~And I can't find my brush!

Apr 18, 2013 00:21



I don't think Duster would have many problems with them not just because I like people just accepting the Magypsies I HAVE SOME REALLY BORING REASONING TO IT TOO IF YOU CARE you probably don't but here it is anyway

-Duster's really nice and respectful to the Mr. Saturns since they were nice to him regardless of how weird they are compared to most people in the Nowhere Islands, so really I don't think he cares much either way who's doing what or whatever as long as they treat him well.

-Wes kept Duster isolated from most of the other people in town, some of whom acted like they hadn't seen him in years, so he didn't really have much exposure to any of the people that think the Magypsies are weird and creepy and thus no reason to think that himself. He'd probably get whatever opinions he has on people like the Magypsies from Wes, speakin of which...

-Wes doesn't seem weirded out by Ionia at all and actually says he thinks you're really lucky while Ionia is with you. And if you think of Wes and Alec being friends, it stands to reason that Alec might have invited Wes along to Magypsy parties. And if you don't think that happened, Wes probably went and visited them in general while they were watching Kumatora just to keep an eye on her. Either way, it doesn't seem unreasonable that Wes met them at some point and from how he acts when Ionia's with you, he doesn't seem weirded out or whatever by them at all. So he probably wouldn't have taught Duster to think it's weird or anything either. All of the insults he uses for Duster also revolve around his intelligence and ability, not his masculinity or anything, so it just doesn't seem like something that Wes cares about (and therefore Duster cares about) to me.


I totally forgot Phrygia's got a big ol honker until I did this. I also originally crammed Duster and Ionia's convo in that tiny space between them in the sketch because durr who needs readability HAD TO MOVE IT UP ABOVE THEM BECAUSE I CAN'T PLAN ANYTHING OUT
Doria and Mixlydia should be further left to center things a bit better but eh whatever

BUT HEY WHY NOT FOLLOW THIS UP the temptation to draw the end results was too much to resist

thanks for taking that makeup bullet for me bro
I KEEP COVERING HIM IN SCARS, WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME the earrings are clip-ons i think, haha

Duster doesn't mind just sitting and doing what people tell him to do, sort of used to it actually. Though I imagine having so many people fussing over him and telling him he's cute or adorable or whatever would be super surreal, haha.
DISCOUNTING POTENTIAL DCMC FANS THAT SAID HE'S CUTE i actually have no idea where these even take place chronologically


being a royal thief is a hard job
*insert boring ramble about whether there are books in tazmily at all here*

This is probably the most lighthearted thing I've ever done with Wes, haha. I assume Kumatora asked him to stand in for her when she was a little kid, or told him he HAD TO STAY AND BE PRETTIED IF SHE HAD TO BECAUSE SHE WASN'T DOING THIS ALONE and he was like FINE >:( and sulked the entire time while Alec was like |D in the background.

I should be scarring up Wes's hands more to go with Duster's, eh, I'll make a note.

then i didn't color this one because i'm lazy BUT IT'S TRUE

okay i'm done

I also posted this at dreamwidth with reluctant ambivalence. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

art, mother (series), mother 3

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