Promptly prompted prompts? Or, y'know, something.

May 31, 2011 15:54

My brain is struggling with five ideas at the same time and while I kind of want to write all of them, I also don't feel like jumping into a real story right now. The solution, of course, would be drabbling all over the place, which is why your support would be most appreciated. Which is to say:

Prompt me! And others! And yourself! Like so:
  1. I queued ( Read more... )

squee, pretentious writing stuff, random stuff

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Comments 93

stellarmeadow May 31 2011, 14:01:05 UTC
Ooo, fun! I'll play! 511


zarah5 May 31 2011, 14:08:44 UTC
Yay! That would be The Killers - Indie Rock'n'Roll.

Lyrics are here.

And you know I am so totally counting on you to answer a prompt or two. *nudges*


stellarmeadow May 31 2011, 14:38:56 UTC
Stay if you wanna love me, stay, oh don't be shy

Like it's a surprise, but H50, Steve/Danny :)

I may have to try this, though I'm kind of...obssessing over that other thing at the moment... :)


zarah5 May 31 2011, 14:54:22 UTC
Heh, I don't mind non-surprises. *g*

And while I approve of that other thing (so much OMG), I still want you to play. Just a short little drabble? *dimples*


gehirnstuerm May 31 2011, 14:22:04 UTC
Yay! 666, please! :D


zarah5 May 31 2011, 14:31:51 UTC
Playplayplay! That would be Lali Puna - That Day. Lyrics are here - what shall it be?


gehirnstuerm May 31 2011, 14:39:56 UTC
Let's stay awake tonight
Cause I still see the light

Steve/Danny (huge surprise, I know *g*)


Let's stay awake tonight / Cause I still see the light zarah5 May 31 2011, 16:02:25 UTC
Danny's too old for this shit. Seriously, he is and he already knows he'll regret it tomorrow because his body just doesn't deal very well with sleepless nights anymore. He should know better, but then, knowing better always seems to lose its contours when Steve is around ( ... )


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zarah5 May 31 2011, 14:36:06 UTC
I hope it shall be fun for all! And your prompt would be: Darwin Deez - DNA, lyrics here. Pickpick!


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zarah5 May 31 2011, 16:31:54 UTC
Ooooh. I actually think this one might have a lot of potential! Angsty potential, yes. But potential!


liz_mo May 31 2011, 14:23:47 UTC
Sounds like fun! 1980 please.

(you have 13637 songs?!)


zarah5 May 31 2011, 14:44:22 UTC
That would be: Berlin Mitte - Here She Comes (man, despite the lyrics, this song makes me happy whenever I hear it). Somewhat fragmented lyrics are here.

(One can never ever have too much music!)


liz_mo June 4 2011, 10:42:00 UTC
Sorry for the late reply. Oooh, contemporary german band. Sounds good. didn't know them before.
Well, I'm not into H50, so I would love to read some (more) Holmes/Watson from you, but if you're not inclined that's fine, too :)

I'm trying hard, you save my soul
Well, I'm a helpless fool
Watson POV


spindlelimbs May 31 2011, 14:28:19 UTC
would you mind writing some bandom again? if you don't want to i'm totally fine with H50 cause i love it so :D


zarah5 May 31 2011, 14:48:28 UTC
Stars of Track and Field - The Stranger. Lyrics are here.

And I could try, as long as it isn't Nu!Panic! Totally! (Or maybe someone else will jump on the prompt!)


spindlelimbs May 31 2011, 15:03:13 UTC
No worries, I'm an oldschool!Panic kind of girl anyway.
But I'll cheat and give you two, so you can choose :P

Promise you'll meet me later (Jon/Ryan)
These days I feel like a stranger (Steve/Danny)


These Days I Feel Like a Stranger perspi May 31 2011, 17:01:17 UTC
(You encouraged me to play! So. I did?)

Steve's quiet when he gets out.

Everything's too loud, too bright, too fast, Danny most of all, Danny who hides everything badly, in plain sight underneath eighty-mile-an-hour bluster and gossip. Most of it is stuff Steve already knows, shared over a shitty six-foot phone line between three inches of glass, read and reread and tucked into his boots, the boots he wore before. He curls his toes, reassured by the folds of the letters under his soles, and watches a pair of sunglasses land in his lap.

Danny must have seen the squint. Steve puts the glasses on but doesn't look up; he's not quite ready for sky just yet.

The house, when they get there, is far too big, open and rattly and wrong, and Steve wants nothing more than to be in his boxers and thongs again but he stops himself from taking off his boots; he stops entirely when he's halfway to the kitchen, completely at a loss for what to do with himself.

Danny closes the door behind them, and he's finally, finally quiet, probably watching ( ... )


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