So. Now, 2011's resolutions, though this is more like a "To-Do list" for the year than usual resolutions. I like making plans for solidly-definable goals, because they're easier to achieve than just saying "I will try to be a better person".
Many of these, though not all, were on my 2010 list, and were transferred over because I didn't achieve those goals. Others were transferred over because I want to do the same thing as last year.
Week: 47/52
The Big Things:
Get driver's license
Get passport
Save up $1000 by the end of the year [1000/1000]
Do some travelling
Finish embroidery project
Learn to crochet
Learn to knit mittens
Learn to do colourwork
Knit (or crochet) at least 4 bandages for the Dove Project [1/4]
Write (and finish) something from original fiction project
Culture, Entertainment, Education:
Watch 50 films [53/50] (List of what I've watched is
10 of those films must be foreign [13/10]
Read 50 books [46/50] (List of what I've read is
10 of those books must be nonfiction [8/10]
Finish watching Utena, Cowboy Bebop, Sayounara Zetsubou Sensei, Tintin, Eerie Indiana, Ghostwriter [3/6]
Re-read currently-owned volumes of FAKE and Age of Bronze [0/2]
Study, in some form, at least once per week [40/52]
Watch the Blue Planet/Planet Earth series
Completely clean out room
Mend pockets on overcoat
Completely use up crafting materials before buying more
Gradually reduce consumption of material items
Read through all backlog of "unread" fic on Delicious
Continue making favourite-fics binder
Update Baltdex at least once per week [47/52]
Update Nordex at least once per week [46/52]
Write 100 pages of fic [0/100]
50 pages of fanfiction must be about Estonia [0/50]
Edit "Small Hours" / "Starry Night"
Finish editing all backlogged fic
Crosspost decent fic over to FF.N