Title: Remedy Group/Pairing: Hey! Say! JUMP - Takaki Yuya/ Nakajima Yuto Rating: NC-17 Note: for emiichan - not the takajima i was telling you about but another one just for you! Enjoy! ( Remedy )
I agree - not enough takajima! D: Thank you ^^ I think at one point or another I thought about turning it into a full-fledged fic but that never happened.
Comments 6
Yabu Kota/Inoo Kei
“I’m done,” Kei whispered in his ear, as he kicked off his heels and pushed Kota back onto his bed, “No more dirty, filthy, perverts. I’m done.”
haha only yabu is for you right!?
If you had a sweet and caring person like kota in your life wouldn't you want to dedicate yourself to him?
Thanks for reading ^_^
hot takajima =p~
thanks for this!
Seriously, there is not enough Takajima in the world...
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