New Years Resolutions 2013

Dec 31, 2012 13:08

Resolutions for 2013 already... a lot of these are ones that I didn't finish last year. Others are the same ones that I do every year. Some of it is fandom-related. Other parts aren't.

I hope to get part of this "To-do list for the year" cleared up, at least.

The Big Things:

Get driver's license
Save up $1000 by the end of the year [0/1000]
Solidify plans for Amsterdam trip in 2014 (decide what time to go, where to stay, what to do)


Finish embroidery project
Learn to crochet
Finish that scarf
Finish the Egyptian mittens
Complete one pair of socks
Use up all balls of yarn in stash
Knit (or crochet) at least 4 bandages for the Dove project [1/4]
Translate at least one of the Norwegian knitting patterns in my book, and knit it

Culture, Entertainment, Education:

Watch 50 films [18/50] (List is here)
10 of those films must be foreign [5/10]
Read 50 books [24/50] (List is here)
10 of those books must be nonfiction [4/10]
Watch these series: Tintin, No.06, Star Trek: TNG (season 1), Random Passage, Lilyhammer, The Hollow Crown, Sherlock [1/7]
Make a conscious effort to get better at reading/understanding Norwegian


Clean out all the drawers in my room
Clean out that closet
Use things up before getting new ones
Cut down on consumerism/material possessions


Read through all backlog of "unread" fic on Delicious
Save copies of favourite fanfics on computer *Done as of January 06
Organize favourite fics on computer and format for printing
Continue making favourite-fics binder
Crosspost old fic to a DW account for archive purposes Done
Write (and post) 100 pages of fic [0/100]
Update Baltdex at least once per week [4/52]
Update Nordex at least once per week [4/52]
Finish adding date tags to Nordex
Finish adding date tags to Baltdex
Organize a Nordic kink meme fill-fest OR hold a second Nordipalooza


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