All the doujinshi that have been scanned so far can be found
here. More information on the last ones I did is viewable at
this post and
this post. And if you know
rehd_fawx, you should totally keep in mind that her birthday's in two days. The sneaky girl won't tell people about it properly, but it is. Love ya Fawx! Happy Birthday! I told you I had Nue.
The link to Shou-Chou has now been fixed, so if you didn't get a chance, you can download it now.
Individual doujinshi in this batch:
Shou-Chou (Karasu/Kurama), by X-Club.
Nue (Karasu/Kurama), by Yun Kouga & Call.
As with anything I scan, if you want to scanlate it, go ahead! Share this, upload it, send it to the furthest corners of the internet if you want. I want people to read these, and I don't much care for particulars like whether I'm credited or not.
X-posted to
yuyuhakusho ,
sekahyyh , and
karasuxkurama. Sorry if I just broke your flist.