postage / postal charges

Jan 30, 2008 02:02

selling prices do not include postal charges.
for all sales , please refer to the following postal charges and postage methods.
these charges are nett and there would be no amendments unless otherwise stated.


Postal Charge

Arrival Time



3 Working Days

Other Parts of Asia

USD 3.00

10 Working Days

America / Europe and other Countries

USD 4.00

Postal Charges are standard, regardless of weight.

If the weight exceeds, I will pay any outstanding balance within USD 2 [S$3.00].

Any other amounts will be borne by the buyer.

All International orders are sent via AIR MAIL which include the Registered Mail Fee. 
Singapore orders are safe with SingPost.

*i will send out Registered International Orders weekly. this is to save time as i make simply too many trips to the Post Office once a week. You may choose not to register your mail, but at your own risk. The Registered Mail Fee will then be deducted accordingly*

sales: all, sales: postal charges

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