Title: Furuse e Kaeru
Circle/Artist: Mako Futoshi (Hinata)/Kurosusutou
Pairings: Aizen/Gin/Kira + Aizen/Gin
Rating/Genre: R18
Pages: 30
Language: Japanese RAW
Description: Gin talks Kira into a three-way with Aizen. First, Aizen and Gin focus on Kira but by the end of it, Aizen and Gin are with each-other, putting on a display, and Kira is forced to watch from the corner while jerking off.
It's pretty apparent that they're just playing with Kira and have been the whole time. There's also a moment that seems very important when Gin takes of his Captains "jacket" (I'm sure there's an official name for it) and Aizen keeps his on.
The last 9 pages is a story about Aizen and Gin when they were younger, before Gin became a Captain.
Note: Almost half of this doujinshi is actually a novel but I didn't scan the novel part so, while its official page-count (and its page-count in my collection post) is actually 56, I'm only posting 30 pages.
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