My mom occasionally drags me to the chinese herbalist for a checkup, and I usually come home with a bag of dried vegetation to boil down and drink. Nasty tasting, but what can you do
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Cicada exoskeletons! We used to play with them as kids during the summer (and try to creep out the more squeamish kids by sticking them on their clothes), but I can't imagine EATING them! Ew.
Yeah, cicadas shed them when they grow, so they're at least probably cruelty-free. I can't imagine what medical benefit they'd have, since they're pretty much just chitin, but IANAD. ^^;
Greater than the sum of its parts, is what I'm hoping for. :) He did manage to fix me up when my regular doctor couldn't, so I'm on board. Hopefully it won't get any weirder than cicada shells, though.
Comments 10
*cringes and flails and bleaches eyes*
I hate bugs Q_____Q
... Did you really have to drink that o_o???
I mean as long as it's herbs and stuff, I'll bite the bullet and down that shit too, but I draw the line at certain kinds of animals...
I will say this is the nastiest mix I've ever had though. Just smelling it makes me gag.
at least you have plenty of asian cred now?
No eating. Just drinking. Cicada shell essence. :3
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