sales: JE handphone straps

Jan 18, 2008 04:23

Hi all, I’m here this time with Johnny’s Handphone Straps!!!

[Handphone Straps for anyone in Johnny’s. Photos can be NEWS, KAT-TUN or anyone from JE. If you want idols out of JE, you are welcome too.]

[sorry for the blurred photos. took them with my hp camera]

Please specify which handphone strap you want from the list.
[matsujun(= ]

If the handphone straps are not to your liking, no worries=)

You can also send me the photo(s) which you will like me to put in the handphone strap since I know that not everyone like the pictures I have to offer.

Or you can mix and match your photos with mine =)

No extra charges for using your own photos.

However, Photos should feature the faces [above the shoulder].

Please refrain from full body shots. I will help to reject if there are any.

The Handphone Straps come in 3 different colours: Blue, Pink and Yellow.

HP Strap Code

Handphone Strap

Singapore Dollars*

US Dollars*


1 same photo on 1 strap

S$ 3.00

USD 2.50


3 different photos on 1 strap

S$ 5.00

USD 3.50

*Postal charge not included.

*Please refer to my payment method and postage entries for more info on them.

*hint* it’s cheaper to buy more and send to a same address if your friends are interested. *hint*

If you are interested, please fill in the order from below and email me at the following: Please put HANDPHONE STRAPS under the subject or I will junk the mail.

If you want your own choice of photos, please attach them along with the Order Form.

Or simply just leave a comment! [And I will get back to you asap]

Order Form

HP Strap Code:

Strap Photos: [Strap Code] / I want my own photos!!

HP Strap Colour: Blue / Pink / Yellow





Mode of Payment: Concealed Cash / Bank Transfer / PayPal

sales: all, sales: je handphone straps, news

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