That Eurovision

May 29, 2010 16:29

.... Well at least the winner wasn't a song I hated. But still.

I am slightly disappointed and not entirely sober. And now my head hurts, sob.

And now to figure out what to do with the rest of my Saturday.

Where the hell did my Saturday go?

Scratch that, where did my entire week go ( Read more... )

eurovision, flailing, spam

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Comments 19

noonish May 29 2010, 23:38:12 UTC
idk where my week went either, man
it's trippy


yuuago May 29 2010, 23:39:45 UTC
I don't get it, man. It's just crazy. Crazy fast week, what the hell...
[/sleeps on you]


nintendali May 29 2010, 23:59:05 UTC
Man, I haven't quite sobered up yet, either. Got a headache, too. I think I may have to go take a nap. But not before reading the 'When the Sixth Day Comes' update.


yuuago May 30 2010, 00:00:11 UTC
Oh yeah, that sounds like a great ide--


it updated? [/Checks]

OMG. Thanks for letting me know, else I wouldn't have realized. I love you, Ninnnnnn!


nintendali May 30 2010, 00:07:52 UTC
Hee-hee. Thought you may need a heads up. I'm going to read it as soon as I get off msn with my friend. (Trying so hard not to let anticipation make me rude.) Then I am seriously putting my head to a pillow. I don't care if it's only 8. Hurts so bad


yuuago May 30 2010, 00:08:46 UTC
Haa, yeah. I do check every day, but still. (Started reading... pretty good so far)

You do sound like you need rest. It'll do you good! <3


noyadespate May 30 2010, 03:51:10 UTC
there weren't any songs i particularly liked, this time round. But it was interesting to watch.

Ahh, i wish my week had gone by fast like that.


yuuago May 30 2010, 04:54:01 UTC
Yeah, this year was... I don't even know, such a mixed bag. Maybe next will be better.

Hmm, mine went by too fast... too bad we couldn't trade! If mine was slower, maybe I'd actually get some things done.


noyadespate May 30 2010, 05:58:11 UTC
Even just after Finland and Estonia were dropped, i lost half my interest in it that i had to start. Way too many ballads as well, and songs that were just straight-up annoying.

Ahh, I've been sick all week and doing schoolwork, so it's crawled along. I don't think you'd want it!


yuuago May 30 2010, 05:59:42 UTC
Yeah, exactly! After that, well, I wasn't quite so enthusiastic. #balladvision etc, sigh.

Ohhh I see. Yeah, you're right, wouldn't want that. ;p Mm, are you feeling any better now, though?


mimes May 30 2010, 05:24:39 UTC
it snowed this week (on...thursday and today. I swear before that it was hot!). it wasn't a miracle it didn't snow yesterday for my silly grad thing
at least things are gonna be nice and green!

I MISSED LIKE ALL OF EUROVISION I heard all the songs but couldn't watch any of it ;_; ;_; ;_; but my enthusiasm for it sorta died when a lot of my favourites weren't getting through


yuuago May 30 2010, 05:26:25 UTC
I think it was supposed to snow last night but if it did it melted before I woke up. Urghhhh.
The grass will be green, but basements will be flooded, sure enough.

MAN. THAT SUCKS. But then again... ehhhh. This one was just ehhh. And not gonna' lie, after Finland and Estonia got bumped out I kept feeling like "well, whatever".


mimes May 30 2010, 05:39:59 UTC
the snow feels even worse cause for the last week & more I've been enjoying pretty warm weather, which tends to ruin one's cold weather tolerance.

I didn't exactly expect them to do incredibly well (cause, I mean, I know folk + accordian = almost 300 listens on my itunes, but maybe not on other people's...) but still :'( especially when you looked at who actually managed to get through coughballadscough not that ballads are bad but it's not really what I look for in eurovision


yuuago May 30 2010, 05:46:56 UTC
It just sucks because hurrr it's almost June. Wtf is going on.

Yeah, I guess you're right. (Seems you and me, we both have a thing for folk. And accordions) stilllll.
Too many ballads on the dance floor. :| Some of them were nice but geeze...


chikotori May 30 2010, 09:10:59 UTC
My favourite part was when Estonia announced their votes :DDDD

I started watching late so I missed about half the songs but I voted for Romania anyway because I thought they were pretty rad. I was happy that UK gave Romania 8 points! Last year I voted for Finland and I don't think they got even a single point from UK...


yuuago May 30 2010, 19:02:18 UTC

Romania was good, I'll grant. At least they ended up kind of high up, unlike some. Sobbbb


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