Bad Blood MV, Arsyn/Catastrophe - Teddy

Jun 04, 2015 09:14

TITLE: Teddy
PROMPTS: #461 - squirm
FANDOM: Bad Blood
PAIRING: Catastrophe/Arsyn

Catastrophe couldn’t wait to meet her new roommate. She did her best to live well with Cut Throat, but they never actually managed to understand each other. So she hoped that the new girl will be more open and friendly.
If the first impression might decide of anything, then Catastrophe might use her nickname to describe it. Short, dark haired girl entered the room and without even saying „hi“ tossed her bag on the bed.
„Hi, I’m Catastrophe and...“, Catastrophe decided to break the ice.
„Arsyn“, was everything new girl said.
Catastrophe would never guess that she’ll miss Cut Throat. No matter how many times Catastrophe tried to make contact with Arsyn, it was like talking to the wall. No answer, no reaction. Catastrophe decided that tomorrow she’ll go to Headmistress and beg for a new room, even if it means sleeping in the hanging broom closet.
Everything changed when they finally went sleeping. Strange noises woke Catastrophe up. She saw Arsyn on her bed, squirming, turning and saying „Mommy, help me!“, „No, please!Don’t take my mommy away!“. Suddenly, she understood. She took her teddy bear and put it gently into the hands of that poor girl. Arsyn instantly hugged plushy bear and after minute or two everything went silent again.
At the next morning, first thing that Catastrophe saw was a cheerful smile of the girl sitting on the bed next to her.
„Hi, I’m Arsyn, happy to see you“, she said.

bad blood (music video), english, bad, femslash100

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