Creation (PG)

Dec 04, 2012 11:16

Wordcount 317
Spoilers Up to 8.08/Hunteri Heroici

Posted at AO3

episode tag, castiel, spn fic

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Comments 2

cassiopeia7 December 4 2012, 17:09:31 UTC
And on the seventh day, he rested. :) Wow, that was lovely. I can imagine Castiel doing exactly that for his "charges" at the home. Because you know he would. Beautiful.

. . . and even the cat got a little joy. Hee.


zatnikatel December 9 2012, 03:19:19 UTC
Hey there again! NGL I would love to see an episode showing what Cas did at the nursing home, and I love the idea of him finding some peace of mind by creating after he has caused so much pain and destruction... I'm real happy it worked for you! ;-)


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