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Comments 17

ceirwy April 16 2011, 21:12:03 UTC
Oh I love it when it all comes together. I'm... well sort of in awe and somewhat speechless.


yuukihikari April 18 2011, 01:53:41 UTC
The pieces are almost all together... just a little bit more to go *is excited to share it*

Thank you :D


Edit, edit, edit evil_little_dog April 17 2011, 00:39:18 UTC
"You know…" Ed began hesitantly, shifting a little to adjust Winry on his back, "when I was a kid staying with Shou Tucker," after the events in Rizembool ,but still before the silver watch was his; after he'd first met the sweetest little girl in braided pigtails with the biggest dog, but before her father ravaged the innocent child's life; when there was still fragments innocence left, "I drew that circle in the snow for Nina."

After Rizembool, the comma is a space away.

an alchemists tool to take matter - An alchemist's tool...


Re: Edit, edit, edit yuukihikari April 18 2011, 02:13:13 UTC
Fixed :D thank you!


Re: Edit, edit, edit evil_little_dog April 18 2011, 02:52:18 UTC
You're welcome. I couldn't resist editing. It's In. My. Blood.

...or something.


Re: Edit, edit, edit yuukihikari April 18 2011, 06:10:01 UTC
So when you get a paper cut from a book, what profound significance does that that have on the universe?



Now, for more thoughts evil_little_dog April 17 2011, 00:42:12 UTC
Ed, asking Winry if she does good work is stupid. However. It is appropriate for the time. I also love that Winry couldn't just disassemble the foot without bashing on it. Great job.

Al's thinky thoughts are still amazing. I'm in awe.

I'm also in terror. Ed and Winry are physically connected right now, and Al's alchemy on that circle might be really amazingly bad (I can only think that you like Ed and Winry and might not do something terrible to them that would have Al mentally damaged for the rest of his life).


Re: Now, for more thoughts yuukihikari April 18 2011, 02:21:40 UTC
Everyone's just a little too far out of sorts to function at their best, but they still get by.

I've always thought that Al has a really good head on his shoulders and because he's so soft spoken (compared to Ed) his thought process and deductive logic doesn't always get to shine because Ed is so much louder. When Al's left to his own devices he's just a wonderful shining star (and hard to write sometimes XD; wretchedly smart boy). Al gets the calm, cool and collective reasoning while Ed is a really smart firecracker (I hope that makes sense XD;)

It seems to me that I've treated my favourite characters the worst LOL. The next chapter will help people a lot methinks (I just finished with it and realized while I was out and about that I screwed something up! Now I have to go back and fix the big booboo, sigh).

(I swear I'll stop editing this at some point...)


evil_little_dog April 18 2011, 03:00:20 UTC
Now you won't be able to edit any more, because I've replied. MWAHAHAHAHA.

Yes, I agree - Al is the real in depth thinker of the brothers. Ed's the idea man, and quick on his feet. Al, on the other hand, seems to me to be far more introspective. I think it's far more noticeable in the manga version than the original anime, but YMMV. XD

I always treat my favorite characters worse than anyone. I think that's why I write fluffy things sometimes, so they don't hate me and keep talking to me. XD


I see in your comment to ishte that the next chapter has gone to the editor. *fist pump* Yesssssss!


yuukihikari April 18 2011, 06:17:18 UTC
Drat, my attempt at a fourth useless edit has been thwarted.

Yeah, Al's thoughts don't get to shine in the original anime like they could have (so I'll fix that 8D).

Yeah your characters are going to hate you for that cross-cannon-nuttery you've been working on XD; that's just sad stuff all around. Fluff & pr0n are peace offerings.

STILL FIXING THE BOOBOO ACTUALLY *fail fail fail* tomorrow the proper version will go out.


ishte April 17 2011, 06:11:43 UTC
Ah! Here it is. ^_^ Poor Ed... but then again, Winry has always gotten mad whenever his automail has gotten broken, now she's seen first hand the kind of crap that happens to him. I already commented at length on FFN because I hadn't found it here yet. So I won't repeat it here. ^_^ Just write the rest for me, okay? hahaha. right away.


yuukihikari April 18 2011, 02:27:14 UTC
(LOL my inbox :D I'll be giving you back a bunch of replies shortly XD)

LOL yup, now she's gotten to see first hand the kind of shit Ed has to put up with, and probably has a lot more sympathy for him XD;

I'm working on it! Juuuust about done, then off to beta!

(that was so the wrong icon... *changes*)


ishte April 18 2011, 06:17:08 UTC
Freaking YAY! WOOOT!


(The comment has been removed)

yuukihikari April 18 2011, 02:29:37 UTC
Thank you :D glad you liked it! I enjoyed writing this chapter a lot *grin*. I hope the next chapter helps settle things down for people *has been having fun with the big arc*


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