Feel (D/C; NC-17)

Aug 20, 2012 11:10

Spoilers Post-Purgatory, fallen!Cas
Wordcount ~330


dean/castiel nc-17, spn fic

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Comments 54

harper47 August 20 2012, 15:28:02 UTC
Awesome. Love the way Dean let's Cas "feel" him. Awwww, my boys. Thanks for the D/C!


zatnikatel August 21 2012, 01:16:24 UTC
Hey babe! Glad you like. Just a little out-take from something else I thought I'd throw out there. Let's hope S8 is inspiring when it comes to more, since I'll be a free agent when it starts airing…


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zatnikatel August 21 2012, 01:17:18 UTC
Hey, thanks muchly! Glad you liked. The opening scene of 8.01 will be just like this… ;-)


squeemonster August 20 2012, 15:30:17 UTC
JFC. How do you do this thing you do and make it looks so effortless? So very very hot and sweet and sad and hopeful. <3333


zatnikatel August 21 2012, 01:19:30 UTC
Thanks bb! I scribbled it together and put it on Tumblr a while back: thought I'd post here and remind people I'm still alive! It is sweet, isn't it?



dotfic August 20 2012, 15:41:04 UTC
Gorgeous as always. ♥


zatnikatel August 21 2012, 01:20:36 UTC
Thank you honey! It posted on Tumblr a while back (you prolly remember!) but I thought I'd post here to remind people I'm still alive!


greenamber_blue August 20 2012, 15:43:52 UTC
Phew....ahem, I'll be in my bunk!!!


zatnikatel August 21 2012, 01:21:15 UTC
Heh! This is the first scene of 8.01, you know… ;-)


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