Brave Angel

Mar 13, 2010 20:25

Title: Brave Angel
Pairing: Ginny/Luna
Rating: G
Word Count: 473
Summary:  "It's as real as the way you make me feel."
Note: I'm lately obsessed with one of my mom's favorite bands, Blue Meridian, so I wrote this because of their song Brave Angel... and because of a picnic.

i know this is real )

pairing: ginny/luna, drabble, harry potter

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Comments 12

magicmumu March 14 2010, 04:50:00 UTC
Aw, I love this story so much!! I hope that I see a whole lot.



zagury March 14 2010, 15:44:23 UTC


zofbadfaith March 14 2010, 12:04:16 UTC
This is slightly... hm, relate-able, maybe? It reminded me of your email, you know. Mmmhm.

It's pretty, and I exceptionally like Luna, and the way you wrote her; I think it's kind of hard for people picturing her as insecure, of all things.



zagury March 14 2010, 15:46:31 UTC
Why isn't relate-able a word yet? We use it so often, you and I, ha. Funny, reminded you of my email--which one? Haha.

Luna's... weird, as everyone knows. But Luna's still a person and she's bound to be insecure at some point, right? I think Ginny would be something/someone she's insecure about.



zofbadfaith March 14 2010, 19:19:59 UTC
I actually think it is, but I'm no sure. And we do use it often hahah YOU KNOW, THE E-MAIL YOU WROTE ALMOST EVERYTHING IN CAPS LOCK BECAUSE IT WAS NECESSARY. hahahah

Mmhm, it's understandable. It's Luna ;)



prunesquallormd March 14 2010, 15:06:08 UTC
This is so lovely and so romantic. Just beautiful.

You know yours was the first Ginny/Luna that I ever read, and the way you write is still my favourite.

Coincidentally, I was thinking about you last night, just wondering how you were doing, so it was a nice surprise to see this here.
I'm very happy to see your current mood icon too :)


zagury March 14 2010, 15:49:17 UTC
I'm so glad you think so :)

That makes me feel all light inside, you know? That I write Ginny/Luna your favourite way. Goodness, it's just a wonderful attachment to my Sunday morning.

I should be emailing you back soon (although I should have done it quite some time ago) because there's definitely a reply to be written. :)


prunesquallormd March 14 2010, 19:54:18 UTC

It'll be lovely to hear from you, but take as long as you need. I know life can get a bit busy sometimes :D


craving_vintage March 15 2010, 02:35:28 UTC
I love this! :)


zagury March 18 2010, 01:46:58 UTC
I'm glad! :)


musicffyou March 16 2010, 00:49:48 UTC
beautiful. Ginny and Luna are so great together.


zagury March 18 2010, 01:47:18 UTC
I'm so glad you think so. Thanks!


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