So, yesterday I decided that since I have a working PC and a working laptop - not to mention mom has offered I can use hers if necessary because she physically can't be on it all day - I was going to do something I rarely do
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GUINEAS!!! I love Guineas :) I got two guinea pigs--one for each of my kids :) Tomorrow I think I'm having kittens....sort of literally rather than metaphorically :)
From tomorrow, I'll have 4 cats too! I didn't particularly want the daughter was around when two boys 'found' them under a bush. The kittens were taken to a local vet and my daughter went to them and asked if she could have the kittens! They said YES if one of her parents came with her to collect them!
She has been back twice so now I kind of feel obliged to collect them *sigh*
However, I bet that in a few weeks time I'll be regretting it one moment and absolutely in love with them the next! Overall, I doubt I'll regret it...though my other two cats might not be so happy!
'Mine' are Caramel and Cookie...the cats are Merlin (yes, named after the show because our Merlin also has big ears!) and Izzy (a 4 year-old rescue cat that came with a name)
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Oh, and btw I named the two guinea pigs Slytherin and Hufflepuff. :)
She has been back twice so now I kind of feel obliged to collect them *sigh*
However, I bet that in a few weeks time I'll be regretting it one moment and absolutely in love with them the next! Overall, I doubt I'll regret it...though my other two cats might not be so happy!
'Mine' are Caramel and Cookie...the cats are Merlin (yes, named after the show because our Merlin also has big ears!) and Izzy (a 4 year-old rescue cat that came with a name)
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