Title: That One can Smile and Smile
harukamiFandom: Shoujo Kakumei Utena
Pairing: Utena/Anthy
Rating: PG-13
Request: Revolutionary Girl Utena - Utena/Anthy - lie - "The notion of some infinitely gentle/Infinitely suffering thing"
Summary: Sometimes she has sea dreams while still land-locked.
That One can Smile and Smile )
Comments 8
"I don't know. I dreamed of the sea."
"The sea?"
"I think it was freedom."
Anthy looks at her with eyes like sand-worn green glass and asks politely, "Do you feel trapped?"
"Huh? No." Utena is forced to look down into her own cup; the liquid catches the light without obscuring the decal at the bottom. She sips. "No, everything's fine."
Nicely done. :D
Anyway -- this was one of my prompts, and it is simply FANTASTIC. Disjointed and haunting in a way that perfectly matches the tone of the series. I love the dream motif. Love it love it love it. And the scent of salt water. It fills her lungs like sails is such a vivid and descriptive line. It's sticking with me. Also sticking with me is the phone conversation Anthy has with Akio. It's so understated and perfect. :D
The whole piece is taut and restrained and gorgeous. MAJOR kudos for you, and I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you this.
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