Dynamic Equilibrium - Part Two

Feb 10, 2014 12:35


The Buffalo County Garrison of the Department of Dynamics is relatively small. There are three staff members in the Sub Division (one per shift), nine in the Dom division (three per shift), four in Admin and Accounts (day shift only) and three in Cleaning and Catering (day shift only). With the exception of one in Admin and two in Cleaning and Catering, all the rest of the staff members are Doms.

When Victor Henriksen comes in at half past three to take over for the afternoon shift, Gabriel is reluctant to leave. The shift handover takes a little longer than the usual half hour, because they have a client in the cells and Gabriel is surprised by how unwilling he is to leave Dean in the hands of another Dom.

Victor picks up on it immediately. “It’s okay, Gabe,” he says, slapping Gabriel on the back. “I’ve been in this job a long time. I know what I’m doing.”

“Right,” says Gabriel, “it’s just…”

“Go home, Gabe. I’ve got your boy.”

Gabriel pulls a face. “He’s not my boy, Victor.”

Victor’s expression is shrewd. “No. But you think maybe he could be.”

Gabriel sighs. “It’s just. He’s been passing as a Dom for eight years, taking Zero.  And I…he…you…” Gabriel runs out of steam.

Victor kindly fills in the blanks. “It’s SOP for us to put Zero addicts into Subspace before lights out and you don’t like the idea of anyone other than you putting Dean down.”

Gabriel nods and then runs a hand over his face. “It’s just…I don’t know how he’s gonna take it. And I don’t want him to get into any more trouble.”

Victor’s expression is thoughtful. “Tell you what,” he says, “if I have any trouble with the kid, I’ll call you. How’s that?”
Gabriel grins. “I’d really appreciate that. Thanks Victor.”

Even so, Gabriel doesn’t leave straight away. He spends a couple of hours catching up on paperwork and it’s not until Sub Fitzgerald comes in with the client’s supper and asks to be buzzed through to the Cells that Gabriel closes down his PC and packs everything away. He apologizes to Garth before he leaves, and clamps down on the urge to take the tray from him and go and spend some more time with Dean.

Gabriel stops on the way home and buys a banana and caramel pie. He wonders if Dean likes pie as much as he does. He wonders how the kid managed to get under his skin so quickly and completely.


Dean prowls the cage for the…actually he’s lost count of how many times he’s paced out his cell, checking every section for potentially exploitable weaknesses. So far, all he’s been able to determine is that he’s not getting out of this cage until someone lets him out.

Which sucks balls.

Dean slams a hand against a wire wall and then retreats to the rear of the cage and slides down onto his ass. He sits with his knees up and his elbows resting on his knees, staring moodily at his socked feet. The bastards had even taken his boots.

A Sub had brought him some supper, maybe half an hour ago and Dean had been left in solitude to feed it to himself. If he’s honest with himself (and Dean is usually honest with himself, no matter how much he may lie to other people) being hand fed at lunch hadn’t sucked as badly as he’d thought it would. Partly that was because of Gabriel. Dean sort of maybe kind of likes the guy a little. And partly-Dean sighs and scrubs a hand over his forehead-partly it’s because of his submissive nature.

No matter what conclusions the DoD might have drawn based on his behavior, Dean knows that he’s a Sub; he just doesn’t think that fact defines him and he hates that others do. So what if he enjoys sitting at his lovers’ feet, having his hair stroked and being told how good he is? So what if he enjoys being tied up and then sweetly tortured with a combination of pleasure and pain until he’s begging to be allowed to come?  So what if he gets off on being dominated in bed; on being told to bend over and present his ass for a deep, hard fucking? None of that stops him from being a competent, capable adult and he resents like fuck this idea society has that he’s somehow less than a Dom; less intelligent, less knowledgeable, less able to achieve high office, less worthy of equal pay. The law won’t even let him take legal responsibility for himself; Gabriel hasn’t brought it up yet, but Dean isn’t stupid. If they can’t find someone to take Guardianship of him, he’ll end up in State. Dean rubs a hand across his forehead and wonders if Gabriel will let him have any Tylenol.

The door into the Cells swings open and the man who walks in is every bit the type of swaggering asshole Dom that Dean has come to hate.

“Center of the cell, Sub Winchester,” his voice drips arrogance. “Kneeling presentation.”

Dean’s blood boils and he stays exactly where he is, his lips curling into a sneer.

The Dom repeats his instruction, this time with lashings of pheromones and his Dom Voice. It’s a struggle, especially after the messed up reaction he had yesterday to the combination of Incubus pheromones and Zero, but Dean manages to resist. Even manages to spit out a ‘fuck you’ from between his clenched teeth.

The Dom smiles, all bared teeth and snarky eyebrows. “Well now,” he says, “I see what’s got Gabriel so interested.” He raises one eyebrow and Dean really wants to smack the smug expression off his face.

The Dom introduces himself as Victor Henriksen and then quirks his eyebrows annoyingly again. “So, you want out of this cage, boy?”

“Does a bear shit in the woods?”

Victor smirks, flicks open the slot in the cage door and gets out his handcuffs, jangling them at Dean.
Dean gets to his feet with a sigh and cooperates while the Dom cuffs him. When Victor repeats his ‘center of the cell, kneeling presentation’ order, Dean does as he’s told. He’s not happy at all when Victor shackles his feet and puts a leash on him. Still, a trip out of his cage is worth the humiliation. It may give him valuable information that could help him to escape.

“So where we off to, Vic?” he asks.

The Dom smacks him on the ass and mutters something inane about manners.

“Just something we’ve gotta take care of before we bed you down for the night,” he says.

Dean doesn’t like the sound of that and he steels himself for action, becoming hyper aware of his surroundings and the heat of Victor Henriksen at his back.

They go down past the row of cages and through a door at the opposite end of the cell block. Dean is so focused on the Dom at his back that it takes him a moment to work out what’s going on. When he does, his reaction is a violent one. He breaks the hold Victor has on his leash and spins to face him. “No fucking way,” he says.

“It’s standard operating procedure for Zero addicts,” Victor says. “It’s for your own good.”

“Bullshit,” says Dean, “you’re just a sadistic fuck. There is no world in this entire universe where I would allow you to beat me.”

Victor sighs and reaches for the leash and Dean shuffles backwards, sidestepping the spanking bench in the center of the room. “Don’t think the cuffs’ll stop me from hurting you, Vic,” he says.

Victor crosses his arms and examines Dean through narrowed eyes. “You’re really gonna fight me on this?”

Dean smirks. “Every step of the way.”

“Okay, then.” Victor steps out of the cell and locks the door behind him.


Gabriel drops his keys on the hall stand and heads straight for the fridge. He places the pie inside and then plucks half a bottle of Moscato off the middle shelf (thank the Goddess for screw caps) and pours some of the white wine into his usual crystal wine glass, conveniently situated on the draining board.  He gulps it back without really tasting it and pours himself a second glass, which he savors.  There is a steak marinating in the fridge and Gabriel has been looking forward to it all day. Now it just looks lonely and forlorn, sitting all by itself in the marinading dish. Gabriel isn’t so lacking in introspection that he doesn’t know why that is.

Gabriel accepted a long time ago that he was destined to live out his life alone. He’s a member of the local D/s club and he plays when the mood strikes him, but no-one has ever made him yearn for more the way Dean Winchester has. And they haven’t even had sex or scened together. The sentence feels like it needs a ‘yet’ on the end of it and Gabriel takes another gulp of wine, because that line of thinking? Totally unprofessional. Dean Winchester is a client. A vulnerable young man. And Gabriel has absolutely no business thinking that he’s sex on attractively-bowed legs.

Gabriel busies himself with potatoes. He enjoys cooking and hopes it will distract him. He preheats the oven and then peels, slices and seasons two potatoes, ready for roasting. When the oven reaches the right temperature he slips the baking dish inside, and then makes a salad. He waters his plants, checks his email and answering machine and then goes and pan fries his one lonely steak. He eats alone at the kitchen bench, because it just isn’t worth setting a table for one.

Gabriel is putting his dirty dishes in the dishwasher when his cell phone rings. He assumes it will be Victor and he answers without looking at the caller display, his chest tightening.

“Archangel,” he says brusquely.

“Dom Archangel,” the voice isn’t one he was expecting. “This is Dr Milton.”

“What can I do for you?” Gabriel is impressed that he manages to keep his voice calm. If Dr Milton is calling him on his work phone, there must be a serious problem.

“I was asked to call you by Sam Winchester. Apparently you have his brother Dean in custody and Sam is very keen to ensure that he doesn’t end up in State.”

Oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

Although when he thinks about it, he shouldn’t be surprised that Mister Winchester knows Dr Milton, the head of the Sub Rights Association. Gabriel had been quietly impressed by Sam Winchester when they’d spoken; the fact that it’s Milton himself making this call tells him that he’s not the only one who finds the kid impressive.

“We all want that, Dr Milton,” he says, “there’s just the minor matter of finding a suitable Guardian for him.”

“The SRA is more than happy to help with that,” says Dr Milton.

And that should be good news, right? If the SRA decides to shine a spotlight on Dean’s case, if one of their members takes on Dean’s Guardianship, then he certainly won’t end up languishing in a State run Home for Wayward Subs. This is a good thing. So why has Gabriel’s stomach soured?

“You have someone in mind?” he asks, trying (and mostly failing) to keep his tone neutral.

“Several someones,” Milton’s voice is careful. Damn. He caught Gabriel’s reticence. “Sam tells me that Dean goes before the Judge tomorrow afternoon.”

“That’s right,” Gabriel clears his throat. “I, uh, I spoke with Mister Winchester this afternoon.”

Milton’s tone is cool. “Sam Winchester is an active member of the SRA. We look forward to being able to help him ensure the rights of his brother.”  Milton hangs up.

Gabriel’s other cell phone rings almost immediately. The caller ID is blocked, of course, but Gabriel knows who it is.

“What’s going on, Gabe?” his little brother doesn’t bother with introductions.

“What do you mean, Cas?” Gabriel prevaricates.

“Why weren’t you happy when I told you that the SRA is going to find Dean a Guardian?”

“I am happy.”

Cas laughs. “Yeah, you’re happy and I’m a Dom.”

Archangels were Doms. It was an unwritten law of nature. Archangels bonded with Subs and they produced Doms.
When they were kids, there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that Cas would be a Dom. He had a genius-level IQ and he was bossy, determined and rebellious.  It had been Gabriel who the family was quietly worried about; carefree and irreverent, devoted to his baby brother, smaller than your average Dom. When Gabriel presented as a Dom, the family was relieved. When Cas presented as a Sub, the family was stunned, horrified and outraged. Cas was summarily pulled out of the prestigious Prep school he’d been attending and sent to a Sub Finishing School.

Six years Cas’s senior, Gabriel was away at college when the shit hit the fan and when a shivering, dishevelled, absolutely furious Cas turned up at his off-campus apartment, Gabriel wasn’t going to send him away. He faked Guardianship papers for Cas and enrolled him at the local high school.  Cas was grateful and Gabriel was happy to help; a mind like Cas’s shouldn’t be silenced just because the owner of said mind was a Sub.

Their father and older brother Michael turned up a week later and dragged Cas back to the family home. Dad was furious with Cas; even more furious with Gabriel and a lot of nasty stuff was said about Gabriel not being fit to be anyone’s Dom if he was going to let a Sub walk all over him the way he’d let Cas.

Cas just kept running away, though, and turning up on Gabriel’s door step. And when he gave an interview to the university’s campus newspaper [Head of DoD Guilty of Gross Sub-Abuse - insider tells all] which was picked up by the syndicated press, Dad decided to make Gabriel’s Guardianship of Cas official and washed his hands of them.

Cas joined the fledgling Subs Rights Association and worked his way to the top, making it bigger and better than ever, a real force to reckoned with. Gabriel earned his undergraduate degree in Dynamic Development and went into the family business.  His father thought that keeping him perpetually assigned to the Sub Division was some sort of punishment; he was an old-fashioned Dom, completely unable to understand that Gabriel was exactly where he wanted to be.

Cas had always been so vehemently independent, so outraged by his need for Subspace, that Gabriel had always assumed he was a-dynamic. He’d even bought Zero for the kid a couple of times, against his better judgement.  So when he came home one day to find a naked and collared Cas kneeling blissed-out at the feet of Gabriel’s best friend Anna Milton, to say he was surprised would be putting it mildly. They bonded after Cas earned his first degree. He wasn’t the first Sub in history to earn one, but he was the first Sub to earn a double-degree in Biomedical Science and Law. And he was the first collared, bonded Sub to earn a post graduate degree in Neurophysiology. And Psychology. And a Masters in Dynamic Development. Always had to one-up his big brother.


Gabriel breaks off from his trip down memory lane.  “I am happy for Dean,” he says. “It’s just. He’s a real firecracker, you know? Got under my skin in a way no-one has since Kali.”

Cas snorts. “Yeah, cuz that was a healthy relationship.”

Gabriel shrugs. “It was college. Everyone experiments in college.”

Cas concedes the point. “So,” he says. “You like him, huh?”

Gabriel reminds him that they are not, in fact, in middle school, but yes, in different circumstances, he would definitely have been tempted to woo Dean Winchester.

“Here’s an idea,” says Cas. “Why don’t you offer yourself as Guardian?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Gabriel snaps. “I’m his DoD officer. That wouldn’t be appropriate.”

“You’re only his DoD officer until the court case,” Cas says mildly. “I can’t think of a single reason why the Judge wouldn’t find you acceptable.”

“Well there’s you, for a start.”

Cas snorts. “Our relationship is no longer a matter of public record, as you well know. But even if it was…look how well I turned out! It’d definitely be a point in your favor.”

Gabriel knows that a significant number of old-school ‘traditional family values’ Doms would beg to differ on that score, but he diplomatically doesn’t say anything.

“Think about it, Gabe,” Cas says. “You’re actually kind of perfect for Dean.”

Gabriel thinks about it. Really hard. Dean hates the fact that the law requires him to have a Guardian.  If Gabriel was his Guardian, surely he would hate Gabriel? Gabriel doesn’t want Dean to hate him.

“I can’t,” he says finally. “What if he hates me?”
“What if he doesn’t?” Cas counters, and in some ways, that’s even scarier.

His work cell rings and Gabriel checks the caller ID. It’s Victor. He asks Cas to hold on while he takes Victor’s call.

“Your boy won’t let me put him down,” Victor says. “Promised to fight me every step of the way, so I’ve left him in the spanking cell to cool his heels for a while. How do you want me to handle this?”

Gabriel tells Victor that he’ll come in and deal with it. He hangs up on Victor and picks up his other cell phone.

“Cas? I’ve gotta go. Can I call you back?”

Cas hesitates. “Not after half past ten,” he says. “I’ll probably be tied up. Literally. Anna has plans.”


By the time the door into the punishment cell opens again, Dean has worked himself into a state of furious exhaustion.
But the swinging of the door rallies him and he surges to his feet, ready to face off against Victor.

Only it’s not Victor.

It’s Gabriel.

He saunters over to the spanking bench and sits down. Dean watches him warily. Gabriel reaches into his jacket pocket and Dean tenses, expecting a paddle or a hairbrush or something. Gabriel pulls out a bag of Gummi Bears.  He selects a couple of red ones and jams them into his mouth before half turning and offering the packet to Dean.

“Gummi Bear?” he says. Dean thinks he says. The words are a little mangled by the candy in his mouth.

“Your colleague wants to assault me,” Dean says tightly.

Gabriel sighs. “My colleague wants to help you achieve Subspace.”

“Well I don’t want to, not like this.”

“Yeah,” Gabriel nods. “I get that.”

Dean sniffs. “I seriously doubt that.”

Gabriel stares at him, brown eyes penetrating green, and Dean sees him come to a decision. “I’ve been there, you know. Subspace.”

Dean can’t quite supress his surprise at that and he gravitates subconsciously to Gabriel’s side.

“Why?” he asks, sitting down next to him on the spanking bench.

Gabriel produces a key and gestures for Dean to turn around. He takes off his cuffs, and the leash, and then bends down and unlocks, then removes, the ankle cuffs.

“Thank you,” Dean rubs at his wrists. “Are you gonna answer my question?”

Gabriel’s smile is tired. “In my final year of college I met this incredible girl, Kali. She claimed to be same-dynamic oriented and, hey, it was college, everyone experiments in college. Turns out she was actually just a stock-standard Dom, with a really nasty sadistic streak who got a kick out of coercing other Doms into subbing for her,” his grin is sheepish.

“Being with Kali was one hell of a ride, but a complete mindfuck. I’m not into that. Mind games. I’m more of a ‘what you see is what you get’ kind of a guy. Anyway, Subspace was nice. But I really didn’t like what I had to go through to get there.” Gabriel looks hard at Dean. “I suspect you’re more like my little brother; it’s not so much the ‘what’ you object to as the ‘who’.”

Dean takes a deep breath and then lets it out very slowly. “I like scening as much as the next Sub,” he says, “but, yeah, I don’t like being forced into doing it with just anyone because of my shitty biology. I like for there to be a connection between me and the Dom,” he laughs shortly, “but I’m not exactly most Doms’ idea of the perfect Sub, so you can probably guess how many times I’ve been, you know, really into it when I’ve had to scene.”

“Which explains the Zero,” Gabriel comments.

Dean admits nothing that could be taken down and used in evidence against him.

“Feel free to tell me if I’m wildly off-base here,” says Gabriel after a pause, “but I feel as if we have a bit of a connection.”
He’s not off base, but Dean doesn’t want to admit that out loud.

“You know,” he says, shifting subtly away, “you guys could do with some throw rugs and a few candles in here. The ambience sucks.”

Gabriel’s smile is wicked. “Candles hey,” he says. “Should I assume you’re into wax play then?”

Dean feels his face heat and ducks his head. “Look,” he says, “if we’d met at a bar…but I can’t. Not here.”

Gabriel scrubs a hand over his face and when he meets Dean’s gaze again his puppy dog eyes would rival Sam’s. Not that Dean has seen his little brother in forever. And not that now is a really good time to be thinking about his little brother. Gabriel puts a hand on Dean’s thigh; it grounds him.

“I wish we’d met at a bar too,” he says, and Dean can see the honesty in his expression. “But we’re here, now, and, much as I wish things were different, your choices here are limited. This is going to happen,” his voice is firm and Dean is a little bit turned on, despite himself. Gabriel waits quietly, eyes watching carefully as Dean accepts the inevitable and comes to terms with it. “Your first choice,” he says, when Dean nods his understanding, “me or Dom Henriksen?”

“You.” That’s a no-brainer. Dean wouldn’t let a Dom like Victor touch him with a ten-foot pole.

“Your second choice,” Gabriel’s voice is softer now, strong, but gentle. “Do you want me to put you over the bench or over my lap?”

Dean feels his face heat again. He really likes the intimacy of being over a Dom’s lap, but he’s a fair bit bigger than Gabriel and it could end up being awkward. He rubs at the back of his neck and thinks about it, figures Gabriel wouldn’t have offered if he didn’t think he could manage it and if he’s going to submit to Gabriel, maybe he should start trusting him to know what he’s doing.

“Your lap,” he says, and the shot of embarrassment he feels when his cock jumps, just makes it jump again.

“Final choice,” Gabriel says quietly. “Paddle only, or a combination of my hand and the paddle, as I see fit?”

He’s not really supposed to offer that. This is supposed to be clinical; a DoD officer taking a Sub down for medical purposes, but the fact that Gabriel just knows what Dean needs, knows that he needs to feel that skin on skin connection in order to properly reach Subspace, only confirms to Dean that submitting to Gabriel is the right thing to do.

“Both,” he says. “Please.”

Gabriel tells him to stand up and he stumbles to his feet, heart beating rapidly.

“Pants down,” Gabriel’s crisp tone will tolerate no disobedience and Dean does as he’s told, unzipping his jeans with shaking fingers and peeling them down his thighs.

His cock springs, ready and eager from the confines of his shorts and Dean resists the temptation to cover his groin, because it’s not his place to decide what Gabriel will look at; a Dom has the right to see every part of his Sub. Still, it’s a relief when Gabriel tugs him in between his spread legs and lowers him over his left knee.

The spanking bench is the long saw-horse variety, with a vinyl-padded top and vinyl-padded knee rests. Gabriel is sitting on one of the knee-rests and he arranges Dean in such a way that his head and torso are resting on the knee-rest, with his feet on the ground, legs trapped between Gabriel’s legs, and his upturned bare ass is sitting high on Gabriel’s thigh, perfectly presented for spanking.

Gabriel places one hand in between Dean’s shoulder blades and one on Dean’s ass. Dean tenses, but all Gabriel does is run his hand over the muscle of his backside in a way that’s nice and relaxing and Dean pillows his head in his folded arms and lets himself float.

“I’m going to start now,” Gabriel murmurs.

The hand on Dean’s back slides underneath him, around to his chest, and Gabriel pinches his left nipple. The pinches get progressively harder and after about a dozen Dean is squirming enough to earn himself a light slap on the ass. Gabriel moves to the other nipple and repeats the process. He’s talking constantly now, telling Dean how good he’s being, how pleased he is that Dean is taking the nipple-play so gracefully.  He tells Dean that he’s going to count down from twenty and when he reaches zero, the nipple play will be over. The pinches and twists that follow are hard and fast and Gabriel moves from one nipple to the other in random patterns that Dean can’t predict.

“Good boy,” Gabriel says when the countdown is over. Normally Dean hates being called a good boy; he’s a 6ft1 manly man who hunts monsters for a living. But Gabriel manages to say it in a way that’s not patronizing and Dean allows himself to bask in the Dom’s approval, just for a little while.

Gabriel rubs Dean’s ass soothingly for a moment and then suddenly his hand is gone. The smack that lands on his left butt cheek is sharp and stinging and is quickly followed by a second sharp slap on his right cheek. Gabriel alternates cheeks; left, right; left, right, and Dean’s bottom heats slowly as he listens to the rhythmic slaps and the soothing cadence of Gabriel’s voice telling him how well he’s doing, how strong he is, how proud Gabriel is of him. He settles into his first light endorphin hit, relaxing as his Oxytocin levels begin to slowly build.

Five, or maybe ten minutes later, Gabriel stops smacking and starts rubbing Dean’s bottom soothingly. “You’re doing great,” Gabriel tells him. “We’re gonna go harder now, just for a minute or two, get that second endorphin hit happening.”

The next smack is brutal and Dean gasps, his shoulders tensing as he pulls away.

“Easy,” says Gabriel.  The next slap still hurts, but Gabriel has dialled it down a bit and it’s a good pain now, not something Dean wants to move away from.  By the time Gabriel stops spanking him and starts kneading his sore, hot cheeks, Dean is panting ragged breaths into the circle of his arms.

“Such a good boy,” Gabriel says. “You’re taking this beautifully.”  He continues to touch Dean lightly, rubbing and massaging at the scorching skin of his aching bottom.   Eventually the soft touches become light slaps, but Gabriel’s stream of gentle praise and reassurance helps Dean stay relaxed and pliant.

“Good,” Gabriel says. “Gonna give you another couple minutes of hard, direct pain now.”

The spanking that follows is harder and more painful than the previous session. Gabriel’s solid hand smacks down with forceful blows that rob Dean of his breath and make his eyes fill with tears. It hurts, but it’s not too much; he can accept this level of pain now and he doesn’t feel any need to pull away.

Once again, the brief session of intense spanking is followed by a long period of gentle touch, which is almost as painful, because Dean’s ass is blistered and any handling hurts.

The constant sound of Gabriel’s voice is reassuring as he encourages Dean to relax and to accept the sensations that he’s experiencing.

“Gonna give you another hard spanking,” Gabriel whispers in his ear. “Gonna paddle you this time,” something hard and cold rests on Dean’s inflamed bottom and his breathing hitches. “Brought this from home,” Gabriel murmurs. That somehow makes it more personal, more intimate, and Dean barely bites back a moan. He’s suddenly aware of his hard cock, throbbing and leaking against Gabriel’s thigh and he squirms, seeking friction.

The first slap of the paddle is shocking and Dean claws at the vinyl beneath him, his breath driven from him as all his nerve endings fire and sweet, sweet pain sweeps over him, up his spine and down his legs. Dean’s got a good buzz going now and the paddle slaps and slaps and slaps, and Dean whimpers and writhes, his face streaked with tears as he gives himself over completely, accepting Gabriel’s control of his body without question; revelling in it. A fog of white hot light begins to lick at the edges of his mind and he feels himself slipping slowly into Subspace.

When he comes back to himself he’s sleepy and sore and sticky. Gabriel is running a hand through his hair and Dean allows himself a moment of feeling utterly blissed out before he groans softly and stirs.

“You were magnificent,” Gabriel says, as he helps Dean into a sitting position. Dean hisses as his battered ass connects with Gabriel’s thighs. He thinks he should probably feel a bit silly, sitting on the lap of the smaller man, but mostly he’s just enjoying the way Gabriel’s arms are wrapped around him.

“How are you feeling?” Gabriel asks.

“Awesome,” Dean responds. He sounds drunk, even to himself.

“You slipped into Subspace beautifully.”

Dean’s mouth twitches in a sloppy smile. “Yeah. Doesn’t happen like that very often. Was good.”

Gabriel’s answering smile is pleased and he pulls Dean against his chest and cuddles him tightly, petting his hair absently.

As Dean comes back down to Earth he becomes aware of the snot and tears on his face and the fact that he is sitting in a wet patch. Oh Goddess. He came all over Gabriel’s leg and the Dom didn’t say a thing. Dean starts to apologize, but Gabriel waves him away.

“It’s not a big deal,” he says, pulling a clean handkerchief out of his pocket. “Here. Blow.”

He wipes Dean’s nose and eyes and then helps him take off his jeans. Dean uses the handkerchief to wipe the come off himself, while Gabriel digs about in a cupboard that’s recessed into the wall and comes out with a pair of sleep pants. Dean winces when the cotton of his shorts comes into contact with his sore ass and Gabriel has to hold him steady while he puts the sleep pants on. He’s clumsy with drowsiness, heavy-eyed and sleepily compliant as Gabriel guides him back to the cage.

There is a sleeping mat in his cage, the type he and Dad and Sammy used to use when they camped out for Hunts, back when Dad was still expecting his eldest to grow into a big, strapping Dom.  Dean swallows around the bitterness in his mouth and leans into Gabriel for comfort.  Gabriel makes Dean drink all of the water left in the jug; four glasses; and handfeeds him a bunch of Gummi Bears. He then uses his remote control thingy to call down a pillow and a blanket from the complicated storage system they seem to have above the cages.

Gabriel settles him on the sleeping mat and covers him with a blanket.  When he starts to move away, Dean grabs his wrist.

“Stay?” he says. “Just for a while?”

“Of course,” Gabriel settles beside him and begins to stroke his forehead softly. Dean falls asleep to the comforting feel of his Dom’s fingers in his hair.


Gabriel drives home on automatic pilot. He puts his keys on the hall stand and then wanders blankly into the kitchen. He stands there for a moment, wondering what the hell he came into the kitchen for, and then he shakes himself and gets out his other cell phone. Dean’s spunk has dried on his jeans and Gabriel’s cock is rock hard and begging for release, but he doesn’t care about that, can’t care until he’s spoken to his brother.

“Cutting it close, Bro,” Castiel says.

Gabriel glances at the clock on his microwave. Shit. It’s 10.27pm.

“Sorry,” he says, meaning it. “Tell Anna I’m sorry too.”

“Tell my ass you’re sorry,” Cas grumbles, but he doesn’t sound too upset.

“I’ll make it quick,” Gabriel takes a deep breath. “I’ll do it. I’ll offer myself as Guardian for Dean.”

There’s a sharp intake of breath from the other end of the phone.

“What made you change your mind?”

“He wouldn’t let Victor put him into Subspace. But he submitted to me beautifully. It was,” Gabriel has to pause, to get his breathing under control. “It’s supposed to be clinical. Some people would say I was unprofessional. But it was what he needed and I…” Gabriel runs out of steam, overcome by the intensity of his emotions.

“Gabriel,” Cas says, “please tell me I’m not going to have Sam Winchester on the phone demanding the SRA presses indecent assault charges against you.”

“What?” Gabriel frowns. “Goddess above, Cas! No. Of course not. I mean, I used my hand for some of it instead of a paddle, but it was more about the, the emotional intensity, you know? It was…probably the best connection I’ve ever had in a scene.”

Cas is silent for a long moment and then he audibly sucks in air. When he speaks again his tone is brusque. “Alright.

This will go better if a Dom from Dean’s family of origin gives approval. So I’ll get Sam to draft a letter and email it to you at work in the morning,” Cas pauses. “Sam may be resistant at first. I may have to tell him why I trust you so much.”

Gabriel nods. “Do it.”

So what if it puts his job in jeopardy? Dean is worth it.


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dynamic equilibrium, pseudo-science, slash, angst, dub con, gabriel/dean, gabriel, spn_reversebang, fan fic, bottom!dean, hurt/comfort, d/s, nc-17, bdsm-au, dean winchester

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