S t a t s .
Name: Kenzie
Age: 18
Previously matched with: Yusuke, Keiko, The Empress, Hiei, some others...
Looking for men/women/all of the above? All of the above.
A b o u t Y o u .
Likes: Chocolate, strawberries, anime manga, Japan, mythology, animals, etc..
Dislikes: Prejudice of any kind, or injustice.
Strengths: Open minded, understanding, quiet.
Weaknesses: Misunderstood, eye-sight, hand-eye coordination, etc...
Element you relate most to: Spirit
Describe your personality in four words: Unique, misunderstood, complex, complicated.
Where do you see yourself in ten years? Japan, married, kids, a job.
What are your biggest fears? no more love!
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite animal: Panda
Favorite genre(s) of music: Any except country and/or rap.
Favorite thing to do in your spare time: read/write.
T h i s O r T h a t .
Mature or immature? Immature about being mature.
Leader or follower? Depends
Calm, passive, or hyper? Calm, hyper at times, mainly passive.
Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic
Impulsive or meticulous? A mix.
Outgoing or shy? Shy
Fate or free will? I chose my own fate.
Sloppy or neat? organized chaos.
L o v e .
What's most important to you in a partner? Love
What qualities do you find the most attractive? Intelligence, open mindedness, originality.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes
Are you romantic? Yes
When it comes to love, do you prefer to be worshiped by your partner or would you rather have a more independent relationship? A nice medium between the two.
V o t e s .
Please provide the links of three unstamped applications you've voted on. (These may be theme or regular.)
http://community.livejournal.com/yuyu_matchmaker/40240.html?view=306736#t306736http://community.livejournal.com/yuyu_matchmaker/41971.html#cutid1http://community.livejournal.com/yuyu_matchmaker/41243.htmlP i c t u r e s .