Fic: Broken Substitutes (1/4) (Holmes/Watson)

Feb 28, 2010 15:55

This story was written for help_haiti, although I guess that help_chile would be just as appropriate. However, I think that most of the Haiti donations were not tied to a specific cause, so I’m convinced that Chile will profit just as much from the amazing, incredible result of the fandom fundraising for Haiti. As such, this solely and entirely belongs to purelyironic. ( Read more... )

holmes, fic, holmes&fic

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Comments 60

paperclipbitch March 1 2010, 15:42:40 UTC
I've got to dash so I'll be back later to leave a review worthy of something of this calibre.

This is beautiful.

So I shall simply say:
a) I read this while blow-drying my hair before a lecture and burned the ends of my hair on more than one occasion because I was so caught up in the story.
b) I cried (possibly because I'm sleep-deprived? I shall blame it on the strength of your prose instead)



zarah5 March 3 2010, 18:31:51 UTC
I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR EVEN ONE BURNT HAIR!!! And I am possibly rather out of it, due to having spent two days at a congress talking to people from all over the world - brain is buzzing. So I'll leave it at: &hearts @ you. *nods*


I like Irene, could you bring her back floratang March 1 2010, 19:44:24 UTC
I always curious that how Watson think about her, I think she is smart girl, and talent, Holmes always like her talent, why did Watson has this behavior, did he has the love feeling for Holmes too, if he did not, why did he always react like that.


Re: I like Irene, could you bring her back zarah5 March 3 2010, 18:32:56 UTC
Oh, I personally adore Irene! But Watson is entitled to a bit of jealousy (that he doesn't recongise as just that, not yet), isn't he? I mean, look at Holmes' behaviour towards Mary in the movie! *g*


Re: I like Irene, could you bring her back floratang March 3 2010, 21:43:03 UTC
Watson is jealousy,that is what I want to see, could you write a story to make Watson jealous about Irene, I always curious how Watson think about Irene, did he believe that Holemes love Irene or not, in the movie, I did not see that Holmes in love with Irene, of course he is fond of her, but that was because he could respect her like a man. She was quite fearless, combative and extremely cunning. She fascinated him. Other women - Mary, for example - were boring, so if you could be write a story like that, I think that must be fun.


Re: I like Irene, could you bring her back zarah5 March 4 2010, 06:13:49 UTC
Uh, sorry, but there are already so many other stories that I want to write, and certainly not enough time to do it. You could try for a request at a request comm or something.


timberwolfoz March 1 2010, 22:21:06 UTC
This is brilliant -- you've got the dialogue perfectly, I could hear RDJ and JL saying the lines as I read them.

Poor Mary! And Watson's anguish and Holmes's grief and concern for his friend were beautifully done.

Well done! Greatly looking forward to the next part.

ETA Also, just letting you know I've friended you, as per your userinfo.


zarah5 March 3 2010, 18:56:24 UTC
I guess in that respect, it definitely is movie verse - they're so much more RDJ and JL than the book characters. (But I adore the movie characters, so much!) Anyway, thank you so much! Am happy you enjoy this beginning, and the next part will be up tomorrow.

Also, hi! I am honoured! Pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable. :D


yorunohime March 2 2010, 11:56:13 UTC
Ooh, this is a very intriguing start! I must admit angst is generally one of my least favourite things in fanfic, especially as a lot of people don't seem to know when to stop or simply throw it in for the heck of it, but it works here and actually helps to add to both the story and the already wonderful (and wonderfully flawed) relationship between Holmes and Watson. That this is a perfect mix of movie!verse and book!canon only makes it all the better - Mary's death here is chilling. Very beautiful. ♥


zarah5 March 3 2010, 18:58:54 UTC
Oh, seriously! I looooove angst! Although angst is not a synonym for drama, mind you, and I think this is where some people get confused. Angst is not about UNLIKELY ACCIDENTS and everyone WEEPING and in PAIN and TALKING IN CAPITALS - at least that's drama for me, not angst. *g*

Anyway, I am so happy this isn't that for you, and that it works - because I love flawed relationships, because the bumpy ride makes the arrival all the sweeter. &hearts

Thanks so much! Next part tomorrow.


yorunohime March 3 2010, 20:58:21 UTC
Ha, yes, that definitely counts as drama to me. XD I'm not against angst, technically, but I feel it's overdone more often than not and in those cases it just gets on my nerves. And I have, uhm, issues with unhappy endings so that also has a slight influence on how I feel about it. *coughs* Still, if it's done well (as it is here, I'm happy to say :D) I can't but enjoy it thoroughly. I Can't wait for tomorrow, then! ♥

(And flawed relationships are the best kind out there. This is a fact that cannot be denied. The end.)


clo_sama March 2 2010, 20:05:26 UTC
This is great ! Can't wait for the next part !


zarah5 March 3 2010, 18:59:17 UTC
Thanks so much! Next part should be up tomorrow. :D


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