho was feeling more and more confused, even horrified, with each passing second.

"Wait a moment! This is crazy! I must be dreaming... Or is this one of your pranks Nino?"

"Nope, it's not! The truth is we have decided to end Ohmiya..."

"... and begin a new unit" Ohno ended the younger man's sentence smiling beatifically at Sho.

They both were crouched down with their hands resting on Sho's knees. They looked like some type of bizarre reflection, Nino at his right and Ohno at his left. And they both were staring at him with puppy eyes...

He had the nasty suspicion that the worst was yet to come.

"And we had thought that you could be part of this new unit, Sho. You could be our..."

"... our Alisho, because pink dresses suit you much better than they suit Jun or Aiba."

Sho opened and closed his mouth, unable to say a word... And then, the bugging sensation that something else was wrong, really, really wrong, entered in his mind. He looked at himself and for the first time, he noticed he was wearing a pink frilly dress with a cute white lace ending apron... and matching sparkly pink shoes. He shouted and shouted and shouted... and then he woke up.

He was covered in sweat and his hearth was beating like crazy. He looked around and recognized Arashi's green room. It had been a nightmare... only a nightmare... a horrible one. He breathed relieved and sat in the couch.

At that moment, the door opened and Ohno entered the room whistling softly to himself. As soon as he saw Sho, he made a beeline to the couch and sat beside him. He smiled at the younger man seeming really happy about something.

"Hello Sho! Do you like my new blue and yellow plaid shirt?"

Sho, feeling slightly uneasy, smiled weakly at the other man. He was about to answer when the room's door banged open again.

"Ah Sho, I'm happy to find you here. What do you think about my new shirt?"

Recognizing Nino's voice, Sho turned to look at the newcomer as in slow motion... And then he jumped to his feet and fled from the room yelling. Nino and Ohno looked dumbfounded at the door where Sho had disappeared.

"What is his problem?" Nino asked still astonished by Sho's strange reaction.

"No idea... " Ohno shrugged and turned to smile at Nino. "By the way, I like your new shirt. Yellow and blue plaid, isn't it?"



Ohno is a vampire and Ninomiya is a priest
Rating: PG -13
Words count: 556
AN: I only had the dialog for this one… And it was intended to be funny.

"Your last sermon has been really inspiring, father. One of the best you have given since you arrived at our small community."

"Thank you sister. I'm glad you found it interesting" The young priest smiled serenely at the young woman who was gazing at him with obvious admiration and maybe... no, definitely a bit more than that.

"Specially the part about the dangers of letting lust control our thoughts"

Aha! And there it was, the little smile lingering in her lips, the rapid glance that had the purpose to make her look shy, but couldn't conceal her keen interest. She wasn't the first, and Nino was sure she wouldn't be the last.

"Thanks again sister. Please be careful in your way back. God bless you"

The woman made a small sound of disappointment. Directing one last glance at the young man, she murmured a quick "God bless you, father" and hurriedly exited the small chapel. The priest let out a sigh of relief as soon as the woman's figure disappeared from his sight. It was obvious that the biggest problem of that small community wasn't the vampire he had been sent to kill, but the lack of men at marriageable age available.
Making sure he had bolted the church's door, he took the small candlestick on his hands once again and went towards his bedroom in the attic of the ancient vicarage. It was old and dusty, like all the things in that remote church. Its only furniture was a bed, a small table beside the bed with a chipped wash bowl, a small broken mirror, a rickety chair and a wooden cabinet in one of the corners. In a few days, it would be exactly a year since he had first arrived at this isolated village, and thought he had had plenty of opportunities to end his job - to exterminate the vampire,- he had soon realized that he really didn't want to do that.

He put the candlestick on the table and began to take off his black cassock looking absently at the mirror. And then he felt it. He stared intensely into the mirror's reflection of the room, but he didn’t saw anything unusual... and yet, the sudden shiver up and down his spine was saying exactly the opposite. Definitely, there was a new presence in the room. He turned to look round and, in a corner where he was sure that there hadn't been anything before, now there was a figure shrouded in darkness.

Nino smiled slightly to himself. The long chase had finally come to an end. He slowly approached the unexpected newcomer, observing carefully his reaction. But there wasn't any, he stayed still, allowing Nino to get so close that they were almost breathing into the other person breath. Nino gently raised his hand to caress the other man's left cheek.

"You realize that I'm an undead, right? I've been dead for almost 300 years now".

He was looking at him with such a burning eyes, that Nino was almost surprised not to be bursting in flames literally... though he already felt like he truly was. Instead of answering immediately, he let his other hand wander slowly over the front of his visitor's pants. His smile widened when he heard the vampire's soft moan.

"Well, you seem lively enough for me"


And an extra short one

"I'm sure that Mr. Blue and Mr. Yellow, in the music room, with..."
"Nino!, how do they know? I thought we were alone!"
"Shhhh! They're not talking about that!"

fic, drabbles, arashi, hamsters, ohmiya

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