
Jul 16, 2003 14:31

2009 Edit: I pretty much don't write in my LJ anymore. I use LJ mostly for browsing communities and keeping up with family and friends. Unless I already know you pretty well, you don't really need to add me, because I'm not going to add you back. No hard feelings, it's just true.

What follows is what used to be a "here's information about me so ( Read more... )

livejournal, welcome

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Comments 80

passer_hedera November 5 2003, 12:12:36 UTC
I am disturbingly fascinated by anyone who actively adds the title "of Doom" to various places and objects--perhaps it's my affinity for fellow geeks, or some odd side effect of too much role playing. Either way, I would be curious to read more of what you have to say.

That said, I understand the need to keep friend's lists carefully limited. I have temporarily added you as a friend, as most of my recent posting is locked to friends only, so that you are welcome to browse through my ramblings and decide if I am worth your time. I will not argue that they are terribly interesting, but they are there for good or ill.



zahgurim November 5 2003, 14:18:35 UTC
Where did you read that I write "...and Doom"?

A local Minnesotan, eh? I'm currently trying my damndest to get the hell out of here. Been here my whole life, and I'm getting rather sick of it (here, not my life, of course!).

I read some of your journal. You're welcome to read my journal as well. I will add you momentarily. Feel free to comment or question on anything that you see.

Nice to meet you. Have a great day!


passer_hedera November 5 2003, 14:22:29 UTC
You had one post unlocked that appeared on your journal--it was the one that included "...of Doom." Piqued my interest.

Only mildly local--I originally hail from the hell that is Eastern Washington, and I've found that I love the Twin Cities. I think it's just that instinct to escape your roots that makes a hometown intolerable after a certain point.

Thanks for allowing me in. :-) Nice to meet you as well. All the best.


zahgurim November 6 2003, 06:50:49 UTC
Ah, I see.

*switches that entry to friends-only*

Much better...

One of the places I'm looking to move is Washington. Seattle, though, as that's where the University is =)

For some of us, we have a strong desire to leave. But most people are content to stay where they always have, I've found. Obviously, I'm not one of those people ;)


venaja December 7 2003, 15:12:54 UTC
Hey there. I have seen you pop up in many of the Nordic and Scandinavian LJ communities. As an exchange student in Denmark who secretly wishes she were studying Norwegian instead, I'm always glad to meet other Norwegian enthusiasts. Jeg har troet, at der ikke var nogen som godt kunne lide norsk ligesom mig, men jeg ved nu, at det er forkert! Selvom jeg ikke kan skrive på norsk, jeg tror du kan forstå den alligevel.

(I did read your info and instructions to email about the friends list, but I hope leaving a comment is enough. *consummately lazy*)


zahgurim December 8 2003, 13:20:17 UTC
Dansk er jo lett å lese for en norskstudent som jeg! Men det ser litt rart ut, presis som dansk hører rart ut! ;) Men etter mange samtaler med dansklæreren (på universitetet mitt), det er litt vanskelig å forstå, men morsomt også.

Jeg studerte norsk og Skandinavistikk ved Universitetet i Minnesota. Jeg studerte nordisk kultur, nynorske forfattere, norrønt, vikingstids arkeologi, sagaer, eventyr og folkesagn, osv.

Jeg skriver ikke så mye om Norden eller Skandinavistikk lenger, men noen ganger skriver jeg litt om runar, norrønt og slike emner. Har glemte norrønt for det meste, dessverre. Men jeg skriver nesten aldri på norsk (tror at jeg skulle forandre det, kanskje) på journalen min.

Du har tillatelsen min til å lese journalen min, hvis du ønske. Ha det bra!


venaja December 8 2003, 13:35:49 UTC
Det er ikke så vigtig at du skriver om norsk eller Skandinavien. Jeg synes, at det er nok at du godt kan lide dem. Hvor længe har du studeret norsk? Jeg begyndte at gå til dansk for fem måneder siden, da jeg kom til Danmark. Selvom det er sjovt at lære dansk, vil jeg hellere lære norsk, men mit universitet har desværre ingen studieophold i Norge.

Jeg vil meget gerne læse din journal, hvis du giver mig tilladelse!


zahgurim December 8 2003, 13:53:46 UTC
Jeg har studert norsk i... fem år? Neinei! Tiden slipper borte, ikke sant? Men etter jeg ble ferdig med grunnfag, jeg sluttet norskstudiene mine for det meste. Nå bruker norsken min ikke så ofte, men jeg liker det iallfall.

Jeg trodde at jeg ville ha hovedfag i Skandinavistikk (fra UW-Seattle eller Berkeley), men nå biblioteks- og informasjonsvitenskap interesser meg mer.

Men eg skulle lær meire om den nynorske målformen og nynorske forfattarar, ikkje sant? Og andre kjekke fag som det ;)


gmoryx December 15 2003, 19:06:11 UTC
Hello, I found your journal because I was looking to join the LJ community LHP which you administer. I noticed that one of your interests is psychological anthropology, which is a topic I am thinking alot about these days. I live in Seattle, and have an undergraduate degree in anthropology (as well as biology). I am interested in most things setian, and have been picking on that reading list for a few years (especially, but not limited to, Webb and Flowers). Feel free to check out my journal to determine if you want to add me to the LHP community. I'd also be interested in reading your journal.



zahgurim December 16 2003, 06:55:52 UTC
Out of curiousity, are you currently a member of the Tos? Not that that has anything to do with your lefthandpath membership. If not, where did you get a copy of the reading list?

Not that it matters- the reading list is a fantastic thing for anyone to chip away at.

I have added you to the community. It didn't say that you were supposed to receive a confirmation e-mail, but it didn't add you to the list, either. If you experience any problems let me know.

I'll put you on the friends list.

As for psychological anthropology, I haven't done much work with that for years, but I still appreciate the synthesis of the two disciplines. More of my academic work has been in Scandinavian Studies than in Anthropology, but lately most of my academic interests lie in (beginning) Egyptology and Tolkien. But I still get around to the Scan. stuff now and again.

Nice to meet you. Welcome to the community and the friends list.


nipple_salad January 8 2004, 21:13:55 UTC
*knocks on your journal*

may I enter? I am very interested in esoteric matters, albeit I don't write about them often... my journal is for other things. Actually, we have a great deal of interests in common... Many more than what's in bold on your interest list. ;)

if your friends list is still overflowing, I have absolutely no problems with that, either.


zahgurim January 9 2004, 12:14:36 UTC
Hi! I believe we've bumped into one another before. Somewhere... Anyway, sure. I don't oft discuss esoterica on my journal. Sometimes, but not so often. I have other forums for that, and my magical journal is private. But... if you'd like to strike up a conversation about that, go right ahead!

Mostly I write about stuff that has no bearing on anything. Like video games. And what I did yesterday.

But sometimes I'm slightly more entertaining than that ;)

Anyway, welcome, and enjoy.


nipple_salad January 10 2004, 09:34:56 UTC
Yeah, when I think about it, we have.

thanks. :)


fringebenefits June 3 2004, 15:22:25 UTC
I am an LJ friend of "selfish" :)

thought I would come over and say hi.




zahgurim June 4 2004, 06:30:47 UTC
Hi! Welcome! (you've been added. Obviously.)

I like your journal. Very random, nifty, rambly... just like mine! LOL. Anyway, enjoy!


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