Title: Descent
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: R - NC17
Reference: Anime. A few things and people have been pulled from the manga here and there.
Type: Angst, Divergence (splits off from episode 32), Drama, Romance, Mystery, Political, Yaoi, Het, etc.
Pairings: Roy/Ed, Al/Winry, (other minor pairings both yaoi and het)
Warnings: Language,
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Comments 4
... will we have some Edward in the next update? *crosses fingers*
Yes, we will have much more Ed in the next chapter. <3
Wow, that's specially awful for a girl...poor Winry
You continue to make "Russell" wonderfully unsettling...but bad Envy, bad, he can't control or behave himselfXD. Even trustful Al is starting to suspect himXD...
Is real Russell even alive? I hope he is. I like him (I also think he'd get along famously with MustangXD)
You know, your Pinako is finally fleshed out (I kind of hoped she would, seeing how well you write adults) and she's awesome. She's stern but kind, and very wise amd accepting. You do know men have a lower pain tolerance than women, don't you? It's biologicalXD ( ... )
Pinako is such a great character. I love writing her. *laughs* and yeah I have heard that men really don't have as high of a tolerance for pain as women do.
*chuckles* well, we'll have to wait and see what Al's reaction to Ed being with Roy is. Okay, so *I* know, but it wouldn't be very nice of me to spoil it for you ^_~
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