icons 05: multifandom

Jul 20, 2012 19:47

Hello everyone! It's been a while since i uploaded my journal! I've been veeeery busy because of THE EXAMS; I've finally graduated from high school and soon I'll start university (:
However, let's go back to main point! iconsss !

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Comments 9

alexsuami July 20 2012, 19:01:20 UTC
tutte carinissime pawi!! adoro quelle con lydia e con arya ♥


zaryaaa July 20 2012, 20:21:22 UTC
grazie ale *--------*


val_valerie July 20 2012, 21:31:44 UTC
congrats on graduating <33
what a beautiful come back, i love all of these very much and i adore your vintage-vibrant coloring :)


zaryaaa July 20 2012, 21:50:35 UTC
thank you, you're so nice ♥
glad you like them and thanks (:
I'm going to check your profile, i want to see all the beautiful icons i haven't seen lol


val_valerie July 20 2012, 21:53:14 UTC
by the way i don't post graphics and icons on my personal profile anymore xD
you've been away for too long, i made a graphics separate comm :3


zaryaaa July 20 2012, 22:04:59 UTC
yes i know, i promise i'll catch up!

btw found you! XD


daydreamshole July 22 2012, 10:13:40 UTC
te l'ho già detto che puzzi? D: penso le mie preferite siano quella viola di sherlock (colori troppo faighi) e la 23 u.u


zaryaaa July 22 2012, 13:25:54 UTC
ahahah perchè tu no? XD
cmq grazie ♥


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