Sitting on a hill and counting raindrops

Jun 18, 2011 14:04

Rain. Finally, rain! The sky dumped a load of it on us overnight, and it won't stop coming. Even though it means I can't go out, I'm so happy. We needed it badly, and hopefully the fires in this area will be more manageable now ( Read more... )

indexing, thoughts, tl;dr, weather, reading

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Comments 6

folikon June 18 2011, 20:53:26 UTC
I always feel weird commenting on something that's more than a few months old - howeeever, I think writers still appreciate all comments (if they see it). Better late than never?

And I've had that "Wait, you've never read this!?" experience so many times before.
Germany's got a lot of classics and important pieces itself, and I don't even know the majority of that, so it's kind of ... impossible for me to know all English classics. There are just so many important books and movies and everything.

Also, I've only read an abridged version of 1984 but it's really good. Have fun <3


yuuago June 19 2011, 15:34:17 UTC
Hmm. You're probably right. I mean, I appreciate late comments, so why wouldn't anyone else, really.
Even if I feel weird giving them late. Especially very late. :Va [/will try to get up the nerve to do so]

and I'll never be able to read all of it.
This is my woe.

(Also, I'm really enjoying it so far <3 But we will see!)


const_victoria June 19 2011, 08:44:34 UTC
Post-rain walks are the best! :D

Hey, I wildly encourage late reviews here! Mostly as a biased attention-whoring party, but still. If anything, for author it would be a nice surprise and a blast from the past that might compel them to re-read their older stuff. Which is always fun.
As for short attention span when it comes to fanfiction - I feel you so, so much.

...You have a twitter too. This site is one big mystery to me.

Eh, letting cultural references fly over my head = story of my life. Sadly, it's true both for the Western pop-culture and the Japanese culture in general. A Japanese-studying friend of mine is kind enough to add comments explaining all those allusions when she translates something, and it's only because of that that I even know how much I'm missing. -_- As for the Western stuff, I one of those people who can hardly tell the difference between Star Trek and Star Wars, nuff said. Why so vast, culture.


yuuago June 19 2011, 15:28:38 UTC
They are! <3

Anyway. Ahhh, since people are saying to just review, I suppose I will (though it seems the author doesn't use their journal any more, hmm). Especially since it really was quite enjoyable, ah. :Va
I'm glad I'm not the only one with a short attention span when it comes to fic, though. It's like... I have stuff going back all the way to 2009 that I've been meaning to read, but haven't. And some of it is stuff that some people (at least people within my social circle) consider "must-reads", pfft. Oh, me.

Ah, yes - I do have a twitter. Mostly I use it like a combination of braindump and chat client, so it's kind of spammy. Somewhere along the line I stopped using IM to talk to people and began using twitter instead. I'm not sure how one is supposed to use it, but whatever. :Va ( ... )


mimes June 21 2011, 05:43:48 UTC
wait you guys only JUST got rain? haha I'm sorry that's just hilarious to me seeing how it's been honest-to-god raining non-stop for like a month now. it's driving everyone crazy. rain + crazy = calgary is now vancouver 2.0??

ohoho what do you think of 1984 so far? i read that for kicks back in grade 11 back when... back when i read books ;_;

things like that are part of the reason why I always tend to go for ~classics~ when choosing books to read. They're referenced everywhere. I could say also it's because people will have expected you to read it but that really, really depends on the kind of folks you're talking to.
also I figure that if the book is so goddamn famous it probably means it's a good read haha


yuuago June 21 2011, 19:43:59 UTC
Yeah, we only JUST got rain. It's ridiculous. :'| SEND SOME OF YOUR RAIN UP HERE, PLEASE. We need it really, really badly. Between the dryness and the forest fires, I'm like, ughhhh.

So far, 1984's pretty good. I'm only about 1/3rd of the way in, but I'm enjoying it - though I expect that it'll take a turn for the depressing soon enough.

Man, one thing I really enjoy about no longer being in school is that I have both the time and the brainpower to read. It's so wonderful.

And YES. If a book is so influential, in many cases, it's because there's something good about it. Though sometimes it just plain isn't to my taste. And sometimes other people think there... isn't so much anything good about it. I hear people slamming Dickens all the time, for example. (Makes me sad, 'cause I like Dickens, at least to a degree. I mean, at times his stuff is a bit... overwrought, but I find it entertaining.)


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