cold_poet is laughing at me right now, I know it. :D I'm always showing her my epic fail of grasping online stuff! (like how the hell you display a link to her journal here?!) What can I say - I spend more time in computer guts, invoicing and the inner workings of registry files than actually posting crap and social networking. (because reading
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The good news is that LJ accepts HTML when posting :) The specific things you mentioned, like linking to your friends journal would be like this:
{LJ user="your friends name"}
Obviously you need to use standard < > brackets, but that would give you
cold_poet, for instance
The other thing ("click to read on") is an LJ cut. A basic one is {lj-cut} - with < > brackets - which gives you the default "Read More" text, but if you want your own link text it's ( ... )
As for posting here, it's usually a mess. I'll post to my LJ then open up 2 tabs to the community I'm going to post to and get the posting right and then the links and finally the tabs. It took me a long while to figure out that's how it works best for me. And only then if I post to more than one community I go through the same thing with the 2 tabs, etc. It can get confusing.
I'm not even thinking about AO3. I've so many stories to post over there that I can't even imagine doing it.
The good thing is, I really don't have much to put on AO3 right now. So I consider it good timing! I honestly haven't written much, at all.
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