Didn't realize I had any Ten icons until I got ready to post this.
Title: Companions
Series: none
Word Count: 222
Rating: G
Disclaimer PostSummary: The Tenth Doctor comes home to the TARDIS a bit worse for the wear.
wiccabuffy asked for Ten/TARDIS on
fandom_stocking and this was the result...on my end, anyway.
The Doctor stumbled into the TARDIS, completely disoriented and half-awake, although between the one and the other, he couldn't be really certain of either. The floating porcines didn't help, either, but he was fairly sure they were hallucinations. Maybe.
Note to self, he thought in a brief moment of clarity, never, ever eat anything from this planet again. It does not end well.
No, it doesn't, answered the melodious voice that was never far from his thoughts, and you say so every time.
I do, don't I? the Doctor sent drowsily, then promptly forgot what he'd asked. A sentient candy cane (and he didn't know how he knew it was sentient, but he was sure it was) was drinking tea on top of the center control console.
Always, the TARDIS replied fondly. Always, no matter what face you wear, no matter who your companions or who your enemies may be. You never change, my Doctor.
The Doctor was getting the distinct impression that they were talking about two entirely separate things, but he was too hazy to work out which was which.
It's alright, she soothed. Sleep now. I will still be here when you awaken.
Oh. Well, that's good then, the Doctor murmured, as he fell fast asleep to the song of the one companion who was always by his side.