So, today we have a piece of a Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! fic that got started two years ago and never quite made it to the "finished" stage. And, no, I'm not making that show up.
You can go
here for the wikipedia article. It's a really great cartoon that shares many traits with super sentai shows as well as cartoon and sci-fi classics. The fic I had envisioned takes place after the episode "The Lords of Soturix 7," in which the five cyborg monkeys and their boy hero leader crash land on a planet while trying to answer a distress call. (If the last half of that sentence threw you, stop here and go explore that link up there before you go any further. Go ahead, I'll wait. ...Done? Good. Moving on.) Something on the planet shorts out the computers in the monkeys' brain that allow them to act human. They go feral and abandon Chiro on the planet's surface and he has to get them back and beat the bad guy all on his own. At the end of the episode, he seemed very tense. He seemed to be giving slightly evasive answers to any questions asked. His body language was all wrong, even for an animated character and I got the impression that he wasn't meeting anyone's eyes. And the monkeys are essentially his only family (which I may post about sometime soon, just to get it all out and straight in my head), so I got to thinking: How would they handle this? I had planned to show Chiro, Antauri, Sprx-77, Nova, Gibson and Otto interacting with each other like a family and trying to get their rhythm back. Unfortunately, I got writer's block not long after I started this and then just never got back to it. I may yet finish it or I may not, I have no idea. Either way, here's a bit of "This Is Me Not Coping," where we get to see Otto's thoughts as he goes to talk to Antauri and worries that he's about to get yelled at.
Edit: Geez, I just reread this entry and realized I didn't include any sort of disclaimer. I do not own Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!, Ciro Nieli does.
Being yelled at by Antauri wasn't like being yelled at by any of the others. Mostly because Antauri never, ever actually yelled at anyone when they'd done something. He didn't even yell at Otto. And that was a little weird sometimes. Chiro yelled. Sprx yelled. Nova yelled. 'Course they yelled a lot of the time when they weren't angry, so maybe that didn't tell him anything. Gibson raised his voice sometimes, but he only yelled when there were projectile weapons involved. Otto was never really sure what the difference there was, but he was pretty sure there was one and that was enough for him. No, Gibson lectured when he got upset. The more he felt the more he talked--that was Gibson. Otto still hadn't figured out how to turn off his hearing during the lectures without missing any potentially important bits of information. He had a running bet with Sprx that it wasn't actually possible. Otto was pretty sure Antauri knew about that bet. Antauri knew a lot of stuff you'd rather he didn't. It wasn't bad, it was just...Antauri. Just the way he did things. Like how he yelled at people. Not yelling, yelling. Antauri yelling. Which, in Otto's experience, consisted of Otto fidgeting and hanging his head while Antauri stood perfectly still and quietly and calmly explained whatever he'd done wrong or done to make Antauri mad or scare him. And Otto had figured out that even the Antauri-yelling didn't mean you were in Really Big Trouble until Antauri started using the smallest words possible. 'Course no one was really mad at anyone but themselves right now, really. Everyone was just worried about everyone else and confused and worried about Chiro and nobody was actually talking at all. There had to be a way to fix that. Maybe Antauri would know.
So, there it is. And, on the off chance that anyone is checking this journal for my Bleach fic, I hope to have more of that soon. Can't be any more specific than "soon," because I've got work and parts of the next chapter need editing, but I'll do my best. And you can go
here for the main index of all my fics.