K-ON! - Tainaka Ritsu/Akiyama Mio; Untitled

Jun 30, 2010 03:37

Title: Untitled (any suggestions would be great)
Author/Artist: carnimirie // Rowan
Fandom: K-ON!
Pairing: Tainaka Ritsu/Akiyama Mio
Rating: PG
Warnings: Other than the fact that it's been ages since my last fanfiction: none.
Request/Prompt: First date where much fun was had
Word Count: 2069
Summary/Notes: This is unbeta'd. Also, it's been a long time since I've written a proper fanfiction, so all the critique I can get would be great. Either way, I hope the story is enjoyable, and I thank you in advance for taking the time to read it!

From the beginning, Mio was determined not to go. On her way to homeroom, all through lunch, and all the way up to the music room after school, she was firm in her own decision. She was so set on this because she knew - absolutely knew for a fact- that they would think differently.

And so it was with trepidation that Mio pulled the note she found that morning in her foot locker out of her bag for the light music club to see. "It's nothing, really," she said before anyone else spoke, trying to sound nonchalant. "I've already decided to reject it-"

"EEEH?" Yui exclaimed, tilting her face up to look at the other girl. "But Mio-chan, you have to go!"

"Yes! You must!" Mugi chimed in, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

"The first one of us to receive a love confession..." Yui swooned back in her seat, clasping her hands to her chest. "How romantic..."

Ritsu leaned in between Mugi and Yui and snatched the letter from the table. "Hmm, I always knew our Mio was popular here at school, but it looks like she's got some outside attention as well." She studied the note and then turned her piercing gaze up to her friend. "Hehe, I knew you had it in you," and she winked.

Mio sighed and shook her head, turning to her last line of defense against the encouragement of her peers. But Azusa seemed to be struck speechless, gazing up at Mio with awe and admiration. Mio frowned and let out another sigh.

"A-as... unusual as this all is, I've already made up my mind not to go. I mean, he could be anyone..." she trailed off as that thought took her imagination to unpleasant places. She shuddered. "He could be real bad news! It's not exactly like he signed his name or anything."

"Ritsu-senpai, what does it say, exactly?" Azusa asked.

Ritsu cleared her throat and began reading the note aloud in a faux-male voice. "Ahem. 'My dearest Mi-chan, your hair is like a raven's wing, your eyes are bright as stars, oh how I yearn for you my beauty-' "

"E-e-enough!!" Mio cried, rushing around the desks and snatching the note from Ritsu. "Don't read it out loud!" Her face was burning a bright crimson, but the others didn't seem to notice, too caught up in the flowery language (and daydreams of their own love confessions) to tease her. Only Ritsu wasn't phased, as she shot Mio a cheeky grin.

Mio returned to her part of the table and shoved the letter back into her bag. "I'm going to say no, and that's it. I don't want to hear anything more about it, okay?"

But of course that wasn't the last she heard of it, and by the time the week came to a close, Mio was about ready to accept just to get people to stop pestering her about it. Nodoka and Sawako-sensei she could understand, but how the heck had her "fan club" heard about the note?! First years coming up to her in the hallway and encouraging Mio in her "adventure through love" and other ridiculous things was just too much.

When Mio entered the music room that Saturday afternoon, it was a much needed relief. Sinking into her seat, Mugi poured her a cup of tea and set a plate before her. Yui was already enjoying her piece of cake, and once Mio had been served, Mugi sat down to join them. The girls ate in comfortable silence and for once Mio didn't mind that they took too long with teatime. Everything was normal for those few moments - well, almost everything.

"Mm? Where's Ritsu?"

Yui shrugged and Mugi shook her head. "She came in at first, but said she had some things to take care of today and left early," Mugi explained.

"She didn't even eat her cake!" Yui added brightly, even as she slid the abandoned plate towards her.

"Oh," Mio replied. "I wonder what sort of things she could be up to?" At that, the other girls seemed to exchange a look and Mio wondered to herself what that was about.

"So... tomorrow's Sunday."

Mio turned to Azusa, blinking. "Yes, I suppose so."

The younger girl blushed and turned her eyes away. "A-ah, um, does anyone have plans for their day off?"

Yui got the familiar contented-cat look on her face she always had when thinking about lazing around the house. "Ui's baking tomorrow~" she offered as explanation.

Neither of the other girls had plans, and so their gazes all turned expectantly to Mio. Conscious of their eyes on her, Mio immediately began to blush. "Wh-what?"

"Do you have any plans tomorrow, Mio-chan?" Yui asked meaningfully. Mio rapidly shook her head. "Because, y'know... you could, if you wanted to."

"I-it's just one date!" Mugi earnestly added.

"Mio-senpai, aren't you even curious?" Azusa asked.

And Mio finally gave in. "F-fine! Yes, I'm curious, and nervous, and scared, and embarrassed, and I don't know how to talk to g-guys, and what if he doesn't like me after all?!"

The others smiled and Yui placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We'll go with you!"


She nodded. "For moral support! Won't that be better?"

Mio thought about it and nodded. "You would really do that?" They nodded, and their smiles were warm. Mio started to tear up, but returned their smiles nonetheless. "You guys are the best..."

The following afternoon, Mio arrived at the mall a quarter of an hour early and was surprised when she found someone had beaten her. Ritsu waved her over to the table where she sat. Somewhat bewildered, Mio joined her friend.

"Aaah, Mio, it looks like it'll just be you and me today," she said as Mio sat down across from her. "I got a call from Yui earlier; sounds like her parents are in town for a change."

"...oh," Mio nodded. "And Mugi and Azusa?"

Ritsu shrugged. "Something came up for Mugi, she didn't really specify. Azusa said she's got a lot of school work, something about getting together with some classmates for a study group."

"So it's just us then."

"Yup~!" Ritsu grinned and leaned back in her seat. "So, you wanna get something while we wait? Y'know, you got here pretty early."

Mio blushed. "Look who's talking!"

Laughing, Ritsu leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table. "Well I figured you'd be pretty nervous, and if no one was here to greet you, you'd probably panic and think we weren't coming," she explained. "So, you want anything? I skipped lunch, so I'm starved." She got up from the table but stood beside it as Mio decided on what to get.

"Um, just a soda is fine." She started to get up but Ritsu waved her back.

"It's on me this time, 'kay?" Before Mio could argue, the other girl had gone up to the counter to place her order. While she waited, Mio pulled the letter out of her jacket pocket. She unfolded it and read it for what had to be the fiftieth time that week. The confession was entirely too cheesy for Mio's taste; it was even more embarrassing than a number of the lyrics she had written, and that was saying something. Still, that someone had written this to her was flattering, and she couldn't help but feel a nervous excitement to meet said person. Of course there were butterflies fluttering inside, but she had a friend here, and that helped stave off the usual floating numbness that came with Mio's typical reaction to too much embarrassment. She just hoped it would last when the guy actually showed up.

"Oi, Mio, your soda," Ritsu said, breaking her out of her thoughts. Sliding into her seat, she passed her a cup. Mio sipped half-halfheartedly at the drink as Ritsu ate her meal.

"So, when's he supposed to show up?" Ritsu asked between fries. Mio jumped, her nerves on edge.

"U-um..." Mio consulted the letter and then her cell, and felt her face grow hot. "Oh. Soon."

"Mm? You're not nervous, are you~?" Ritsu teased. Mio vigorously nodded, then jumped when she heard the door open behind her. Ritsu started to snicker, then shot her hand into the air, waving at the person by the door. "Heeey!" she called. "Are you Mio's secret admirer?"

Mio's eyes grew wide and she bowed her head between her hunched-up shoulders. People were looking in their direction and she just couldn't look. "Ritsu!" she hissed under her breath, but her friend didn't pay attention to her.

Then, suddenly, her arm dropped to her side. "Oh, guess that wasn't him." Mio glared up at her and the apologetic expression on her face turned sheepish. "Uh, sorry 'bout that."

Mio clenched her first but resisted hitting her friend - barely. Instead she turned her eyes to the table surface, studying it intently. "...he knew which locker is mine," she muttered. Ritsu leaned forward, craning her head toward Mio. "Doesn't that make him a stalker?"

Ritsu sat back and blinked, then let out a wary chuckle. "Maa, I'm sure that's not it. He...probably just asked someone. Y'know?"

"Yeah, but..." Mio glanced out of the corner of her eye, keeping a lookout for the boy in question.


"I don't know any guys. How could any like me well enough to, y'know, like me?" Mio whispered back.

Shrugging, Ritsu plucked up a fry and nibbled on its end. "Did you ever think maybe it's someone from our school?" she mused.

Mio looked up, puzzled. "But it says-"

"Yah, I know, it says 'your male secret admirer'. Maybe they just did that to throw you off."

"Th-then how the heck am I supposed to meet them?!"

Ritsu stuffed the rest of the fry into her mouth. Swallowing, she gave a throaty laugh. "Hey, it was just a thought. Oooh~ though maybe..."

Mio frowned. "'Maybe' what?"

"Kehe, maybe it's one of our teachers!"

"Wh-wh-whaaaat?" she sputtered, scandalized. "Ritsu, stop talking nonsense!"

But she just laughed. "Hey, you never know, right?"

"Well," Mio soberly replied, "we should know soon enough."

But fifteen minutes went by and no one joined them: no fellow student, no sketchy teacher, no random stranger. Mio was starting to get antsy as the butterflies sent up a frenzied flutter in her middle. Was this really such a good idea after all? she began to wonder.

After half an hour went by and still it remained just her and Ritsu, Mio found herself fairly certain that this was a bad bad idea. But Ritsu asked her to stay and distracted her with cheap food tricks until she knocked over Mio's half-full soda cup and spilled it all over herself. Mio couldn't help but laugh even while rolling her eyes at her friend's immaturity, and ended up letting another twenty minutes go by before she thought about giving up and leaving.

When an hour had passed and it became apparent that no one was coming (at least nowhere near on time), Mio sighed with relief and stretched in her seat. "Okay, Ritsu, I'm calling it a day. No one came and frankly this is all starting to seem like a stupid idea, meeting some guy I don't know. I'm...going to go home. Sorry you wasted your afternoon for nothing..."

Ritsu jumped up from her seat before Mio had even got up. "Well, if you really think so, Mio. How about I walk you home?"

"H-huh?" Mio blinked, then got up. "Uh, sure, if you want."

The walk home was quiet but comfortable. Mio hummed a song under her breath, feeling easier than she had all week. Ritsu seemed to be tapping out a rhythm on the sides of her legs as she walked, and absently watching her shoes.

They reached the corner where they split to go their separate ways. Ritsu stopped abruptly and turned to face Mio. Confused, she stopped and looked back.

"So...we should do this again sometime," she said. "How's next Sunday for you?"

Mio just blinked. "Huh?"

Ritsu tried to smile as carefree as she normally would, but the corners of her mouth didn't go up all the way. Mio didn't know what to make of that expression, her friend looking unnaturally self-conscious.

"You really are cute, Mio," she said, then leaned close and-

-kissed her cheek.

Mio jumped back. "Huuuh?!"

"It's me!"

And suddenly it dawned on Mio.

"Ritsu, you...?"

Her fist came flying out of nowhere and whacked her on the head.

"You idiot!" she said, then ran down the street. Halfway down the road, she turned back. "And Ritsu?"

Nursing the new bump on her head, Ritsu nevertheless shouted back, "Eh? What?"

"S-Sunday's open, okay!" Even from far away Mio's blush could be seen. "Idiot!!" And she ran all the way home, a silly grin on her face.

round 07: may 2010 [firsts], medium: fiction, creator: carnimirie, fandom: k-on!

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